GTA 5 Easter Eggs. Discover UFO’s Ghosts, Cheat Codes and more. This is the first UFO discovered and I show you how this is revealed and why Buy this game or any PS4 games or accessory at… Video Rating: 4 / 5
I would but I am currently trying to kill all gta v police in Los santos, I
heard u actually get to buy the building after and get like 2 mill an hour
if u constantly commit crime
I was doing the mission rooftop rumble and I was driving towards madrazos
house when my car slammed into nothing in the middle of the street, I
turned the camera angle and saw the ufo. It was sitting on top of some
small building. First time seeing it lol
I went directly under the ufo, I like how it abducted me, they took me to
the star system of Pleiades, they didn’t talk, they are telepathic, I knew
what they said through the captions. anyone rise GET abducted through the
beam under the ufo?
I know we have to complete all the strangers and freaks and all missions
all I’m asking is that do we have to complete them in gold instead of
silver or bronze or any way but it has to be all missions complete
stand under it and see if it beams you up, you fuck!
I saw the UFO whilst flying in the jet at 23:00. I was over the desert and
it wasn’t lightning/thunder. I do have 100% completion though.
I would but I am currently trying to kill all gta v police in Los santos, I
heard u actually get to buy the building after and get like 2 mill an hour
if u constantly commit crime
I Used a helicopter to get on the UFO
guys i found out that its not a real UFO! Its a FIB ufo! i saw «FIB» on the
side of it in my game!
I was doing the mission rooftop rumble and I was driving towards madrazos
house when my car slammed into nothing in the middle of the street, I
turned the camera angle and saw the ufo. It was sitting on top of some
small building. First time seeing it lol
I went directly under the ufo, I like how it abducted me, they took me to
the star system of Pleiades, they didn’t talk, they are telepathic, I knew
what they said through the captions. anyone rise GET abducted through the
beam under the ufo?
What’s the cheat?
I’ve done a glitch where I can see the UFO at any time and weather. Also I
can also see it without 1100% completion.
Nézd meg ezt a videót a YouTube-on:
Hay I wanted till 3:00 and raining cut nothing happens what did I do wrong
Check out my website for more Grand Theft Auto Easter Eggs —
Has anyone else noticed the marking under the observation deck?
if you look under the observation deck, you can see the eye on the mural
I know we have to complete all the strangers and freaks and all missions
all I’m asking is that do we have to complete them in gold instead of
silver or bronze or any way but it has to be all missions complete
If it gonna respawn ther well same where open wind to the Mt.Chiliad and
ther is 30.0000 laser gun and UFO
Why didn’t you shoot it!??!?! SHOOT IT!!!!
Somebody let me know if you atempt this and if it works.
I would go on the ground and go inside of the ufo
guys if u look closely on the ufo it says FIB so i think there trying to
say that the FIB are aliens even illuminati
this cheat gives me extra sunny weather!?
There is Easter egg in evry Gta a EVRY single game what they made
can u flying with chopper to the ufo?