9/24 Update: See the links below for most current info available from their web page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9zBn3BKd3Y&feature=youtu.be https://www…. Video Rating: 4 / 5
The same technology is expressed in the SEG that is an perfect solar system
of magnets, that draw upon the energy of heat, and extract it from these
rollers, that has been suppressed for many as 60 years. more info in my
solutions page hope4uall.ws / solutions please, know, the keshe foundation
is by an iranian, and the seg is by a friend of the states. be aware, those
that support seg, will benefit if they do what I share on my site, and I am
in direct contact with them too. if you like, calme
No matter if you get ever citizen to sign that if its not in thier plans
they will never go for it until the dollar collapses completely then they
will run to get this going we all kno that only thing the dollar its
holding up is because the oil or the petro dollar as some call it
I’m with you. This is a truly interesting time to live in. Hopefully, those
who use war and death historically, will be stopped, or we will end up in
the stone age instead of the space age. Peace.
I agree but this law you wish to be pressed won’t ever be for nothing until
we get each corrupt political member out of power couse until they are
thier they will always have some kind power nd i say no kind of power to
them should be allowed
All very interesting, the pieces of the puzzle may be fitting together for
me now a little bit Ben Fulford has been very quiet this past 2 months, in
his last vid he said the demons were surrendering etc, then all the talk
about ET’s disabling nukes and then that drone brought down in Iran. I just
know that all will be revealed v. soon and and the mini Golden Age is
almost here, its also a very unstable moment in time right now because
demons have no fuse. Our spiritual work is vital now
Evidence, no. Only what resonates with me. It is my belief that the
Galactic Federation has been in contact with all the top governments of the
world and that there will be evidence of this soon. The people have been
kept in the dark on this planet and it cannot be this way for much longer.
You might just be surprised at what is revealed in the next couple months.
Greg Giles is a trusted channel for the GF and starseed. I myself am a
starseed. We only want to help this planet. Blessings
I heard him say in a lecture that they used this technology to take down
our most sophisticated drone without a scratch…I am not a scientist but I
heard him answer questions from scientists and they appeared convinced…If
what he says is true and we do something crazy to stop the spread of the
technology I would imagine he could use the technology as a defense…who
knows…but he sounds convincing
… in times like these we can not nor should not under-estimate just how
sick they can be. I have visions of a nuclear war beginning, and The
ancient alien order that created the genetic manipulations to our d.n.a.
will return for their project, and they will use our desires of war as a
way to gain trust. KNOW yourself, KNOW God/Love/Life. I had these visions
20 years ago, and so far everything I saw coming has happened or is about
to. Get ready for the wake up call!
All war is about money. I’ve spent quite a bit of time researching the
Keshe Foundation. I have not made a «job» out of it and I rely on my subs
to help keep me informed. It is MY BELIEF that the US sees this technology
release by Keshe(and Iran) to be an act of war is b/c if this info is free
to be studied and expanded upon by ANYONE it would eliminate their monopoly
on energy and the HUGE money empire that it’s built upon it.There is much
that is censored on YT regarding this (my speculation).
I agree 100% we need to stop waiting and START DOING!! Tell your neighbors,
your friends, and anyone you meet. Make flirs, put signs in front of
buisnesses, PROTEST! Make people aware of what is happening. Make them
question! Give them the facts! HELP THE CAUSE instead of just sitting there
and waiting for a FUCKING CHANGE!!(excuse my language)
Why don’t we develope a communication more personal then YouTube messages
to discuss this problems new plans etc… Some whet as private as much
possible so in all can kno its confidasionslity can be secure from the
elites i say lets really make one honestly united is going to be importance
to us even kno most of us already try to reach this feeling of united
because we all want world peace as one united all for this couse
you are very annoying. cant you do your own research and make your own mind
up or are you so stupid that you need to take on other peoples opinions?
Try not to be such a moron pls.,
a galactic federation does not exist, the present ETs manipulate us and say
anything what works to be accepted by us. read ALLIESOFHUMANITY ORG
In conclution ww3 looks to be the biggest cover up story that the world has
ever had in this century and all because a power struggle and wealth smh
fucking elites
They don’t even care ego you vote for couse they already decided who is to
win like they did with the first bush election in 2000 who we all kno was
corrupt if the votes since never not all votes were not counted for
This is old technology,you can see it being used in the oceans on sattelite
and the moon.IT omits a bright bluish light.Im glad they decided to bring
it out tho.ACTTUALLY,OR he discovered what was already known.God bless him
if he releases it all to public.Does this mean I can use a coke bottle
instead of a 6kw generator?Rich people look at poor people and many times
times would luv 2 trade places for a little while.But inside of them,they
know $ mens nothing to the soul
The question is, is mr Keshe working with ETs IF SO THAN WE ARE AT RISK OF
BECOMING SUBJUGATED TO THESE FORCES. TO back engeneer ET tecnology can be
useful, but when we depend on foreign forces, we will will lose our self
PRESENT ETs , a MUST READ alliesofhumanity org
I wish what you said wasn’t true… The money paradigm is what every crisis
has ever been about on every level. What would happen if no one hated each
other and no one fought? What if people did things for free b/c they wanted
to instead of b/c they had to to pay taxes, interest and for food? Our
thinking is so removed from the true nature of peace (pun intended) that
people can’t even imagine it. Pray for humanity and the Earth. Live in
love. Peace.
