Is this a flying saucer? Chilean government publishes report declaring object spotted above remote copper mine was an ‘official UFO’ Government agency in Chi… Video Rating: 4 / 5
I wonder what attracted it… was it the crater or the iron? It might of
been the iron. We have technology to see elements 10+ billion light years
away, so should they.
This looks clearly forged video. There is no friction with whatsoever
medium when the object moves around the construction site. This is a video
made separately with construction site and later edited by placing the
movement of the object.
Thank-you for the upload and interesting video presentation of the
Chilean UFO Report Cosmos. Seems Events are becoming more frequent.
UFO’s..Government Secret Project? Who knows anymore.Nice catch.Do you
happen to know the conclusions of the Study? Link for Study?Please.
Peace Y
Just like USA, politics
So the object was there for about one hour and all they manage to do is an
unclear photo?
I dunno…
You allways get a religious nut pop up here and go cranky..cos this
stuff frightens the bjesus out of them…
Well… hmm… I dont know…
I wonder what attracted it… was it the crater or the iron? It might of
been the iron. We have technology to see elements 10+ billion light years
away, so should they.
This looks clearly forged video. There is no friction with whatsoever
medium when the object moves around the construction site. This is a video
made separately with construction site and later edited by placing the
movement of the object.
Thank-you for the upload and interesting video presentation of the
Chilean UFO Report Cosmos. Seems Events are becoming more frequent.
UFO’s..Government Secret Project? Who knows anymore.Nice catch.Do you
happen to know the conclusions of the Study? Link for Study?Please.
Peace Y
Thats my saucer and my copper mine used for pipe sized flat coils in Nikola
Tesla’s TC/CFR UFOs well we all payed didn’t we
isto sim é uma foto convicente
Gobierno de Chile publica informe oficial sobre fotos de ovnis