Метеорит, обломки которого видели утром 15 февраля жители Екатеринбурга, Тюмени, Челябинска и даже Казахстана (ФОТО), заинтересовал и российское, и западное …
Is this contact? — https://www.exploringinfinity.com/contact2012 Thanks to fidockave213 for making this video. Or is this project blue beam? Is it aliens? Sec…
These motherfuckers still recording to VHS or something? Damn I thought we
were in 2014 not 1999.
What are they waiting for? Whatta joke.
Aliens are demonic entities, this is all apart of a bigger plan to deceive
the masses from the truth but the most terrifying thing in the world is
that… God is good, you may think to yourself that is not terrifying at
all, well the thing is we are not good, we are evil sinners,our hearts are
filled with darkness, we have broken the 10 commandments which is God’s law
by lying,stealing etc..so what does a good, Holy and Just God do with evil
sinners like us? well He must punish us, just as a judge must punish a
criminal, the judge must give him justice, so the just punishment is death
then hell, but 2,000 years ago God the Son came to earth as a man in Jesus
Christ to die on the cross in our place and on the third day He rose from
the dead, it is like this we broke God’s law Jesus paid our fine,so repent
of your sin and believe in Jesus today for your eternal salvation.
Preety sure its shooting stars that look closer than they are and black
holes that could be seen from Earth duuuh Space Science in this bi*ch no
but this is still creepy
I believe alien UFO’s are real, but people need to stop posting night time
missile launches along with ominous background music and trying to play it
off as an alien ship. Any alien ship that uses thrusters like the space
shuttle would still be stuck on their home planet with how many thumbs that
they might have firmly stuck up their butts like us. The Israel UFO
sighting is great, lets stick with stuff like that. Also, stop with the
illuminati crap, for fucks sake just stop.
I find the footage from Jerusalem most convincing. I mean what shoots
straight up that quickly. That footage totally baffles me. It’s that
I think we should eliminate every unknown flying object in the sky.
Its so scary how weird everything is. I mean im not sure if i believe the
whole alien thing. but obviously there is more life in the universe, its
never ending. its so frustrating to think about! im sitting here just
thinking like ‘wow whats with life? this is it? theres nothing else but
life’ i dont know if u know what im talking about but blah everything about
life, this world, this universe is so damn weird! i cant comprehend it. so
there is a possibility that aliens do exist. there could even be a planet
out there where the ‘people’ there look animated, like cartoon characters.
Some guy projects someone cool onto a cloud in his backyard and gets no
credit for it. For some reason it must be a black hole or aliens LOL
it’s called aliens people, you know what the government is hiding from us
the spirals could have been rockets that went out of control……… or
they could have been UFO’s.
easy jet
It’s called aliens!! Duhh
Wow I’m so confused right now!
Fantastic compilation. Thanks for posting!
I saw a post from a friend in Britain , (G+), AND I had to re-post the
video here it is very informative if you understand what you are looking at.
This was my comment to him;
Richard,… This post is dead on right! You do realize that what you are
now involved in can be very dangerous. That being said — here is what I
have discovered over the last 45 years through my organization
Paranormal-X, the odd thing is that many of the things you have brought to
the surface is contained in this video. 1. These beings are not
extraterrestrial in origin. They are inter-dimensional in nature and are
NOT from this universe. 2. They are in fact much older than mankind by as
much as a billion or more years. 3. In the place where they dwelt,
(obviously another dimension), our concept of time does not exist and has
never existed. 4. The beings in this video utilized wormhole tech to travel
here. They now are utilizing the wormhole tech to go directly from earth to
their various dwelling places in this universe. An example of this is the
spiral gate placed by them over Norway — this is not the only one! 5.
Many of the governments of this world are not only aware of this but are in
direct contact and do not have a clue as to whom or what they are dealing
with. My personal belief is that they, (the governments here), don’t care
who or what they are in their greed to dominate and control this planet and
it’s population. 6. There are cover groups for the governments which are
utilized to conference with these being and plan what to do, I won’t
mention them here but since you have come this far I 100% certain that you
know just who I am talking about. 7. (and final point, due to lack of
space), They have been here among us since before our existence on this
earth. Some call them «ancient aliens» others «angels» neither is the
proper term. I will try to contact you via email and send you my phone #
(Not to worry), I am not a nut and I am most definitely human. One more
comment,… you are one brave person to post what you did and welcome to
the war.
Will Deason, Texas
dude,those things are to easy to create on your computer and show it as a
real one
in our days you can even do it with your 3 year old mobile phone
If that guy was telling the truth, then it would explain a lot. One of the
disasters he might have been talking about was the meteor that struck
Moscow. Its kind of hard to believe that NASA didnt see that coming
that call isn’t fake search further before you call him crazy and these
videos are real those might be falling angels they been trying to bring
them back but thats not a good thing and don’t diss the bible and Christian
people either you choose good or be evil there only two roads evil will
have its punishment and it won’t be funny fun or nice you’ll see lets stop
fighting and look at whats going on with a open mind
And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great
cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out
of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.
Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures.
And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. — EZEKIEL
This is all real, but this ufos is not from another planet, it’s demons
from satan! Satan do this to make us believe that there is no god! Cuse god
just created the other planets to show us how strong he is! He never
created life in the other planets. That’s why satan do this, to make us
believe there is no god, and the bible has wrong…
They are just staying in the sky laughing about what the fuck is going on
down here. Just think about it: 7 bln people killing each other? A dollar
authority? Devastating nature? Is this planet for real? I can’t wait till
they finally do something useful like KILL-EVERY-ONE
Hello, alien people! I ended up at these videos again. There are no aliens
visiting Earth. Jesus rules! Peace out.
These are NOT aliens.
That’s all I care to say right now.