The Roswell incident [the crashed ufo in july 1947] is connected with
operation highjump and the ufo attacks.
Did you know that the only nuclear bombs of the world in the forties were
bases in Roswell?
Did you know that there was a wave of ufo sightings, which started in 1947
in the usa?
Did you ever see ancient worldmaps made by explorers?
If you interested in ancient worldmaps, then search on youtube for «Lazeria
Map Collection: Is the Earth Hollow?».
Fantastic reporting. I have been studying this subject for some time now- I
am a linguist, a Pagan Priest/ess & a highly Autistic empath. You have
every detail correct so far. Keep going. I dont have the credibility to
write a word that wouldnt be discredited. PLEASE keep going, you’re almost
there. Many blessings <3
Now I gotta research Operation Highjump.
guys really need to type the research paper about Nazi secret base. Does
anyone know a good database for that? thx
vril and haunebu
Im from Chile, the note from «el mercurio» is 100% true:
Secrets of the Third Reich: The Rediscovery of Vimanas check out the nazi
The Roswell incident [the crashed ufo in july 1947] is connected with
operation highjump and the ufo attacks.
Did you know that the only nuclear bombs of the world in the forties were
bases in Roswell?
Did you know that there was a wave of ufo sightings, which started in 1947
in the usa?
Did you ever see ancient worldmaps made by explorers?
If you interested in ancient worldmaps, then search on youtube for «Lazeria
Map Collection: Is the Earth Hollow?».
Fantastic reporting. I have been studying this subject for some time now- I
am a linguist, a Pagan Priest/ess & a highly Autistic empath. You have
every detail correct so far. Keep going. I dont have the credibility to
write a word that wouldnt be discredited. PLEASE keep going, you’re almost
there. Many blessings <3