Description to put in subtitles video: Alessandro Zavattero…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
UFO investigator Don Schmitt reveals deathbed confessions, eyewitness testimony and other evidence related to the 1947 Roswell Incident. As a leading Ufologi…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Nice job.
Negative zero point energy may give us the ability to exceed velocity of
light, without violating the inertial laws of the Universe. In the space
craft, the aliens would be standing still, while moving spacetime around
the craft. The UFO moving at «apparent» superluminal velocities.
My Paranormal Years
I think you need to focus on the essence and information being presented,
the importance of his message and the potential magnitude for man kind
surrounding this case, the acknowledgement of this individuals courage to
come forward not a cosmetic quip about his hair or the dryness of his
presentation, the colour of his freak’n tie or who he looks similar to for
Gods’s sake.You are far to focused on ego and physicality rather than the
quest for the salvation of truth. With comments like that it truly shows
your ignorance and lack of intelligence.Go back to your petty shallow life
and worry about the colour of your car and how many apps you have on your
stupid cell phone.?
This is guys boring as shit, and is only interested in money, hence the
Don Schmitt is possibly the most knowledgeable researcher on the planet
when it comes to Roswell, You gotta laugh though how he’s getting to look
more and more like a cross between Al Pacino and Sylvester Stalone all the
time! Thanks for posting!
I’m impressed at this man’s ability to speak and present. He’s obviously
intelligent and his points are logically and thoroughly laid out. He’s
articulate and serious about this subject (as one should be).
A little dry but well researched! Schmidt has done quite a bit of work on
the Roswell crash. Very compelling.
Don Schmidt looks like a cross between wolverine & Giorgio Tsolukos from
acient aliens
All of these NEGATIVE commentors. Why do they go out of their way to make
a NEVER HAPPENED position statement if it does not matter? I personally
worked for & knew a retired former ww2 pilot who eventually was at Wright
Patt & a plane with NUKES crashed along border w/ Canada. He was sent w/
team to secure site. Eventually he became THE officer in charge of ALL
crashes for US GOV. & so it was his team who went to Roswell to secure all
wreckage, material, bodies etc.
Boring. This guy isn’t even prepared for this presentation.
I use to be an atheist. I am now a born again Christian. I believe in and
know from so much overwhelming scientific evidence that evolution is a
fact. It did and still does happen in all living species of which almost
all are now extinct. I know non living things from the tiniest to largest
evolve too. I believe intelligent life onto the tiniest simple life exist
throughout our galaxy and galaxies. Science, evolution, aliens,
extraterrestrial life are not evil words. We Christians should embrace all
sciences and studies. The early Church murdered so many people who knew one
day man would know what he knows now and pursues to know yet undiscovered.
I killed & buried a grey last month
What happened at roswell, was just what they said. Those radar reflectors
were a key instrument in checking up on Russia and making sure we did not
get caught with our pants down. There is simply no evidence anywhere of
the existence of ufo’s on this planet. I’m not saying there is no
intelligent life anywhere, but all u have to do is watch cnn to know there
isn’t any on earth…..Somebody somewhere would of spilled the beans by
now. It’s just human nature we just cant keep our mouths shut about
my youtube comments just started working after 5 months. I could read or
write any comments on any computers….
Eye witnesses come by the truckload, but hard evidence comes by the
«…..into the mainstream media…?» Are ya avin a larf? Have you been
watching this vid or even listening to Don’s words of wisdom? He tells you
why in his direct but eloquent style at the beginning of the vid. If you’re
genuinely interested in knowing the truth I recommend you get yourself a
copy of Don’s & Thomas Carey’s excellent book *Witness To Roswell*, and the
painstaking research that weaves several witness testimonies into a
coherent chronological timeline of what actually happened.
In the book, 600+ witnesses, from farmhands to military top brass.
so what is this is it BS or not? why didnt these stories made it into the
mainstream media yet???
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come on guys he’s obviously telling the truth, its not like he’s got a book
to sell or anything.
Watch Donald Schmitt interviewed on The Moore Show.
Very dedicated UFO reporter. Enjoyed the presentation. Thx for posting!