Winning a pink rilakkuma in Shibuya ‘Adores’- Nov 2010 Google maps link: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=shibuya,+tokyo&aq=&sll…
ゲットした妖怪メダル開封動画はこちら!▻ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPAGrnuRbvs&list=UUNUmj_IheYE7bC3vdetqe2w&index=2 UFOキャッチャー妖怪ウォッチ妖怪メダル…
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Oh, You got a point. xD
I like rilakummas
@MakaraDC5 Yea, I won a pair of it. The video is in my channel now. And are
you staying in Japan? cuz I used a new «technique» to win the capybara-san,
so if you live there, you can go and catch it using the technique! anyway
good catch! =)
@Princeimm cool, I hope you won — that one looked pretty difficult, but we
did see a couple win one right after us!
It’s about 9 inches tall
Yes you’re right! But I think rilakkuma is more famous so I used that in
the title.
Cool! But That is Korilakkuma not Rilakkuma but this is cool!! o;
it’s so cute! how big is it? 15 or 20 inch?
It would be cuter if the korilakumma held an apple
Omg omg where do you live!! There so cute! ^.^
Can I have on of those bears
Hey! I played on this exact same machine, but only on the left side!!!
(where the capybara-san is) haha =)
*UFOキャッチャー妖怪メダル2はこちら!►* UFOキャッチャー 妖怪ウォッチ妖怪メダルGET!そして奇跡!?CRANE GAME UFO
*ゲットした妖怪メダル開封動画はこちら!►* 激レア妖怪メダルを狙え!妖怪ウォッチ
妖怪メダル第2章と第3章を大量開封!全29枚+レジェンド妖怪しゅらコマJapan popular toy Ghost watch
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