This is the newest video for Call of Duty World at War since they patched it on 7/22/11 the patch was ment to prevent modders from useing theyre infections o… Video Rating: 4 / 5
this patch against a patch i have infections patches for cod 4 and 5 online
and zombie i just need this one 🙂 and im willing to trade agains cod 4 mod
menu online or mod menu in waw zombie that you can give to other
@beachest08 I can’t click a video thinking «Hey, what is this?» ? I was
looking for some good WaW gameplay and happened upon this little sad piece
of shit video.
@M19u3L1 i will trade this patch for yours but yours has to be a
ModernWarfare2 working for the TU7 that either has a mod menu
with challenges and 10th or dpad controll to get challenges and 10th 70. I
need all the files like the dlc’s and and codpost’s AND TEST
I subbed and liked plz can I have ufo and god plzz MrCRaZy BooTy
i sub fav liked pease inv me gt lawlessbigtitty
subbed liked and faved gt is CODnoobtuber25
this patch against a patch i have infections patches for cod 4 and 5 online
and zombie i just need this one 🙂 and im willing to trade agains cod 4 mod
menu online or mod menu in waw zombie that you can give to other
I subbed my gt is F2K o KN1F3Z
You guys feel special modding a 3 year old game? LMFAO pathetic dipshits.
want to trade???
I hate people in xbox that dont give you modz they only take all your
points away -__-
@benderbotx man your the one watching the video for some odd reason so you
cant shit
@beachest08 I can’t click a video thinking «Hey, what is this?» ? I was
looking for some good WaW gameplay and happened upon this little sad piece
of shit video.
Subbed Liked and Favorited GT: TFresh96
my gt is x rush x curtis i liked and subscribed
@M19u3L1 i will trade this patch for yours but yours has to be a
ModernWarfare2 working for the TU7 that either has a mod menu
with challenges and 10th or dpad controll to get challenges and 10th 70. I
need all the files like the dlc’s and and codpost’s AND TEST
can you give me the infectinos plz my gt is x vi motionz
nm i got them from someone else
@M19u3L1 do i want to trade what…???
My infection: godmode wallhack, red squares around people, and if u move
backwards u get unlimited ammo, and u get the clan tag hack