After receiving such a positive response to my first «NASA Alien Anomalies» compilation video, I decided I would do a follow-up effort, presenting a few more of my favorite anomalous audio… Video Rating: 4 / 5
If an object traveling through space suddenly changes direction and/or
velocity with respect to a camera shooting video from a location in in
stable orbit (Shuttle, manned craft, ISS etc), then there is NO WAY that
the object can be a piece of space debris. The laws of physics MANDATE that
the object has a source of onboard power to execute such a maneuver., and
presumably, that power source would be initiated by some command from…
….. …. (fill in the blank).
Some of these flying structures look very intricately detailed. I wonder
who’s flying them and where they came from. And why Earth? Very curious
stuff. Thumbs up.
Guys, … As you look at this film footage, you’ll notice a whole
bunch of small things that are moving. Some of these are circular, some
spherical and others are more rod like. Well, I believe what we’re seeing
in this film footage is what I call MACROBES . We have microbial life so,
why not MACROBIAL life?!
In the Bible, it says, » as below, then so above. » or, words to that
effect. So, now you know at least in part why I say there is life out there
in space.
A lot of this is SUPER IMPOSED CRAP. Some of the scenes are deep ocean
underwater scenes showing microscopic life forms, imposed onto space
footage to look like UFO’s, others are a snow globe in front of a camera
and a screen showing space footage.
It’s SO, easy today to fake things in space, it is also very easy to fake
astronauts talking on the radio too.
Yes, …. I believe there are more advanced civilizations out there
possibly watching us, but WHY, WHY, WHY, would they make contact with a
warmongering race such as ours? ………. I know I wouldn’t, especially
here and now.
If they can cross the voids between stars, they are in my opinion, at least
1 or 2 THOUSAND years in front of our technology. We can not get off the
planet without «FIRE», …. we are still in the very early cave man age
where space is concerned.
whatever they are they don’t look like space craft, as it seems many shift
shape, They just seem to fade in and out of existence.
It almost looks like video from in the deep oceans. like space is some type
of ocean of different water that we can’t really perceive or understand,
like maybe a fish can’t understand what air is and these strange creatures
that live in it. Maybe space is just another plane of existence and we are
the fish out of water.
pour l’objet triangulaire filmé aux abords de la terre,c ouf mais en
belgique,en 89,beaucoup de personnes ont décrient avoir vu exactement ça
dans le ciel!!! c’est quand meme assez troublant…
While some of these objects seem clearly to suggest alien spacecraft, I am
doubtful about some others. For example, the small white balls-that always
seem to be in a motion away (usually), though sometimes down away from our
own earth craft. Could this be some kind of debris coming off our own
spaceship, not normally visible, but becoming visible shooting through a
certain type of space? Like leaving a trail. Some other objects seem to
be remnants of another, larger and more understandable «thing» and may have
been floating around space for what — millions or billions of years? This
would seem to fit other evidence we have of there having been FORMER life
and even civilizations out there. Other images leave me daunted as to what
they could possibly be. I am a little distrustful of people claiming that
they know what all the stuff is. Looks relatively «unknowable» often, and
they probably are not taking my above observations into account.
Don’t watch too much of this, the more interested you are of them the more
interested they are of you. Trust me.
That’s all i had to say.
Incredible vid! Could i mirror it with Greek subtitles? It goes without
saying that Credits will show your channel in my description box.
If an object traveling through space suddenly changes direction and/or
velocity with respect to a camera shooting video from a location in in
stable orbit (Shuttle, manned craft, ISS etc), then there is NO WAY that
the object can be a piece of space debris. The laws of physics MANDATE that
the object has a source of onboard power to execute such a maneuver., and
presumably, that power source would be initiated by some command from…
….. …. (fill in the blank).
Weather balloons!
Some of these flying structures look very intricately detailed. I wonder
who’s flying them and where they came from. And why Earth? Very curious
stuff. Thumbs up.
Guys, … As you look at this film footage, you’ll notice a whole
bunch of small things that are moving. Some of these are circular, some
spherical and others are more rod like. Well, I believe what we’re seeing
in this film footage is what I call MACROBES . We have microbial life so,
why not MACROBIAL life?!
In the Bible, it says, » as below, then so above. » or, words to that
effect. So, now you know at least in part why I say there is life out there
in space.
A lot of this is SUPER IMPOSED CRAP. Some of the scenes are deep ocean
underwater scenes showing microscopic life forms, imposed onto space
footage to look like UFO’s, others are a snow globe in front of a camera
and a screen showing space footage.
It’s SO, easy today to fake things in space, it is also very easy to fake
astronauts talking on the radio too.
Yes, …. I believe there are more advanced civilizations out there
possibly watching us, but WHY, WHY, WHY, would they make contact with a
warmongering race such as ours? ………. I know I wouldn’t, especially
here and now.
If they can cross the voids between stars, they are in my opinion, at least
1 or 2 THOUSAND years in front of our technology. We can not get off the
planet without «FIRE», …. we are still in the very early cave man age
where space is concerned.
whatever they are they don’t look like space craft, as it seems many shift
shape, They just seem to fade in and out of existence.
It almost looks like video from in the deep oceans. like space is some type
of ocean of different water that we can’t really perceive or understand,
like maybe a fish can’t understand what air is and these strange creatures
that live in it. Maybe space is just another plane of existence and we are
the fish out of water.
My thoughts on the tether footage: I think they’re maybe life forms the
pulsation is their pulmonary system??? A living ship?
Aliens in the NASA Archives — More Stunning NASA …:
Were all doomed lmao…
And there will be signs in the sky.
It says spaceshuttle Atlantis in the beginning, but it says Endeayvour at
the sides
Name song 9:13 ???
Space anomaly at 8:00 looks like a giant lobster/Shrimp.
Можно слушать болтовню НАСА по тв.
но никогда вам никто правды не скажет
3:00 looks more like the Aurora project than a TR-3B. Just sayin’
WE are the aliens… if you believe in Jesus’ gospel message… for we are
«IN the world, not OF it.»
pour l’objet triangulaire filmé aux abords de la terre,c ouf mais en
belgique,en 89,beaucoup de personnes ont décrient avoir vu exactement ça
dans le ciel!!! c’est quand meme assez troublant…
Aliens in the NASA Archives — More Stunning NASA UFO Anomalies Captured On
While some of these objects seem clearly to suggest alien spacecraft, I am
doubtful about some others. For example, the small white balls-that always
seem to be in a motion away (usually), though sometimes down away from our
own earth craft. Could this be some kind of debris coming off our own
spaceship, not normally visible, but becoming visible shooting through a
certain type of space? Like leaving a trail. Some other objects seem to
be remnants of another, larger and more understandable «thing» and may have
been floating around space for what — millions or billions of years? This
would seem to fit other evidence we have of there having been FORMER life
and even civilizations out there. Other images leave me daunted as to what
they could possibly be. I am a little distrustful of people claiming that
they know what all the stuff is. Looks relatively «unknowable» often, and
they probably are not taking my above observations into account.
Incredible vid! Could i mirror it with Greek subtitles? It goes without
saying that Credits will show your channel in my description box.
Some pictures could just be reflective debris, high questionable. But
undoubtedly some of those images are ships and entirely 100% unexplained..