Can we get 100 Likes for this? Open Me ♥ How To Spawn a UFO in GTA V Online! Custom Controllers — Use The Discount Code: fultribo and Get 10% Off Your Order! https://www.acidicgaming.com/…
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GTA 5 Gameplay — The Incredible Mount Chiliad Mystery: ☆ Help us reach 250k! https://bit.ly/SubToCVG The GTA 5 o’clock delve into the increasingly convoulted mystery behind Mount Chiliad…
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Probably the best and funniest Glitch atm in GTA V Online! Let’s try to
reach 100 Likes on that video!
Thank you so much!
Dutch or German
Hey man can I upload This for my community series u have awesome videos :)
OH SHIT. Guys I think I solved the puzzle, at least here is my theory
before you make arguments. In the first version of the game on PS3 and Xbox
360 we had the UFO appearing after completion of game. In the second
platform of the game PS4 and Xbox One we get to find drugs around the place
and play as animals which could refer to the egg cracking open. So maybe in
the third platform. PC, the Jetpack could appear somewhere. Who knows if
Rockstar just planned all this out to wait for the moment of the release on
PC. I might just be crazy what do you think?
EDIT: Just noticed another thing. 5 boxes. 5 platforms. Coincidence?
I don’t think that the mural is a map, I think it’s a timeline. You said
that the three bottom pictures represent the characters, well it shows the
paths they take, and the egg, aka Franklin, has to kill one of the other
two characters, meaning the 2 x’s on there represent their death, whereas
the glowing UFO, represents a perfect game, or the true ending, where both
Trevor and Michael survive, telling you that was the right path all along.
But this is just a theory, so don’t go ham.
theres a song in the game called 9 is god. i dont have the conspiracy
theorist thing that you guys have but i know there is a significance with
that song to the cult group in the game. might that have something to do
with it?
Does the red stuff under the looking deck on the top of mount Chiliad have
anything to do with it?
There’s no jetpack. The mural is just showing you how to make the UFO
appear after you’ve reached 100%
I think you have to get to 100% summon the ship at the top of the mountain
and get lightning to hit it.. but how to get the lightning i don’t know.
Hopefully the guys who done this video read this comment, I’ve still not
got 100% so I can’t see if this works or not. I was at blaine county ( top
left of the map ) there is a bank, if you look inside the bank and on the
side of the building there is a large picture ( location in the map ) and
it says «Nest your egg» meaning keep your egg safe. I think it means invest
in the bank in the stock market. Blaine county bank not fleeca. 2 banks in
top left of the map. And that dom guy you parachute with, after you land at
sandy shores the cut seen dom says «if you want to parachute again i’ll be
on top of maze bank with the higher beings. And that omega guy who gives
you the space docker says he’ll be back and never returns. Those symbols
don’t mean anything for each character. Remember when micheal got abducted
and all those monkeys surrounded him as he got beamed up, maybe there is
something somewhere to do with monkeys. Maybe the noose science building
far right on the map above the car scrapyard. I used my cargobob and hooked
my space docker up and went to the top of maze bank and got in the space
docker started beeping and got a crazy sound, same sound in grove street.
Another thing «Maze bank» you know that dave guy you work for? That
building at the left of los santos, there is a maze around the back of the
He’s not wearing a jet pack. He’s wearing scuba gear. That picture relates
to the UFO that is under water, IMO. Kifflom
On the third ufo it said F.I.B so does that mean the police are in cover to
pretend there aliens
This is mind control stuff. They plant messages in games, TV, movies,
commercials even billboards to trigger mind control slaves. A game where
you realistically murder people is the perfect way to trigger mind
controlled assassins and they also hope to illicit unstable people who play
these games to commit murder. This is a “real” Satanic plot people! Unless
you know their triggers you will not be able to figure out what these
symbols mean. The Illuminati is real. Read Eustace Mullins book “The Curse
of Canaan”, Mind Control is real. Read Cathy O’Brien’s Transformation of
American and Access Denied” and the best book on Mind Control is Bryce
Taylor’s “Tanks for the Memories”
UFOs also figure in the Satanic conspiracy. Some are demons I now believe
and some are Illuminati hoaxes for mind control as well as make people
question traditional Christian religious ideology.
another theory:
the «leader» of the Epsilion group was probably a serial killer who used
the group to procure new victims, because when he was adbucted by aliens a
few years prior they probed his brain instead of his ass, resulting in a
horrible lobotomy that made him crazy.
The FIB investigated this and decided to perform a sting operation. That is
why they created their own fake UFO to see of the «Epsilion Killer» would
show up so they could arrest him.
This was probably being developed a few of Rockstar Games’s staff until
upper management told them to cut it because if it were allowed to remain
in the game, The REAL Scientologists would sue Rockstar for slander and
iluminati bullshit.
The phrase «come back when your story is complete» refers to the epsilon
mission which Micheal does and when you complete all the missions there’s
10 tracts that are found around the map and one of them is found there.
I think that the jetpack will be released later on when more heists are
out. After all, they did bring back the hydra which was also in san andreas
BTW if this conspiracy is still going on there is a UFO also at the bottom
of the sea in the top of the map at paleto bay
Did anyone else think of Ready Player One?
No, the zancudo UFO is a top secret aircraft, if you look closely inside,
you can see people, and hackers took the shape of the UFO and confirmed
that people are inside.
Who said that mural was a puzzle? Maybe it was just a diagram drawn as art
in the game
here is what i think the cracked egg is a cracked/solved Easter Egg. the
line connecting the UFO and the jetpack mean that somehow the alien and
the jetpack are connected. then they split off into there own conspiracy.
hope i got something right.
Flip the mural & possibly invert it before overlaying it onto the map..
Just a random theory, What if the JetPack or key too the mystery appears at
each of these locations (X’s) but only at certain times like a random
generator of some sort? …
I know where to find the jet pack!
My friends brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s best friend’s nan’s friend’s
nephew’s step sister’s uncle works at R* told me how
I found a cave and I get inside it then I found a dead body.
If you look under the platform where it says » come back when your story is
complete » there is the eye looking thing in red. You can see it from the
front near the stairs.
Maybe there are even more things to complete to truly get 100% completion.
Including all the random events, and everything else in the game in
addition to what is required to get 100%. Maybe that will unlock something.
Does everyone have a list of things to complete in the game? Including
secrets like childrenofthemountain and the murder mystery for michael?