The same technology is expressed in the SEG that is an perfect solar system
of magnets, that draw upon the energy of heat, and extract it from these
rollers, that has been suppressed for many as 60 years. more info in my
solutions page hope4uall.ws / solutions please, know, the keshe foundation
is by an iranian, and the seg is by a friend of the states. be aware, those
that support seg, will benefit if they do what I share on my site, and I am
in direct contact with them too. if you like, calme
100 years ago 🙂
I believe PT Barnum stated it succinctly… «there’s a sucker born every
No matter if you get ever citizen to sign that if its not in thier plans
they will never go for it until the dollar collapses completely then they
will run to get this going we all kno that only thing the dollar its
holding up is because the oil or the petro dollar as some call it
I’m with you. This is a truly interesting time to live in. Hopefully, those
who use war and death historically, will be stopped, or we will end up in
the stone age instead of the space age. Peace.
You are a true role model. Keep up the great work. Peace.
Everyone gets one more chance.
I agree but this law you wish to be pressed won’t ever be for nothing until
we get each corrupt political member out of power couse until they are
thier they will always have some kind power nd i say no kind of power to
them should be allowed
All very interesting, the pieces of the puzzle may be fitting together for
me now a little bit Ben Fulford has been very quiet this past 2 months, in
his last vid he said the demons were surrendering etc, then all the talk
about ET’s disabling nukes and then that drone brought down in Iran. I just
know that all will be revealed v. soon and and the mini Golden Age is
almost here, its also a very unstable moment in time right now because
demons have no fuse. Our spiritual work is vital now
Evidence, no. Only what resonates with me. It is my belief that the
Galactic Federation has been in contact with all the top governments of the
world and that there will be evidence of this soon. The people have been
kept in the dark on this planet and it cannot be this way for much longer.
You might just be surprised at what is revealed in the next couple months.
Greg Giles is a trusted channel for the GF and starseed. I myself am a
starseed. We only want to help this planet. Blessings
I heard him say in a lecture that they used this technology to take down
our most sophisticated drone without a scratch…I am not a scientist but I
heard him answer questions from scientists and they appeared convinced…If
what he says is true and we do something crazy to stop the spread of the
technology I would imagine he could use the technology as a defense…who
knows…but he sounds convincing
… in times like these we can not nor should not under-estimate just how
sick they can be. I have visions of a nuclear war beginning, and The
ancient alien order that created the genetic manipulations to our d.n.a.
will return for their project, and they will use our desires of war as a
way to gain trust. KNOW yourself, KNOW God/Love/Life. I had these visions
20 years ago, and so far everything I saw coming has happened or is about
to. Get ready for the wake up call!
All war is about money. I’ve spent quite a bit of time researching the
Keshe Foundation. I have not made a «job» out of it and I rely on my subs
to help keep me informed. It is MY BELIEF that the US sees this technology
release by Keshe(and Iran) to be an act of war is b/c if this info is free
to be studied and expanded upon by ANYONE it would eliminate their monopoly
on energy and the HUGE money empire that it’s built upon it.There is much
that is censored on YT regarding this (my speculation).
I agree 100% we need to stop waiting and START DOING!! Tell your neighbors,
your friends, and anyone you meet. Make flirs, put signs in front of
buisnesses, PROTEST! Make people aware of what is happening. Make them
question! Give them the facts! HELP THE CAUSE instead of just sitting there
and waiting for a FUCKING CHANGE!!(excuse my language)
Hey. I have to agree with BlazenBeats. I too have researched this at length
and have no reason to doubt either. Can’t wait for the 21st!
Why don’t we develope a communication more personal then YouTube messages
to discuss this problems new plans etc… Some whet as private as much
possible so in all can kno its confidasionslity can be secure from the
elites i say lets really make one honestly united is going to be importance
to us even kno most of us already try to reach this feeling of united
because we all want world peace as one united all for this couse
you are very annoying. cant you do your own research and make your own mind
up or are you so stupid that you need to take on other peoples opinions?
Try not to be such a moron pls.,
a galactic federation does not exist, the present ETs manipulate us and say
anything what works to be accepted by us. read ALLIESOFHUMANITY ORG
In conclution ww3 looks to be the biggest cover up story that the world has
ever had in this century and all because a power struggle and wealth smh
fucking elites
They don’t even care ego you vote for couse they already decided who is to
win like they did with the first bush election in 2000 who we all kno was
corrupt if the votes since never not all votes were not counted for
This is old technology,you can see it being used in the oceans on sattelite
and the moon.IT omits a bright bluish light.Im glad they decided to bring
it out tho.ACTTUALLY,OR he discovered what was already known.God bless him
if he releases it all to public.Does this mean I can use a coke bottle
instead of a 6kw generator?Rich people look at poor people and many times
times would luv 2 trade places for a little while.But inside of them,they
know $ mens nothing to the soul
The question is, is mr Keshe working with ETs IF SO THAN WE ARE AT RISK OF
BECOMING SUBJUGATED TO THESE FORCES. TO back engeneer ET tecnology can be
useful, but when we depend on foreign forces, we will will lose our self
PRESENT ETs , a MUST READ alliesofhumanity org
Howard Menger taught the US Government how to Build LARGE UFO SHIPS in 1961
I wish what you said wasn’t true… The money paradigm is what every crisis
has ever been about on every level. What would happen if no one hated each
other and no one fought? What if people did things for free b/c they wanted
to instead of b/c they had to to pay taxes, interest and for food? Our
thinking is so removed from the true nature of peace (pun intended) that
people can’t even imagine it. Pray for humanity and the Earth. Live in
love. Peace.