Breaking News Malaysia Flight 370 Found? Major Media Reports UFO Abduction! 2014

Breaking News Malaysia Flight 370 Found? Major Media Reports UFO Abduction! 2014 If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoo…

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Breaking News Malaysia Flight 370 Found? Major Media Reports UFO Abduction! 2014: 25 комментариев

  1. BREAKING! The plane has been located by an amateur space enthusiast. While
    using his small telescope in his back yard in an area 30 miles outside
    Tuscon, AZ, Tom Hadsey was startled by what appeared to be a jetliner on
    the Moon. His claims where substantiated Wed, by authorities, say a source
    with close ties to the national aeronautics and space administration,

  2. I hope somebody reads this that has reasonable common sense. All these
    reporters and all these people like the jerk in the above video are having
    fun reporting rumors and lies while people grieve their daughters and
    husbands or wives and loved ones. Picture your daughter on the airplane and
    then there’s creepy videos like this. You know most of the people are just
    having way to much fun talking about this. Nothing should be said until it
    is found and the people are confirmed alive or they can tell their loved
    ones who should be told first by the way that they have lost their loved
    ones.the only news should be how hard they are trying to find the
    passengers and to show that they will go to all ends until this goal is
    achieved. I hope they find them alive

  3. It was taken by a huge alien ship. This is a fact. People need to wake up
    we are not alone. Feel so bad for the missing and their families. Hopefully
    they are better off. Let’s face it , earth is getting worse every second
    and dying very rapidly now. Soon people will know the truth is out there ,
    if you have an open mind and really focus. Look up , wathch the

  4. Hey, if no one else could think of good rational explanations for an entire
    plane’s disappearance then I’d say why not the alien abduction theory?
    What’s the knock against it? That said, I don’t like the presentation of
    this video. It just comes off as sounding more entertainment than news. 

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