https://alcyonpleiades.blogspot.com//2013/01/introduction.html As we explained in the video trilogy, Alcyon Pleiades, whilst we await the longed-for entrance of our planet Earth and the entirety…
UFO.s Nephilim Aliens Fallen Angels Channeling Spirits Demons deceit trans humanism Animal Human Hybrid NASA New World Order Anti Christ Lucifer Jesus Blood — last days end times news …
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Thnx 4 stoppin by U2Bheavenbound
Everyone…Again…E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E needs to know this.
i am an «abductee» since my early childhood. it is my firm belief that the
«aliens» (fallen angels) create hybrids because the fallen angels cant
manifest a long time on the earth. But when they create hybrids with humans
the «children» would have a body of flesh and propobly no limitation in
walking the earth. By the way I noticed that they are not aliens when I
accidentally screamed to Jesus Christ in panic when i woke up to see them
in front of my bed — they instantly started to whine and ran through a wall
out of my room.
Jesus Christ is God .
Scriptures says the false Christ…false prophet…peace.. peace… then
sudden destruction!
I bet this will get blocked or hidden from public soon watch, Because it
might be devastating to the posters ratings ….. lol
This crap has been going on for thousands and thousands and thousands of
years. regardless of what any book says. Your «end times» will come when it
comes and not a second more, NOBODY and i mean NOBODY knows when the end is
not even you with all the knowledge you think you know from misinterpreting
everything you read and drawing your own mental picture. Stop trying to put
fear into people you morons..I could be crazy but Here’s an idea , Go enjoy
your life and stop trying to save people on the internet because it makes
you feel good about yourself. EVERYBODY knows Jesus everybody knows about
religion and organized religion geeeez give people a little credit will ya.
you are so hell bend on judging people by thinking they can’t think for
themselves. Go Live………………
The Vatican have had a telescope more powerful than the Hubbel telescope
for a long time. They have this to contact the ‘aliens’ & believe they will
come & save us! They also think Jesus & Mohammed etc were sent to us from
these ‘Aliens’, so this is the type of thinking that will bring religions
together, & people will over time accept the Pope as the False Prophet
because the Vatican is the main source of the whole ‘Alien’ push along with
the illuminati ( of which the vatican is a powerful arm)!
The telescope is built on a hill thats an open gateway to the demonic realm
through occult activity throughout history. Do research on the Vatican &
Aliens, etc! Tom Horn & others have interviewed catholic scientists who
work with the telescope & they have been very open about this! Illuminati
all believe this also & are sneakily pushing this agenda, which is why the
Popes have been meeting up with top illuminati people so often. Many
illuminati leaders have been educated by Jesuits!
The Jesuits were originally named «The Inquisition» & were the evil
‘police’ of the catholics who did the tortures & murders etc to force
everyone under the power of the catholic ‘church’. They just changed their
name, & their true agenda & purpose has simply been hidden for a time.
This is why this final pope in these last days is a Jesuit & why he says so
many anti-bible things, whilst also saying & doing many things that appeal
to undiscerning people who are ignorant of many facts!
Even the prophecies/visions given to a catholic priest a thousand yrs ago
prophecied how many popes there would be till the end of the age, & this
pope now (Pope Francis) is the final one according to those prophetic
visions from so long ago!
A few months back I was watching the News on TV when I saw Bill Clinton (an
illuminati leader) boldly declaring that the Aliens will be the world’s
salvation! I knew illuminati leaders would eventually start saying such
things publicly but was still shocked when I heard him say it, & it made me
realise they are trying to work more quickly to not only bring in the One
World Order, but also to start pushing the whole ‘UFO/Alien Saviour’ issue,
so people would progressively become more open to this way of thinking!
Research it all for yourself!
They come back and take wives and have children. They will teach new charms
and sciences. Their children will become great men with great appetites
and they will feast on the children of men.
Deep Truths!
Very interesting snippet video. Well worth the watch.
so it is written.yeah written by who ? i am a sinner
God bless us all.. good videos man some will understand some will not just
pray that they do b4 they wake up in hell. This is war and people
expressing themselves doesnt make them slower or a freak were all family
under God an the next person is not your enemy satan decieves many with the
help of the fallen in the end we will all see God an there will be no place
for ignorence. Love thy enemy as well something thats seems hard for me but
if God says so then i shall obey pray for them 2. Like the video said were
all still gods chikdren rather you deny him or not God created you. Dont
let the devil win your soul we are stronger then they are even now.. but
only with the power of The Lord can we defeat evil.
THE ONE Word Religion Is Already In Rotation Just LIKE The Days Of History
THE Catholic Church Change Set Times AND Dates To worship the Pope is
already send his prophet of Elijah for the Protestant to fall under his
religion one world religion and everyone else will fall under as well as it
is right now you just don’t know it because you don’t do your research and
its not done in front of you you don’t realize if your Baptist your Baptist
and Catholic under coexis wake up people you’re sleeping
The Catholic faith is the one true faith of Christ.
Create a common enemy, then every country on earth will fight it together =
Independence Day
An knowing what i know now there really watching us an only revail
themselves when they want 2. An i used 2 think for years if it was a real
angel thank god im awake now an know the difference. If it was a real angel
i woulda never been afraid an it would have spoke 2me because real angels
dont just pop up to look n scare the shit out of you when your 4 or 5 years
old. The presence is way different between a fallen trying to pretend to be
a angel and a real angel who still fight for the 1 n only god. Not trying
to scare anybody but if your the scary type you need 2 pray because these
demons feed off that shit n remember that god is way more powerful then any
of them including satan. N if anybody tries to help god save souls dont get
discouraged remember satan is using spiritual power to decieve poeple this
wont be easy. God bless us all n cant nobody bless you but God not any
popes or preachers.
…with this i agree
90% of all humanity will believe in the lying signs and wonders that will
be used by the POPE who advances the ecumenical movement….U C the bumper
stickers! Lying signs and wonders…Yes when U see supernatural forces that
U cant beat…For who can stand against the BEAST! It is not about
conversion it is about inclusion!
Stop telling lies about these angels!
Billions of Christians believe the bible is The Word of God. They even give
it power and authority. This is the greatest deception of our time.
Check out this video on YouTube:
Don’t be deceived by the Anti-Christ.