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Best UFO Cases Caught On Tape — FREE MOVIE: 25 комментариев
I seen that biilding sized ufo up closer and that thing on its left hand
side was expelling vapors and it was larg to the parts that was showing in
this video was a true acount I seen the much larger part thats unseen in
this video meing maskt over like stelth but I could still see its outlines
it was like watching a sky scraper in the sky with very larg windows and
with very larg figures inside it I watched it for about fourty minuts befor
I slowly walkt on into my town and I eventryed to wake up my bother who
stayed on the same street befor I lookt again for the third time it was
away I am still in shock fromits unusual site shape and size that was
hovering almost motionless and I know what it was looking onto was a army
nuclear bass that posses as a gass bass that our army trains on and near
and it was not taking any notis of me but I still had a very unnerving
feeling that I was a disturbance to it for what ever it was interested in
was not me but I did feel like they wanted me to go away when I seen
figures at the windows I stood watching it in total did belief and I even
kickt myself several times and I know we are being watched by aliens now
and it scares me from there sizes of them and there machines
I seen the israeli ufo that was the size of a masiv building for almost a
full hour walking on a road between my town and the town my friend’s stay
in there was people inside the opace glass and they were big
Paranormal activity is the connection. The UFO community need to take an
interest in The Holy BIBLE, there are a few clues in there that go back to
creation and has allot to do with the end of the age. The increase in UFO
phenomena is building up to the deception that is coming our way. As it was
in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man Matt
24-37. One of many deceptions that will come including extra terrestrial
confirmation (one of satans ploys to undermine the truth of creation) will
play a significant part of the overall deception.
New age doctrine in the world`s media and the world religions adds to the
so called phenomena. Now there is also a trans human agenda with
experimentation. This is a last days shameful practice that is highly
secretive and has come into the limelight, is confirmation that not only
will fulfill prophecy but history will repeat itself.
They will be cast out of heaven during the last days and do what is their
last business. (before they are locked up for a 1000yrs to be let out for a
short while just before to the Great White Throne Judgement.) This has yet
to become part of the great deception and the terrible last days terrible
violence on earth as in the days of Noah, that will be repeated for a short
Fallen Angels, the fall and the spite of satan, because he knows his time
is finite, is a hater and spiter of God till the end. His best weapon is
deception so that His elect will miss the mark and not come by purified
The origins of extra terrestrial activity go back to Noah with the angels
offspring the nephilem and the havoc they caused to the human and animal
gene pool. In The book Enoch the skill and knowledge of these offspring
practiced advanced technology way beyond the ancient civilization and
colluded with the watchers or fallen angels by visitation from above. They
caused havoc to the human race and animals, caused war and greed,
perversion and destruction and ultimately vandalised creation by
impregnation of man and beast, purely to spite God.
Then there was the flood.
The 200 fallen angels had stepped out of line and had crossed the line by
going beyond what was agreed that they could do legitimately. They were
permitted to influence mankind through temptation and leading them astray
and to sift them to win their souls from God. NOT to come into contact with
mankind or even impregnate them. So they were punished ahead of time by
being imprisoned in the abyss.
The nephilem giants where destroyed and became the demons that remain on
the earth and have worked with satan to encourage idolatry and magical
practices and interaction that God forbids.
LOOK they know their time is very short now and you NEED to know the truth.
Stop being distracted by their activity there is much more to this world
and where it is going, than this UFO agenda.
THE ANSWER IS SPIRITUAL not this smoke screen being put up by God`s and
your enemies.
Remember satan is using this agenda to divert you from finding the Truth.
REMEMBER this is not satan`s main trump card, it is just one of his
channels to put you off finding Jesus.
THE BIGGEST DECEPTION is religion and what the enemies of God have done to
just to put you off, just believing in God. Religion is the main trump card
of the enemy this is the one that will get most of you.
Religion throughout world history has become the ocean of belief systems
based on myths and legend has become a dilemma for all seeking the truth.
Even the one true religion itself has become darkened by man`s greedy
sinful nature who have followed the ways of the world (culture) and the
ways of man`s weak flesh have left a residue of untruth, injustice,
corruption and bitterness. EVEN IN THE CHURCHES themselves there is much
deception by moving away from Scripture. The ultimate smoke screen today
obscures the Truth. Wide is the road to hell etc: Matt 7-13 : Enter through
the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to
destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14″For the gate is
small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find
Because fallen man is easily manipulated and corrupt in his sinful nature.
