お待たせしました! あの新料金『UFO』篇のWeb限定フルバージョンです! すみれさんと高橋ユウさんの可愛いダンスをたっぷりご覧ください。 また、既にお気付きの音楽ファンの方々もいらっしゃるかと思いますが、 この音楽のアレンジ、さらにすべての演奏をあのKenKenさんに協力いただいてます-。 KenKenさんのス…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Here is the enhanced Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zqh61WsuRKU And the Zoomed Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS3p8f5XLOk And Another: ht…
This may just be, the Biggest Video I Have Ever Done!
Here is the Link to the Zoomed In Version!
UFO Shoots Down Russian Rocket! Zoomed
Here is the enhanced version! Thanks D.Steele!
In other news,, A huge fireball or «piece of space junk» with a bright
blue and orange tail hits Australia causing a bright, noiseless explosion.
Nothing has been found as of yet! Connect the dots there is something
going on up there, but what?
UFO sightings have been sky high the past few year and now they flood the
skies with drones to downsize any creditable evidence that gets posted. Why
try to deceive the public when most of us know that these objects have been
reported for thousands of years. Thanks for reporting Dahboo, I seen the
video on RT and I knew you’ve seen it by now….
UFO Shoots Down Russian Rocket! Zoomed
It’s congratulate you but I’m too stunned at how quick this cold war is
turning hot. And NOBODY I mean Fucking Not a single person on the planet
wins World War III.
I don’t really see it, I mean I see what happens, but who’s to say that is
a UFO or some sort of craft? We all know the United States and Russia are
butting heads right now. What if that was some sort of missile or other
projectile weapon, fired as an attempt to shoot down the rocket and
sabotage Russia’s communications programs? I think its good to keep an
open mind about this stuff and not jump to conclussions about it being a
traditional UFO. Besides we all know missiles nowadays are fast as hell
and incredibly accurate, and we don’t really see it leave the other side of
the rocket after impact, and we don’t see the hallmark pinpoint directional
changes of traditional UFOs.
Fallen Angels work with USA!
Hey DAHBOO,just wanted to ask if you can upload this to my channel?
Great job on this video and your channel in general
Get back to me man and let me know if i can use it!
I have said it before and I will say it again: we will never have a nuclear
war or any kind of war where there will be mass genocide executed by the
Government or Elites.
The ETs will *SHUT DOWN* any nuclear, plasma, atomic or fusion technology
designed to wipe out large amounts of people or destabilize the planet.
Like this if your Regular Sub youtube channels are showing you unsubscribed
yet you personnelly haven’t ,Thanks
I really must be blind because I see no UFO
ever heard of a meteor?
«UFO» does not stand for «It Was Aliens» it stands for unidentified flying
i didnt see anything? is there a way to brighten things up?
Galactic Federation , and or Ashtar command knocks out propulsion systems
of Russian missile launched for practice,
Great video Daboo77
This is NOT a ‘ufo’, this is American technology, nothing more. What do
you think they’re doing at Area 51 all these years?!
It’s funny how this happened right after Russia treated to ban the U.S from
the I.S.S
Advanced technology from God!!! UFO’s are Spirits in the Air. They can be
of God, or from satan. Either or. To me, it is evident, that God did not
want this Russian Craft, in outer space. Plain and simple. :)
Chariots of yahawah!!!!!
who and why would anyone give this video a thumbs down ? Is
it cause Dahboo says it’s a UFO ? doesn’t mean it’s aliens
, it’s considered a UFO cause it’s unidentified and can’t confirm
what the object is . other then that , I see no reason
what so ever to give this video a thumbs down , you can
clearly see a object change direction and blow the rocket that
was carrying the satellite out of the sky . Personally I
believe it was blown out of the sky by the United States
or some other country .
This is the first time in history a UFO was captured on film
harming/attacking something.
I see it clear as day. My guess — Some U.S.A. super tech right here. The
elites are 50 to 100 years ahead of us with hidden tech.
Can you or somebody please invert the video
The UFO’s are only to intervene if it were to be a huge threat to human
kind. What was in that rocket??