if your talking about skullcrushers from skull candy that bass boost shit
is a joke, on the other hand skull candy now makes a set called 2XL get em
at ya local walgreens i use em every day and when im djing 29.99 i was
extremely impressed.
if you see my profile pic you know what im into.. Lucha Libre + Trap &
bass.. im goona make a video to show why this style of music is headed for
greatness.. well done.. very impressive
I’m still bumping this in 2012 because I got so high time stopped moving.
If any of you ever obtain a time machine, you should come back and blaze
with me.
What’s the song called I can’t find it on sound cloud
uuuuuhhhhhhm peeps gotto tell ya ufo aint a person its the name of this
track u dumb fuck uploader
Click the like button if your watching this in 2014!
StonerDay <3
unindentified funky object
i dislike CHARTER.
daaammmmn trap goes way too hard love it!
Bro safari played this at La La Land
@Deadfromdubst3p specifics…I NEED SPECIFICS XD
Please get outta here… -.-
if your talking about skullcrushers from skull candy that bass boost shit
is a joke, on the other hand skull candy now makes a set called 2XL get em
at ya local walgreens i use em every day and when im djing 29.99 i was
extremely impressed.
Only 90 kids will get this
Ahhhhhhh… memories.. ;___;
you must still be in high school
No Album, it’s a single… Free download at his soundcloud…
if you see my profile pic you know what im into.. Lucha Libre + Trap &
bass.. im goona make a video to show why this style of music is headed for
greatness.. well done.. very impressive
I’m still bumping this in 2012 because I got so high time stopped moving.
If any of you ever obtain a time machine, you should come back and blaze
with me.
the part 0:27 reminds me of the fifth element for some reason
I love the thump of the base in my headphones.