THE PURPOSE FOR THE CREATION OF MANKIND: God is building a family His own
family. He created us so we can have a special Father-child relationship
with Him. God plans to bestow His immortality on us. As Paul explains,
«this perishable body must be clothed with the imperishable, and what is
mortal with immortality» (1 Corinthians:15:53, REB). God wants an eternal
relationship with us as His children.
These few words summarize what God wants in His relationship with people.
Notice the two aspects of God’s simple statement.
First He expresses His desire that we acknowledge and accept Him as the
Supreme Being. Then He expresses His desire to associate with us to have a
relationship with those who accept Him as their God.
Once we understand God desires a relationship with us, we should more than
ever recognize we truly need Him. The apostle Paul reminds us: «There is no
question of our having sufficient power in ourselves: we cannot claim
anything as our own. The power we have comes from God» (2 Corinthians:3:5,
Revised English Bible).
No other god or religion.
That light on the far right side is not a star thats the other part of the
size of that ufo i seen it masking its size and shape its colossal thats a
light on the far right side and there is other lights way down below whats
visible on the video thats shown
youtube vid ‘Britains closest UFO encounters’ is amazing with police being
abducted & British coroner speaking out about mysterious burn death…well
worth watching
Common sense rule: The immense distances involved ensures that any ET is on
a one way mission. The nearest earth like planet is 55 light years away.
Thats 1,350,000 years one way. If an alien being if intelligent would NOT
spend a lifetime just to die at our planet. Lights in the sky at a distance
dont make them UFOs. Remember we havent proved they even exist.
This subject is so far removed from ‘controversial’ at this stage; the
evidence is now overwhelming, more than 60 years down the track! The REAL
controversy is simply…
WHERE are they travelling from??
At about 9:30min. The video was shot while «attending an outdoor arts
festival in the Nevada desert.» You mean burning man? The burning man crowd
saw UFO’s? LMAO
I seen that biilding sized ufo up closer and that thing on its left hand
side was expelling vapors and it was larg to the parts that was showing in
this video was a true acount I seen the much larger part thats unseen in
this video meing maskt over like stelth but I could still see its outlines
it was like watching a sky scraper in the sky with very larg windows and
with very larg figures inside it I watched it for about fourty minuts befor
I slowly walkt on into my town and I eventryed to wake up my bother who
stayed on the same street befor I lookt again for the third time it was
away I am still in shock fromits unusual site shape and size that was
hovering almost motionless and I know what it was looking onto was a army
nuclear bass that posses as a gass bass that our army trains on and near
and it was not taking any notis of me but I still had a very unnerving
feeling that I was a disturbance to it for what ever it was interested in
was not me but I did feel like they wanted me to go away when I seen
figures at the windows I stood watching it in total did belief and I even
kickt myself several times and I know we are being watched by aliens now
and it scares me from there sizes of them and there machines
4:39 Those look like flares. The fact that theres a nearby airbase makes it
even more likely.
I seen the israeli ufo that was the size of a masiv building for almost a
full hour walking on a road between my town and the town my friend’s stay
in there was people inside the opace glass and they were big
Paranormal activity is the connection. The UFO community need to take an
interest in The Holy BIBLE, there are a few clues in there that go back to
creation and has allot to do with the end of the age. The increase in UFO
phenomena is building up to the deception that is coming our way. As it was
in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man Matt
24-37. One of many deceptions that will come including extra terrestrial
confirmation (one of satans ploys to undermine the truth of creation) will
play a significant part of the overall deception.
New age doctrine in the world`s media and the world religions adds to the
so called phenomena. Now there is also a trans human agenda with
experimentation. This is a last days shameful practice that is highly
secretive and has come into the limelight, is confirmation that not only
will fulfill prophecy but history will repeat itself.
They will be cast out of heaven during the last days and do what is their
last business. (before they are locked up for a 1000yrs to be let out for a
short while just before to the Great White Throne Judgement.) This has yet
to become part of the great deception and the terrible last days terrible
violence on earth as in the days of Noah, that will be repeated for a short
Fallen Angels, the fall and the spite of satan, because he knows his time
is finite, is a hater and spiter of God till the end. His best weapon is
deception so that His elect will miss the mark and not come by purified
The origins of extra terrestrial activity go back to Noah with the angels
offspring the nephilem and the havoc they caused to the human and animal
gene pool. In The book Enoch the skill and knowledge of these offspring
practiced advanced technology way beyond the ancient civilization and
colluded with the watchers or fallen angels by visitation from above. They
caused havoc to the human race and animals, caused war and greed,
perversion and destruction and ultimately vandalised creation by
impregnation of man and beast, purely to spite God.
