In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior inte…
Best UFO Sightings Of October, 2013, AnonymousFO: 25 комментариев
The whole alien thing reveals what we humans are really like. We are
either musing on what we might be able to get from the aliens; such as
technology, or, what we should do if the aliens try to take our shit…like
blow them up with nukes or something….Humans — self, self, self.
factoid…since gyro copters ( RC ) have been on the market these sighting
have increased 10 fold. i know so many people who hook up lights to thier
copters and fly them at night. then you have 100 of sightings. looks real.
Yes Aliens do exist. Yes, UFOs do exist as well, but they are not all alien
in nature. The large black triangle shaped UFOs are actually built by us.
Nuclear weapon development was no the only project the German scientists
worked on who were brought her e after 1947.
it’s funny in all space movies or where they find other life, why is it
that all their ships ect have windows? i mean come on they most likely dont
:L they’d have much better, use your brain and come up with something
coolerrrrrrrrr pls, good video none the less
I’m not an Illuminati. Nor am I a ‘They walk among us!’ guy. But, I do
believe intelligent life besides the cruel race known as mankind exists.
These are concrete sightings. If you deny the existence of extraterrestrial
life after watching this, you are hopeless.
You all so smart and you have tons of explanations about the UFO.
This is how your boring brain works:
[ ONLY WE EXIST IN OUR UNIVERSE, NOTHING’S REAL ] think about it…only we
exist? Seriously? Cause it’s really stupid.
Please, if you are not good in english(like me). Translate my post from
russian into english.
Я полагаю, что если видео, вообще все ПРАВДИВЫЕ видеозаписи в интернете про
НЛО, доказывают существование объекта, не известного нам, обывателям, на
этом видео, с чего оно должно относиться к внеземным цивилизациям(если
такие существуют, мы вообще можем оказаться первой жизнью, хоть и шанс
этого ничтожно мал). Эти объекты доступны нам для обзора невооружённым
взглядом, гораздо правдивее выглядит версия о том, что это секретные
разработки(к примеру научные или военные). Каков шанс, что в
непосредственной близости от нас, есть цивилизация примерно нашего
развития, которая наблюдает за нами, потому что развитые цивилизации могли
бы наблюдать за нами и без подобных приборов(НЛО), летающих на орбите нашей
планеты, так как даже мы можем заглянуть туда, куда мы не добрались бы за
всю жизнь даже со скоростью света, что уж говорить высокоразвитых
This is the real deal folks. I think a lot of people are just scared why
they are here and want to deny it because it violates whatever religious
beliefs they may have. People have gotten sucked into all that
1:17 Is the TR-3B code name «Astra» this craft is ultra Top secret flown by
the USAF. The president doesn’t even know about it. Of course he doesn’t
get told about it because there are security clearance’s higher then his
rank. It’s used by the CIA,NSA,NRO to preform Reconnaissance operations.
It’s funded by the black budget price is unknown but is supposed to be in
the billion dollar range. It’s been spotted in multiple areas since 1994 in
particular the famous triangle photo from Belgium. I can’t begin to
describe how this works but it’s ran by nuclear powered engins.
2:36 Is not a meteor I first thought it was when I saw it. But It suddenly
goes down then shoots back up. This is not ours nor is it any effect. No
fighter jet or commercial airliner could do any of these maneuvers. This
is preforming super sonic speeds that no human could ever endure
Yeah man this video here doesn’t define the laws of Physics. See that
triangle UFO on the last part of the video? That was simply eye-catching
and astonishing if it is true. For now, all is still science fiction.
The whole alien thing reveals what we humans are really like. We are
either musing on what we might be able to get from the aliens; such as
technology, or, what we should do if the aliens try to take our shit…like
blow them up with nukes or something….Humans — self, self, self.
factoid…since gyro copters ( RC ) have been on the market these sighting
have increased 10 fold. i know so many people who hook up lights to thier
copters and fly them at night. then you have 100 of sightings. looks real.
Miami FL one is probably real
Yes Aliens do exist. Yes, UFOs do exist as well, but they are not all alien
in nature. The large black triangle shaped UFOs are actually built by us.
Nuclear weapon development was no the only project the German scientists
worked on who were brought her e after 1947.
it’s funny in all space movies or where they find other life, why is it
that all their ships ect have windows? i mean come on they most likely dont
:L they’d have much better, use your brain and come up with something
coolerrrrrrrrr pls, good video none the less
this is the same shit craft was supposly filmed on iss cams fuck off
huuge universe. one single planet that contains life. :)) really funny
are they fakes? i think not. it is obvious: this is technology :)
I’m not an Illuminati. Nor am I a ‘They walk among us!’ guy. But, I do
believe intelligent life besides the cruel race known as mankind exists.
These are concrete sightings. If you deny the existence of extraterrestrial
life after watching this, you are hopeless.
Great stuff, especially the first photo.
There are a hand full of fakes on this video!!!!!
You all so smart and you have tons of explanations about the UFO.
This is how your boring brain works:
[ ONLY WE EXIST IN OUR UNIVERSE, NOTHING’S REAL ] think about it…only we
exist? Seriously? Cause it’s really stupid.
Please, if you are not good in english(like me). Translate my post from
russian into english.
Я полагаю, что если видео, вообще все ПРАВДИВЫЕ видеозаписи в интернете про
НЛО, доказывают существование объекта, не известного нам, обывателям, на
этом видео, с чего оно должно относиться к внеземным цивилизациям(если
такие существуют, мы вообще можем оказаться первой жизнью, хоть и шанс
этого ничтожно мал). Эти объекты доступны нам для обзора невооружённым
взглядом, гораздо правдивее выглядит версия о том, что это секретные
разработки(к примеру научные или военные). Каков шанс, что в
непосредственной близости от нас, есть цивилизация примерно нашего
развития, которая наблюдает за нами, потому что развитые цивилизации могли
бы наблюдать за нами и без подобных приборов(НЛО), летающих на орбите нашей
планеты, так как даже мы можем заглянуть туда, куда мы не добрались бы за
всю жизнь даже со скоростью света, что уж говорить высокоразвитых
This is the real deal folks. I think a lot of people are just scared why
they are here and want to deny it because it violates whatever religious
beliefs they may have. People have gotten sucked into all that
1:17 Is the TR-3B code name «Astra» this craft is ultra Top secret flown by
the USAF. The president doesn’t even know about it. Of course he doesn’t
get told about it because there are security clearance’s higher then his
rank. It’s used by the CIA,NSA,NRO to preform Reconnaissance operations.
It’s funded by the black budget price is unknown but is supposed to be in
the billion dollar range. It’s been spotted in multiple areas since 1994 in
particular the famous triangle photo from Belgium. I can’t begin to
describe how this works but it’s ran by nuclear powered engins.
2:36 Is not a meteor I first thought it was when I saw it. But It suddenly
goes down then shoots back up. This is not ours nor is it any effect. No
fighter jet or commercial airliner could do any of these maneuvers. This
is preforming super sonic speeds that no human could ever endure
Yeah man this video here doesn’t define the laws of Physics. See that
triangle UFO on the last part of the video? That was simply eye-catching
and astonishing if it is true. For now, all is still science fiction.
fake as hell.. very amateur… try again dude
Extremely faked bullcrap. Only a crazy idiot will believe this large load
of stinky shit.
impressive 3:34. ours?
Best UFO Sightings Of October, 2013, AnonymousFO
1:57 «amuture astrologer» should be «amateur astronomer» — embarrassing!