In this GTAVNextGen livestream, Typical Gamer and I check out some of the vehicles of the new improved GTA San Andreas! Cars, planes, and UFOs! Check out Hik…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
GTA 5 PS4 gameplay of GTA Online rare vehicles that are currently unobtainable! GTA 5 Next Gen gameplay & funny moments! 🙂 ▻ Help Me Reach 1000000 Subscri…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Funny Moments w/ GTA 5 RARE NEXT GEN Vehicles GTA 5 RARE NEXT GEN Vehicles
— GTA 5 Online Cargo Plane, UFO, Blimp & Cars — GTA V Funny Moments PS4
ps4 gta 5 is amazing but the xbox 1 is pretty good as well either one is
GTA 5 RARE NEXT GEN Vehicles — GTA 5 Online Cargo Plane, UFO, Blimp & Cars
— GTA V Funny Moments PS4
Funny Moments w/ GTA 5 RARE NEXT GEN Vehicles GTA 5 RARE NEXT GEN Vehicles
— GTA 5 Online Cargo Plane, UFO, Blimp & Cars — GTA V Funny Moments PS4
hike where do i go to watch your live streams, in the left side of my
screen there is a red circle under «Subscriptons» by your name but when i
click it, it takes me to your channel and i dont know what to do
xbox 360 plzz for my son plzz hike
I am so happy this is coming out on PC, I will no longer have to attempt to
blend in with console peasants.
Police patrol cars are not clean, trust me, my dad is a police officer and
his car and everyone else’s s dirty too, but there may be a couple who keep
things clean
Wow. One of the guys has the most annoying voice ever. Otherwise, good vid.
wait i saw videos of gta 5 the cop cars are modern ones
hike u hacker gtav came out yesterday no one can get to 123 in a day
What mission was it
You know the sniper rifle can zoom in
Hi Hike, Your super cool. I know i missed the conest, but can i have a
autographed GTA V for xbox one from you
get one of those and load your crew and do a military style drop on
military base
I want GTA5 for ps4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When u live stream how do we comment and u see it while ur playing so if u
say which car and I comment adder and u see it straight away
why don’t you guys leave the job link? Stop being greedy.
thanks for your service
I’ll help get all of these cars on Xbox one just hit me up. GAMERTAG=UnRB
you guys are really gay because all you want is view and your title is
misleading when all you show is vehicles from xbox 360 and ps3, and it
would lag becuase of the computer ram
The emblem on your leather jacket is sick
I want gta 5 for Ps4 thx Hike Ur the best love u and your vids they r
always something to get a smile on faces #OUR BEST FRIEND ON YOUTUBE! <3
Hi hike i like your vids and i think your the best in the world and can you
give me a shout out
Is there seriously mods in next gen version already? For fuck sakes,
well… This game is ruined for me
Playstation is so easily hacked….
Your pronunciation of eviscerated is bad, m9.
who still plays gta v for ps3? reply your psn and tell me if u have a hd
capture card
Ouhhhh you touch my tralala mhhhhhh im din dang dond
i fucking hate modders go fuck your selfs for even supporting them by
playing the missions fuck you.
Noah Gleason is an idiot, mods only improve games.
Hikes a fucking little cheat he used shark bullstone it makes however picks
it up stronger
If i transferred my player but messed up on the editing, is there anyway to
re do it? can i delete my player then Re transfer it from last gen again?
at 48:00 when he fell off, before he died, he should have used the
stickybombs xD
+PewDiePie ‘s brofist
Blimps can be obtained in the main game. Just get a chopper, jump out onto
the blimp while it’s flying, and get in while you’re on top of it.
You can’t fine it just sitting somewhere though.
Hey,could you try to shoot the cargo plane back door and it might open, if
it works, could you put some stuff in it and fly anywhere. :)
i got my game for the ps4 from ps3 and i transferred and everything but i
do not have the exclusive stuff like the hatcher or the dodo seaplane! why
dont i have it? im level 91
FINALLY PREORDER IS AVAILABLE FOR PC, but that nasty delay to march 24th,
ugh I wanna play so bad X_X
I want GTA5 for XBOX One Please!!! #Landedit
I like hikes voice it sounds like Bodil40s voice.
GTA v is a good game but it has stupid stuff in it.
+Darude Sandstorm
I want gta v fir xbox one
Can anybody send me a ps4 plz
the game with first person camera are amazing …
Are the blimps only useable if you preordered?