The British BBC maybe a known as the British Brainwashing Corporation but
they would never back or support a shit armature video such as this. BBC my
Yawn,obvious fear porn..sadly this is the stuff that gets the most
views..seems to attract religious nuts like flies to a lump of dog
shit.Nothing new to see here.And the title is very misleading,BBC 2014 doc
my ass!!!
Nothing more than fallen angels traveling in the same type of vehicles that
Ezekiel described. Do not be deceived. Get a tune up. Read your owners
manual. Get peace of mind. Kick back, watch the show, and just know that
God is in control of the Father ship. Things are happening just exactly as
promised. Be thankful for it instead of ignorant of it.
While this is a good video it is not from 2014. It is not a «new» video.
There must be 100 copies of this video already on YouTube. This poster is
lying in the headline just to get more views. This video is not from
2014. Tieu Linh Nhi, stop headline abuse!
If you have not seen this video it is worth your while. Very well done.
Just not brand «new». There are so many cool things the poster could have
said about this video. Excellent show on abduction. Nothing on that in
the headline.
People that do not believe in life out there but in God, start to think
that maybe our gods came from outer space and all that we know maybe is the
old knowledge growing on the line to achieve our perspectives of technology
and hopes to get there one day.
The thing i hate the most about the 2 faced bullshit BBC, is the fact they
dare not show this «serious» documentary on the actual BBC?! So much for
trying to cash in on foreign TV..
This video only speaks of extraterrestrials as being Negative. Sure there
probably are some bad ones, but if they truly wanted to destroy us, they
would of easily done so a long time ago… Im certain there are more good
ET’s than bad.
I don’t care who believes what! I know about my faith and I look at
everything as a whole and know that I believe in a higher power driven by
love and that’s what I believe.
This guy is full of BS, this is far from a BBC Doc. Human beings are the
most violent enslavers, thieves & rapist of our own people, and you have
the arrogant audacity to say that all aliens from other stars are evil like
us as if we are innocent angels, when in fact we are surrounded by walking
talking devils every day destroying the planet with pollution & war,
colonialism and false religion, may be you deserve the terrestrials (
Angels ) to take away your power lol. After all, I doubt it could get any
It’s my first time and I presume the voice is of the owner of the channel.
It is the most enlightened video I have ever seen. It contains the seed of
an idea which could form the basis of equilibrium. Don’t worry it may never
happen, oh my God it already has, I told you so.
.Over twenty years ago, a group of individuals from several different
worlds gathered at a discreet location in our solar system near earth for
purpose of observing the alien intervention that is occurring in our
world. From their hidden vantage point, they were able to
determine the identity, organization and intentions of
those visiting our world and monitor the visitors’
activities. This group of observers call
themselves the «Allies of Humanity.»
read the free set of briefings they truly are an eye opener to what is
really happening in our world.. Allies of Humanity, (dot) org
What amazes me is how easily we human forget that we are part of nature and
so are the ALIENS or E.T..When we look for answers we should always think
how MOTHER NATURE WORKS. Do we eat intelligent animals? We don’t unless
we’re starving.So all this self proclaimed UFO scientist should add the
MOTHER NATURE factor in.I doubt very much highly intelligent ALIENS or E.T.
would munch US DOWN anyway.Anybody considered they are just CURIOUS and
INTRIGUED by by us?And every time they tried to ask nicely if we would not
mind being examined? The answer was always anger, fright or run.So they
are doing this,i mean make us forget the encounters,not to hurt us? As much
as we think we are strong minded and intelligent,the TRUTH is very much the
other way,we humans are feeble minded and weak,and that is the main reason
the ALIENS or E.T.,want nothing to do with us
Food for thought!!!
These videos are mis information! Lies, there is no evidence that
terrestrials are violent, they have been around for a long time and are far
more advanced, so if they wanted to invade they would have done it long
time ago. I think you want to put fear in people so they believe the
Hollywood BS about violent aliens wanting to invade earth lol. I think you
are paranoid because of the war like & colonialist mind that you people
have adopted, and because you use violence and fear to control the
population, you think everyone else is out to do the same out of your
Like i always say little do you people know. There are no green aliens in
those. Those are chariots of the lord with angels in them.
Isaiah 66:15 KJV
[15] For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like
a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of
Thats how our lord is coming back. But as for you people who dont want him
to come back or dont believe in him read this.
Luke 19:27 KJV
[27] But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them,
bring hither, and slay them before me.
The British BBC maybe a known as the British Brainwashing Corporation but
they would never back or support a shit armature video such as this. BBC my
Yawn,obvious fear porn..sadly this is the stuff that gets the most
views..seems to attract religious nuts like flies to a lump of dog
shit.Nothing new to see here.And the title is very misleading,BBC 2014 doc
my ass!!!
