GTA 5 Crazy Floating Car Glitch & UFO’s Are Back in GTA 5 Online (GTA V) ▻ More «GTA 5» & GTA Online Videos ▻ Please Leave A Like & Comment! ▻ Subscribe For More: …
Proof that gta is filled by kids:
1. They actually care when they see a UFO
2. They go to you tubers for help when it happens when the you tubers
already explained what’s happening in their last 100 videos
i was playing gta v online awhile ago, i was playing with my friends and i
was at trevor’s airfield,but my friends we’re at the construction site/off
roading track near the airfield and there was this guy that was invisible,
he kept killing me and i went in passive mode and it got worse he just kept
on running me over with a police car and killed me with the blades of a
helicopter. I couldnt see him on my map/his character so i didnt know where
he was going to attack or where he was and it got really annoying so i left
the session, but of course i had to report him. I was playing on my ps3,
report him if you want his or her psn account is Miss-Killerxo. I dont care
if you guys call me a snitch, but all i want is for people like him or her
who use invisibility glitches to be banned because they’re using glitches
not for fun,but to annoy people.
Another thing that happened is that I can’t put my Zentorno in my 2nd
garage. It disappears. And then when I park another car where it was
supposed to go, it rattles like crazy as if something is inside of it.
Also, there was one of those specially requested cars from Simeon stuck in
the LSC by the airport. I drove my car in there and my car basically went
inside of the other car. Weird shit as happening all day yesterday.
Something isn’t right about this new patch I guess.
My car was bouncing and I was like YES finally Hydrolics in GTA lol
every time i go to my garage i see my zentorno doing a whellie XD
Just Sell GTA Guys. Get Destiny its going to be better then gta
Proof that gta is filled by kids:
1. They actually care when they see a UFO
2. They go to you tubers for help when it happens when the you tubers
already explained what’s happening in their last 100 videos
This happend to my zentorno
You said to clear my cache but now I can’t get on gta online
Wow.really these virgins who have nothing else to do are back at it again
One time I was playing rooftoprumble and a giant astroid rock just spawned
down on the car I was driving
My cars keeps on floating(fr no reason)it’s funny&annoying
i was playing gta v online awhile ago, i was playing with my friends and i
was at trevor’s airfield,but my friends we’re at the construction site/off
roading track near the airfield and there was this guy that was invisible,
he kept killing me and i went in passive mode and it got worse he just kept
on running me over with a police car and killed me with the blades of a
helicopter. I couldnt see him on my map/his character so i didnt know where
he was going to attack or where he was and it got really annoying so i left
the session, but of course i had to report him. I was playing on my ps3,
report him if you want his or her psn account is Miss-Killerxo. I dont care
if you guys call me a snitch, but all i want is for people like him or her
who use invisibility glitches to be banned because they’re using glitches
not for fun,but to annoy people.
Car floating glitch happened to me and I still got in my car
My cavalacade (suv) was floting like a boat 2 times but i could still
acsess it and manage to drive out
I went to my garage and saw this big thing in my own garage and I think its
a glitch it must be a glitch !
Been playing in an inv only session since 10/1/2013. ;-)
Another thing that happened is that I can’t put my Zentorno in my 2nd
garage. It disappears. And then when I park another car where it was
supposed to go, it rattles like crazy as if something is inside of it.
Also, there was one of those specially requested cars from Simeon stuck in
the LSC by the airport. I drove my car in there and my car basically went
inside of the other car. Weird shit as happening all day yesterday.
Something isn’t right about this new patch I guess.
Does this mean god mode and money glitches are back as well because that
would be extremely annoying.
Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife, cuz they be modding everything out in GTA
Will these ever go away? Wtf is Rockstar doing when they»patch» this stuff
I just had these ufos spawn in my invite only lobby with me and my friend.
I can get in my car that floats
My cars float after i get inside
i send u a pic on twitter about the UFO’s but i was in a invite only
My car did that but I can still get into it