Брейн! GTA ONLINE БАТИСКАФ И НЛО Где Найти #87 Ч 2

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UFO buried in ICE? - Bristol Island - how to find on Google Earth

NEW!! E.T. head found on Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo-_cFMdZ_A ———————————————————————————-…

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Брейн! GTA ONLINE БАТИСКАФ И НЛО Где Найти #87 Ч 2: 26 комментариев

  1. There is nothing there but a year ago on google earth there was the people
    saying bs or fake are just ignorant this ufo looking thing got blown up by
    russians in the 80’s there is a video and photos backing that up to.

  2. What he would like you to see: UFO
    What you really see: Some random ice and then a photoshop image pops up
    from nowhere in the middle of the screen.
    I am sure I had a shotgun somewhere here……..

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