The FBI is making a lot of noise about their UFO declassified photos and documents in the FBI VAULT and stating that it is their most viewed site in the Vaul… Video Rating: 4 / 5
Good video an all true what I know of the government are bringing more an
more evidence out for us to see whys that? I think with the increase of
camera use an over devices its becoming hard to disprove or maybe the
aliens are getting fed up with us an want to let everyone know its not just
are planet they seem friendly but wheres good comes bad like alpha an omega
postive an negative there has to be a balance maybe some of thw aliens dont
have whata in are best interest scary stuff !
want to see the truth, not lies. We allready know they exist ,so enough
allready. WE WANT TO KNOW.. Stop making us live in the stone ages.
forcing people to believe thing…no they wouldn’t do that!
Nice speech. Disclosure coming soon i hope. Like she says, want to meet our
Good video an all true what I know of the government are bringing more an
more evidence out for us to see whys that? I think with the increase of
camera use an over devices its becoming hard to disprove or maybe the
aliens are getting fed up with us an want to let everyone know its not just
are planet they seem friendly but wheres good comes bad like alpha an omega
postive an negative there has to be a balance maybe some of thw aliens dont
have whata in are best interest scary stuff !
Humans r more DEAMON than inter demential beings