Then there was the flood.
The 200 fallen angels had stepped out of line and had crossed the line by
going beyond what was agreed that they could do legitimately. They were
permitted to influence mankind through temptation and leading them astray
and to sift them to win their souls from God. NOT to come into contact with
mankind or even impregnate them. So they were punished ahead of time by
being imprisoned in the abyss.
The nephilem giants where destroyed and became the demons that remain on
the earth and have worked with satan to encourage idolatry and magical
practices and interaction that God forbids.
LOOK they know their time is very short now and you NEED to know the truth.
Stop being distracted by their activity there is much more to this world
and where it is going, than this UFO agenda.
THE ANSWER IS SPIRITUAL not this smoke screen being put up by God`s and
your enemies.
Remember satan is using this agenda to divert you from finding the Truth.
REMEMBER this is not satan`s main trump card, it is just one of his
channels to put you off finding Jesus.
THE BIGGEST DECEPTION is religion and what the enemies of God have done to
just to put you off, just believing in God. Religion is the main trump card
of the enemy this is the one that will get most of you.
Religion throughout world history has become the ocean of belief systems
based on myths and legend has become a dilemma for all seeking the truth.
Even the one true religion itself has become darkened by man`s greedy
sinful nature who have followed the ways of the world (culture) and the
ways of man`s weak flesh have left a residue of untruth, injustice,
corruption and bitterness. EVEN IN THE CHURCHES themselves there is much
deception by moving away from Scripture. The ultimate smoke screen today
obscures the Truth. Wide is the road to hell etc: Matt 7-13 : Enter through
the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to
destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14″For the gate is
small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find
Because fallen man is easily manipulated and corrupt in his sinful nature.
THE PURPOSE FOR THE CREATION OF MANKIND: God is building a family His own
family. He created us so we can have a special Father-child relationship
with Him. God plans to bestow His immortality on us. As Paul explains,
«this perishable body must be clothed with the imperishable, and what is
mortal with immortality» (1 Corinthians:15:53, REB). God wants an eternal
relationship with us as His children.
These few words summarize what God wants in His relationship with people.
Notice the two aspects of God’s simple statement.
First He expresses His desire that we acknowledge and accept Him as the
Supreme Being. Then He expresses His desire to associate with us to have a
relationship with those who accept Him as their God.
Once we understand God desires a relationship with us, we should more than
ever recognize we truly need Him. The apostle Paul reminds us: «There is no
question of our having sufficient power in ourselves: we cannot claim
anything as our own. The power we have comes from God» (2 Corinthians:3:5,
Revised English Bible).
No other god or religion.
great video to watch
BORING! Call me when someone has a real clear video of a UFO. Is always
they same people with the worst cameras in History recording these UFO’s.
That light on the far right side is not a star thats the other part of the
size of that ufo i seen it masking its size and shape its colossal thats a
light on the far right side and there is other lights way down below whats
visible on the video thats shown
I think personally the brighter and more lights a ufo has, the more likely
it’s a hoax (albeit an elaborate one)
2014 in Stuttgart — Deutschland UFOS….
the earth is shifting, we are drifting into other dimensions and glimpsing
the impossible x
youtube vid ‘Britains closest UFO encounters’ is amazing with police being
abducted & British coroner speaking out about mysterious burn death…well
worth watching
oh, and expensive cameras and tripods for everyone!!
Common sense rule: The immense distances involved ensures that any ET is on
a one way mission. The nearest earth like planet is 55 light years away.
Thats 1,350,000 years one way. If an alien being if intelligent would NOT
spend a lifetime just to die at our planet. Lights in the sky at a distance
dont make them UFOs. Remember we havent proved they even exist.
This subject is so far removed from ‘controversial’ at this stage; the
evidence is now overwhelming, more than 60 years down the track! The REAL
controversy is simply…
WHERE are they travelling from??
where is the plane muthafucka
Why is every video have shit quality. Answer this.
it seams like a Balon
These are night flares for military practice..flares go out and new ones
pop open…
At about 9:30min. The video was shot while «attending an outdoor arts
festival in the Nevada desert.» You mean burning man? The burning man crowd
saw UFO’s? LMAO
We may have some actual footage here!
As anybody ever heard of picture stabilizer on their camera??? Uggg.
*12:57AM EST *666 + *999 = *8888
proven to be hoaxed.