In this UFO video compilation, we present a collection of original UFO videos that were featured for the very first time on, youtube/LookNowTV in Februaray, …
In this Best UFO video compilation, we present a collection of original UFO videos that were featured for the very first time on, youtube/LookNowTV, in the y…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
UFO sightings and alien abductions have become such a huge phenomenon in
our culture! Most notably popularized by the sightings and wreckage found
in Roswell, many people have become believers. Check out this free movie
from Paranormal TV that captures the best UFO sightings on film and see for
yourself here: bit(dot)ly/ParanormalTV_BestUFOCases.
You should also watch Part 1 of the abduction of Travis Walton to hear a
first hand experience of alien encounters here:
UFO Sightings
Just do not believe shit like this, UFOs do not exist!
1:48 Fake
Ufos does exist but not aliens Ufos are from the NASA -__-
fake.. all fake and gay.
that music is so fake….fake fake fake.
1:48 looks like «ball lightning»
60 percent of ufo which are sighting in USA are the man made flying objects
for the military. the manufacture team examine those flying objects by
taking a test flight. A lot of inventions in flying objects has already
been done but they are not officially announced due to military purposes.
There have been flying objects which are disc or triangular in shapes
invented by the engineers. These objects have the tendency to fly with
antigravity, waves deflection, and much more…..
3 39 its a fucking bag you fuck tard
Lot’s of UFO’s in the world. Some are fake, some real. All are from
somewhere. They come from the minds of talented (the good fake videos) and
not so talented (the bad fake videos) computer savvy people.They also come
from the billions of electron volt charges the Sun is bombarding us with
every second of the day causing orbs or ball lightning effects. Some are
legitimate photos and videos of strange objects. How many are visitors from
Mars? My guess from today’s knowledge of the solar system is zero. How many
are from another planet in our solar system? Same answer. Unless they are
from a recently discovered Kepler Planet and developed extremely advanced
space travel technology then no one has traveled here from another star. So
where are they from? Maybe the future. The possibilities are 1 interstellar
travelers, 2 inter-dimensional travelers or 3 time travelers. Plus the
hoax’s and mistaken sightings. If they are from somewhere else no matter
who or what they are it took a lot of knowledge and energy to get here. I
hope they were not terribly disappointed with all of their efforts to get
here and find a beautiful on of a kind (in it’s solar system) planet in the
first stages of dying and over populated by a bunch of almost hairless
apes that have developed simple technology and are consumed with greed and
power. I’m sure the Grey’s consider us the Planet Of The Apes. What will
the rest of our Galactic Neighbors think of us when they land here? The
biggest question is what will they do if they don’t like what they see?
Will they allow business as usuall or will they do something to alter the
future? Will man on Earth be viewed as a failure by GOD and once again be
purged from the world? No matter if you have a scientific or religious
opinion on this subject the signs are here that we are going through some
changes socialy , politically, economically and scientific while we are
being observed by someone or something. What will we know tomorrow?
And ditch that lateral lens flare, very unnatural. You also need to adjust
the traveling matte at the top of the building at about 3:42. And if you
want me to believe then at about 7:48 to 7:50 start tracking the object
(just like any rational person would do if they were actually seeing
something that was not going to be added later in post) instead of just
using the handheld yet fixed shot of the planes wing…which to anyone who
knows is just a setup shot for the animators. And the music; really?
This particular video is not that impressive and only serves to discredit
the whole field of UFO investigation, but there are thousands of other UFO
videos, photos and other physical proofs of sightings which are very
compelling and are difficult to ignore or trivialize.
Those, along with the countless testimonials of eye witnesses and multiple
corroborations from professional pilots, air traffic controllers and public
figures like President Carter, the Governor of Washington state, the
VATICAN and many more, are more then enough to allow those of us who are
NOT in perpetual denial, to conclude that this UFO phenomenon is real.
Maybe some, even perhaps MANY of them, are sightings of MAN-MADE secret
technology but there are too many others involving obvious
extra-terrestrial elements, like ANDROID type «little grey or green» men,
to systematically dismiss and discredit all of it.
In the language of my former profession as a trial lawyer for thirty years;
in favor of our concluding that this phenomenon being REAL rather then
concluding that all this proof is fake or that all those people are lying.
The secondary consequence of the weight of all of this existing evidence is
that the BURDEN OF PROOF would be on those who are skeptical to DISPROVE
all of it.
Let’s stop being distracted by these irrational cynics and focus instead on
what should we doing about this ?
