Track Two off the upcoming 2011 release!!! Order «OHMnivalent» now!— iTunes:…
you guys definitely changed this one from the »anomalous live» clip,
wonder what it’sbeen like before.. Refusing to believe Tim was able to play
guitar like this while he sings, too hard !!! Insane talent
it’s been a while since i’ve listened to brutal music like this your stuff
is different and unique enough to draw my attention back to the tech death
@seehound619 if you always judge metal by the vocals after listening to two
seconds of a song… you’re stupid. near death condition is completely
different and therefore not a legitimate comparison.
Fuck me!!!!! Love the fusion. Fucking brilliant.
Song Density has lasting power… lol
@LilithImmacualte Your BRAIN
Great band! Great composition and great album!
11111 fui yo cool xD
Nope, all solos are Max.
Max’s solos are the best!
you guys definitely changed this one from the »anomalous live» clip,
wonder what it’sbeen like before.. Refusing to believe Tim was able to play
guitar like this while he sings, too hard !!! Insane talent
This album has granted me some of the most profound visions I’ve ever
had… and I’ve had a lot…not bragging… just complimenting
@666metalsucks666 i didnt compare them….. I merely said I prefer one band
over the other… reading comprehension much?
it’s been a while since i’ve listened to brutal music like this your stuff
is different and unique enough to draw my attention back to the tech death
@seehound619 if you always judge metal by the vocals after listening to two
seconds of a song… you’re stupid. near death condition is completely
different and therefore not a legitimate comparison.
does this come in bullet size so i blast my face off with it?
@kingofthedrums I agree… its all about deserved Portals. I also like the
graphic on the vid at that point. Sick Trippy stuff Marco! love it
video best paired with acid
Tim, your lyrics are symbolic, poetic, art imagery.
Probably already been asked, but is that Per Nillson who does the first
@MaXaNoMaLoUs lol certainly sir!
@crapcannon86 im just gonna download it free.
well done sonny
@SeanMcStomper bash metalcore?? Im guessing you haven’t listened to
breakdown of sanity or any of the bands on the more brutal side of metalcore
@anomalousband i’m just wondering who writes your lyrics?
about time! can’t wait! already got my preorder in!
music is good…… vocals not so much….. I’ll stick with Near Death