Hey guys! In this video I’ll be showing you the UFO Light Easter Egg that appears at Fort Zancudo. I believe you will need to have 100% game completion to se…
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All wrong here’s my theory:the egg is hidden somewhere in the map ok you
have to obtain the egg which I think is a lost alien egg.you get the egg
from somewhere and it will lead you to the jetpack. After obtaining both
the egg and the jetpack you stand in the green light and fly strait up with
the jetpack into the UFO. Once you give them the egg they happy you brought
them their egg sooo as a reward they let you keep the jetpack. BOOM
SHOCKALOCKA how’s that.!!???
I’ve been 100% since November 2013, and I only now went to see the two
(tangible) UFOs. And they my be UFOs, but ALIENS(extra terrestrials)…
They are not, unfortunately. The UFO(over hippy camp), like the sunken
one, says FIB on it; and the nasty looking(and sounding) one over Fort
Zancudo may seem extra terrestrial, and I was convinced it was… until I
saw the word ‘DANGER’ in bold red letters, thoughtfully warning me of a
dangerous vent-looking thing on the top of the UFO. Unless these aliens are
very health and safety conscious and thoughtful enough to write the warning
in English, for the sake of any humans curiously strolling atop their
craft, then I think it is an IAA. or FIB development.
There is one ufo on top of fort zancudo, and if u dont know, the same mount
chiliad ufo is floating on top of ALAMO SEA
Has anyone tried getting a helicopter and fly straight up where that green
light is hitting from that bunker at 1-3 am in game time?
Dude did you not know that there is a UFO right above it?
Try using a cargobob to carry the space docker over the bunker because over
the lights on the car and the noises it make it might act like a UFO and
the beam of light might pull the lift back up to the lift entrance and you
can enter then go down a level you never know someone need to try
The lights linked to the jetpack trust me in gta sa this base shines and in
gta sa there is a mission saying to take control of the tower then u get
the jetpack watch whiz/gta videos
@Julia Barrons that would make sense if the UFO wasn’t an fib UFO
you should fly up to the ufo above fort zancudo and see if thats whats
beeming the light your game wont render it unless your close to it because
its like cloaked or somthing
I know this is quite stupid, but at mount chilliad isn’t the jetpack
underneath mount chilliad? Not saying it is and i bet someone did a glitch
to get under but it says it is. But I think it’s just a picture to show
that the UFO is linked to it. I don’t know lol.
When the green light shines go to the control tower maybe you can open the
elevator from there
i think there is the elivater ovs! and erm it takes u to the floor under -1
hents the light above elivator anyway it elivates u below and the is net
work of tunnles if we go back to the little red crosses on the map of mount
chillied then i think they indicate dead ends soooooon yeah
Has anyone ever tried getting a Cargobob and lifting the Space Docker onto
the roof into that green light and see what happens?
At 10am, at the satellites in sandy shores, FIB: cars, agents and
scientists spawn. Could that be connected with the UFO and the jet pack
Maybe the satellite on the roof leads to some sort of communication to the
ufo? Try putting some sticky bombs on it. It might trigger the
communication trough the ufo. It MIGHT lead to something… I’ve never
tried it I haven’t beat the game 100% yet. It’s just my theory. Anyone that
has beat it 100% try it.
3 am while its rainin maybe it will beam u up
lol, I can just imagine someone finally unlocking the jetpack and when they
fly around, they’re like:
Yeah, cool, a jetpack. Nothin much to it. Whoopdidoo
Theres actually a UFO that spawns above fort zancudo, that probably
explains the light, but it wouldn’t shine there for no reason :L
Question why do you have a deagle and a ksg?
i think that the ufo light is the lazer beam soo if u sean mrboss video
than u will under stand. what if the lazer beam is pointing too the jetpack
Try to make a fire inside the bunker with a molotovcocktail or rpg, maby it
will do something cuz there is a sign with; dont smoke. Never saw that sign
before in gta so maby it will do something
have anyone checked the altruist camp? There are some text and symbols of
the sun and other stuff inside and around the camp.
The jet pack is fake its a fucking ufo
Have you tried pushing the button?
Really, not a single «Yellow Submarine» joke? YOU FAIL AT BEING BRITISH!
I just mı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨ade you wipe your screen :3
GamingLemon: If you look to the right, you will see some rocks.
Me: dem some good rocks bro
GamingLemon: If you look to the left, you will also see some rocks.
Me: Thats awesome dude
GamingLemon: And if you look down, you will see a sunken UFO.
I begin to choke on Shepard’s pie and drop a fork full of it onto my plate.
After seeing what I had done, I then laughed so hard that I cried, then I
began to type this.
what is that sound effect at 2:19 ?
when i saw this sea ufo easter egg i got so scared i did not play gta 5 for
7 months
You know you can get a submarine for free. Like in one of the missions, you
use the cargobob to drop it into the water to steal a device beneath the
surface. After the game is completed, it is stored somewhere near the sandy
shores airstrip behind the petrol pumps. If you buy the cargobob, you can
pick it up and drop it into the water, abandon the chopper and enter the
submarine. (If left, it respawns back where you first took it).
Merry christmas Mr . lemon!!!
the part when Franklin sees the Mini-Sub on the road near his house, things
got realy trippy and funny. i almost choke at that part, and then after
that i could’n stop laughing.
another fun part : 05:07 : hahaha
Name of the song at 8:17? and funny ass video dude lol!
Hey halsy chafe the apk I downloaded it but at the last bit it wont
download plzzz help
Michel was a retard last episode
Whats the song at the end?
the UFO in the water is kinda scary
What’s the song on 11:23, I’m starting to make a major youtube channel and
I would really like it to make it one of my theme songs, please tell me
what it is.
Go fuck yourself
lol last part i was like LOLOLOLOLOLOL YOLO
What’s the ending music the gamming lemon
and If you look to your right you will see blocks and if you look to your
left you will also see blocks however if you down you will see yes you
guessed it Minecraft
Submarines and cheats so awsome!!!!!
He is british but he is 16
Lol where that 3rd bitch go?
that is so relaxing and awesome
198 sub’s to go brad
Imagine going into the Submarine, in First Person :D
What’s the song he plays at the ‘UFO beside a submarine part’
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Me Plz I Want Be Your Friend 😀 Bey <3