Breaking news! Giant UFO — Cigars in the solar space on NASA pictures of the April 19, 2015 Опубликовано 6 мая 2015 автором admin Pay attention to the incredible size of unidentified objects! Alien transport ships? Space «RODs»? NASA will never tell us the truth! Aliens UFOs anomalies in the solar space in the review… Video Rating: 4 / 5 Це також дуже цікаво:Breaking News! Lie of NASA — fixing by the SDO, huge UFO, closed the Sun — on March 7, 20132014 August Breaking News UFO’s Extraterrestrials Aliens NASA Fallen Angels Anti ChristUFO Sighting News: UFO At Space Station, Sunday Feb 22, 20153/19/2014 GIANT UFO APPROACHES INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION!Breaking UFO News Massive Alien UFO Visits ISS!!! Enhanced Video! May 2014October 2014 Breaking News UFO’s Aliens Nephilim DNA offspring superhuman Сподобалася стаття? Поділіться нею з друзями!
Aliens UFOs anomalies in the solar space in the review of the April 17, 2015 Ответить ↓
треки частиц в кристалле пзс солнечного ветра. на кинопленках во время ядерных взрывов то же самое Ответить ↓
OVNIs enormes em forma de charuto perto do sol, no domingo dia 19 de abril de 2015 (vídeo) Ответить ↓
So like this cannot be photoshoped lool how stupid your comments are just like this video Ответить ↓
I suppose they are near the satellite EYE that is why they appear so long… Sun has 1 million Kmtrs diameter and they if near are impossible….. Ответить ↓
Woah that is a huge Cigar Ufo. dammmm, thats like 20 planet earths in a straight line. Thats Not a Mother Ship thats a GrandmaShip Ответить ↓
What’s your take on this….invasion of the black square ships on SOHO EIT 284 Latest Image..time of .01;06 Ответить ↓
Breaking news! Giant UFO — Cigars in the solar space on NASA pictures of the April 19, 2015 Ответить ↓
Aliens UFOs anomalies in the solar space in the review of the April 17,
треки частиц в кристалле пзс солнечного ветра. на кинопленках во время
ядерных взрывов то же самое
MAYBE they are closer to the camera than you think???
OVNIs enormes em forma de charuto perto do sol, no domingo dia 19 de abril
de 2015 (vídeo)
Thank you !
So like this cannot be photoshoped lool how stupid your comments are just
like this video
I suppose they are near the satellite EYE that is why they appear so
long… Sun has 1 million Kmtrs diameter and they if near are
Woah that is a huge Cigar Ufo. dammmm, thats like 20 planet earths in a
straight line. Thats Not a Mother Ship thats a GrandmaShip
What’s your take on this….invasion of the black square ships on SOHO EIT
284 Latest Image..time of .01;06
Wow, that is longer, then the sun is big. That is massive. A Mother
Ship. <3
вспышки сейчас сильнейшие на солнце…магнитные бури надоели уже.солнце
кто то разгневал…
Breaking news! Giant UFO — Cigars in the solar space on NASA pictures of
the April 19, 2015