Nothing more than fallen angels traveling in the same type of vehicles that
Ezekiel described. Do not be deceived. Get a tune up. Read your owners
manual. Get peace of mind. Kick back, watch the show, and just know that
God is in control of the Father ship. Things are happening just exactly as
promised. Be thankful for it instead of ignorant of it.
While this is a good video it is not from 2014. It is not a «new» video.
There must be 100 copies of this video already on YouTube. This poster is
lying in the headline just to get more views. This video is not from
2014. Tieu Linh Nhi, stop headline abuse!
If you have not seen this video it is worth your while. Very well done.
Just not brand «new». There are so many cool things the poster could have
said about this video. Excellent show on abduction. Nothing on that in
the headline.
if god is real , who created GOD — its like the chicken and the egg -what
came first ?
People that do not believe in life out there but in God, start to think
that maybe our gods came from outer space and all that we know maybe is the
old knowledge growing on the line to achieve our perspectives of technology
and hopes to get there one day.
this is not the the bbc you gimp
I flagged your ass. BBC… stupid fucks. You should be sued by them and by
all of us.
The thing i hate the most about the 2 faced bullshit BBC, is the fact they
dare not show this «serious» documentary on the actual BBC?! So much for
trying to cash in on foreign TV..
always wonderd about the marks like that came from on my body,,,lol
This video only speaks of extraterrestrials as being Negative. Sure there
probably are some bad ones, but if they truly wanted to destroy us, they
would of easily done so a long time ago… Im certain there are more good
ET’s than bad.
UFOs, not Ufo’s. Such wisdom, yet can’t understand plain fucking English.
I don’t care who believes what! I know about my faith and I look at
everything as a whole and know that I believe in a higher power driven by
love and that’s what I believe.
This guy is full of BS, this is far from a BBC Doc. Human beings are the
most violent enslavers, thieves & rapist of our own people, and you have
the arrogant audacity to say that all aliens from other stars are evil like
us as if we are innocent angels, when in fact we are surrounded by walking
talking devils every day destroying the planet with pollution & war,
colonialism and false religion, may be you deserve the terrestrials (
Angels ) to take away your power lol. After all, I doubt it could get any
I believe this video was done by Red Ice Creations. The narrator sounds
just like Heinrich.
this is not for the BBC ! Lies starts right here !
It’s my first time and I presume the voice is of the owner of the channel.
It is the most enlightened video I have ever seen. It contains the seed of
an idea which could form the basis of equilibrium. Don’t worry it may never
happen, oh my God it already has, I told you so.
Bbc doc my arse
.Over twenty years ago, a group of individuals from several different
worlds gathered at a discreet location in our solar system near earth for
purpose of observing the alien intervention that is occurring in our
world. From their hidden vantage point, they were able to
determine the identity, organization and intentions of
those visiting our world and monitor the visitors’
activities. This group of observers call
themselves the «Allies of Humanity.»
read the free set of briefings they truly are an eye opener to what is
really happening in our world.. Allies of Humanity, (dot) org
Why is the uploader being an ass? this is NOT bbc, is it? and its not
new… And using clips from harry potter?… No, no, no….
What amazes me is how easily we human forget that we are part of nature and
so are the ALIENS or E.T..When we look for answers we should always think
how MOTHER NATURE WORKS. Do we eat intelligent animals? We don’t unless
we’re starving.So all this self proclaimed UFO scientist should add the
MOTHER NATURE factor in.I doubt very much highly intelligent ALIENS or E.T.
would munch US DOWN anyway.Anybody considered they are just CURIOUS and
INTRIGUED by by us?And every time they tried to ask nicely if we would not
mind being examined? The answer was always anger, fright or run.So they
are doing this,i mean make us forget the encounters,not to hurt us? As much
as we think we are strong minded and intelligent,the TRUTH is very much the
other way,we humans are feeble minded and weak,and that is the main reason
the ALIENS or E.T.,want nothing to do with us
Food for thought!!!
Dänonen…nichts anderes…
good documentary . i watched this in 2013. thanks .
These videos are mis information! Lies, there is no evidence that
terrestrials are violent, they have been around for a long time and are far
more advanced, so if they wanted to invade they would have done it long
time ago. I think you want to put fear in people so they believe the
Hollywood BS about violent aliens wanting to invade earth lol. I think you
are paranoid because of the war like & colonialist mind that you people
have adopted, and because you use violence and fear to control the
population, you think everyone else is out to do the same out of your
Like i always say little do you people know. There are no green aliens in
those. Those are chariots of the lord with angels in them.
Isaiah 66:15 KJV
[15] For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like
a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of
Thats how our lord is coming back. But as for you people who dont want him
to come back or dont believe in him read this.
Luke 19:27 KJV
[27] But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them,
bring hither, and slay them before me.