We MUST increase the pressure on all our elected representatives to TELL US
THE TRUTH. We are no longer living in the primitive, non-technologically
advanced society of the 1940’s. Our generation has been acclimatized to the
possibility of ALIEN life by numerous science fiction movies and books…WE
just 1 slowmotion replay is enough…
extraterrestrial civilizations in very much, but there vyshy mind which
governs the whole nature of the earth, and for them there are no barriers,
they can even manage a cloud, and to introduce the egg in a woman they do
not even have is truda.Oni besmertiem.Im has obeyed the speed of light and
even higher than the speed of light, and this machine is vremeni.I ARIBUT
0:08 Angel flying… Beauteful
OK you got me rolling. Don’t have the «ship» fly parallel to the buildings
at 4:45 where the camera «just happens» to look skyward just before the
«ship» «fly’s» by, and use more locations that are not NYC. And that music,
talk about beating me over the head.
Fairly good fakes. Kudos to the CGI animators, they do a pretty good job
with the opacity through the clouds, but going to the cliché «and now we
look through a filter» shit was boring. I give them credit for not audio
editing in shocked reactions; way too cliché. If they had some graphics
siting location, time, and witness name, it would add some «faux»
credibility to this half way decent attempt. Better luck next time.
well since i know that UFO’s do not exist or are not coming to earth then I
know this is fake,,end of story.
project Vril exists since Hitler era
my grandma and uncle saw one back in ciberia when she was taking care of
she said it was shining blue light first they thought it was a metiorite
then it swiched directions and took a course to their left zooming out of
Why is it that guys that film ufo`s are always the guys with the worst most
unclear picture quality. I mean common Ive seen clearer images of ison than
these little black spots streaking across my screen, maybe if the ufo
comunity learns how to use a video recorder they would earn some
credibility with the rest of the world.
human beings are not the only intelligent beings there are other beings out
there which do tend to interfere with us
i reckon LookNowTV is THE best YouTube channel for anyone who wants to
check out good quality UFO sightings.
the analysis in tye form of zooming in, applying color filters and giving
us slow motion replays etc at the end of each clip is much appreciated too.
the best compliment i can give LookNowTV is to say that they are the TOTAL
OPPOSITE to ThirdPhaseOfMoon..!
(just watch any of their ‘so called’ sightings videos and you will
understand what i am trying to say..!)
Movies are cool but MAN do you really need to repeat every clip 10 times
with various filters? It’s f*****g annoying! Same as music.
Have you ever seen a UFO? Check out this free movie of the best UFO cases
ever caught on tape…watch it here:
Instead of this distracting music, why not voice over with descriptions of
what we are actually looking at….
Whats the beginning music called?
0:14 The sun?? Oh i see now an enchanced dot to dynamic lighthing.
dude the music kinda sucked. there used to be this one guy on youtube named
2011message he knew how to sick direct. meh. nice footage tho
0:10:12 does anyone know who composed this piano music ?
It is enchanting, I got goosebumps. Amazing choice of chords !!
Who is the artist ?
Only a few actually look real,but the majority looked fake. Example, is
where the UFO is in the red sky with a helicopter and UFO looks like
cluster of balloons with a few birds flying into the frame and then
disappearing behind clouds far away in the distance. Them birds would have
had to been the size of a very large plane 747 or around that size. Other
than that I think most of them were pretty good, to bad they were likely
all fake.
The half of the cases are fake. The others may be real ufos or terrestrial
every single video is Bogus ……
if i was the alien and if i was in any of the ship …. i never used any
light in the ship
and i never want to be seen to the creatures down bellow …. so i do not
thing that if any Alien with that High IQ will come to earth like this so
even a single missile or bullet can shoot it …..
As always, you decide!..
Love how they slap their name and rights on videos they took from other
Do we win a prize if we watch the entire thing?
I was living in New Mexico and I saw some pretty weird stuff in the sky and
on the ground. Lights swinging by themselves at the Schwanns Foods place I
worked at as a loader. Outside bay lights swinging with no wind at all.
Weird stuff….
These videos need more description. Where where they taken (for the
exception of the obvious NYC clips), and by whom? Many of these have
distracting camera movement and more than a few with a helicopter prominent
in most of them… odd. Google: «Manhattan UFOS» if you want to read and
see the account of what I think was one of the greatest mass sightings in a
long time, also occurring in 2013. The event was televised on all the
major networks, then the government just wrote them off as, «Three party
balloons from Mount Vernon.» Then why did the hundreds of observers count
between 50-100, and report that they remained in the same place for nearly
nine hours, then «begin to glow bluish-white»? Have you ever seen a
balloon stay in one spot for 9 hours? The bogus «balloon» cover story
worked just as well as it did in 1947. The mass sighting was forgotten.
Won’t people ever learn?
so many replays
Fantastic edit Look Now! Great year and thanks for all the amazing videos!
Kinda «miss» sighting a ufo, it’s been raining a lot, it’s always clouded,
so… In the summer I sighted ufos every single day! Portugal is a good
spot for sightings, especially in my area, the north…
the wheels is over ny city
1:01:28 though!!
Não somo os unico no universo…
ótimo video