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AT THE ROSWELL UFO CRASH SITE, by Josef Cene: 13 комментариев

  1. It IS a UFO. A UFO is an «Unidentified Flying Object» So it is, either way,
    a «UFO». What I THINK you mean is whether or not it is from space, and
    extraterrestrials where operating it.

  2. Hallo JulieR912! I am glad that you like my video. 🙂 Yes, it is very
    difficult to find this place, because it is somewhere in the desert from
    Roswell. The Roswell book (of Johannes von Buttlar) describe very well the
    exact location. But you need get the permission from the owner of these
    land to visit this place. You must ask him before. Regards! Josef!

  3. Thank you for sharing this video Josef, I never saw the actual place before
    I don’t think anybody ever put this on a video, that’s not to say that
    nobody ever visit that place but you’re definitely the first one, to take
    the time and show it to the world…very interesting..thanks again
    !!!!!!!!! 🙂

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