Follow Me on Google Plus: My Chinese friend gave me this video. Looking for aliens. It’s one of the great questio…
「ビートたけしの超常現象 マル秘Xファイル」 (テレビ朝日系、22日午後6時56分) 東京・六本木のテレビ朝日屋上で、 番組収録中にUFOが出現した! UFOコンタクティー・撮影家の武良信行氏による、 テレパシー …
UFO’s wouldn’t go that close to the road and risk getting recorded like
this, usually they use a constant emp wave to keep all electronics off so
there is no chance of being recorded hell they blew the challenger to
smithereens just for trying to focus the camera on them.
I don’t know Why but i think it is real
First off, I do believe there has got to be some other life forms out
there. But I don’t believe they have visited here. Why would they ? Were
a fucked up race of people. People that lie , betray, steal. People that
strap on an exploding devices. People that steer flying objects into
buildings, People that dismember other peoples bodies. People that come up
with ideas to split an atom to cause a Nuclear Reaction. All of
this……. just to KILL their own kind. Think about it…. Does that
sound like a race you’d like to encounter ?
To clear to perfect, obviously a fake, but its well done,
u can tell this is fake because the ufo is going the exact same speed as
the car I mean wat are the chances a ufo would fly beside a guy wit a
camera going the same speed as his car
this is real. you can feel it if you arent stupid.
A chinese driving without accident, I don’t believe it!
why aliens wont wear dress , why they like to roam naked?
Such a technically sophisticated looking air craft but the monster that
emerges is so docile looking. Yup it’s genuine!
Короче летал я на орбите у планетки этой, и тут вдруг в туалет жуть как
захотелось. А система жизнеобеспечения что-то забарахлила. Мочеприёмник ни
в какую работать не хочет. Ну я думаю — ну что делать приземлюсь схожу там.
Только блин хрен их знает где у них там положено ходить в туалет, у
примитивов этих местных. Ну я снижаюсь и лечу вдоль дороги, чтобы
посмотреть как у них в их ездильных аппаратах устроены системы отвода мочи,
чтобы потом прокрасться в какой-нибудь бесхозный их аппарат и там справить
нужду. Короче лечу наблюдаю за ними, и тут вижу один какую-то штуку на меня
наставил и удивляется что-то видимо фиксирует меня, ну я поставил тарелку в
режим синхронизации с дрожжанием его камеры, чтобы на записи казалось что я
не на самом деле лечу, а как будто наложенный эффект. И тут вижу что
местные прямо в этих их больших растениях нужду справляют и меня тут
осенило что блин — это же примитивы, откуда у них системы жизнеобеспечения
не то что переносные а даже стационарные, противно конечно как они делать,
некультурно как-то да что делать приспичило сильно. Приземлился я в
ближайших кустах, активировал режим неправдоподобности внешнего вида и в
кусты. Местные какие-то то там пробегали с камерами да потом шарахнулись
сами. Конец отчёта.
This technology has been proven to been around since the earlier to mid
1940’s, that we know of. » From Optical Physics to Hydro Propulsion
Systems, — If you LOOK and RESAERCH this , it’s THERE.
Sorry but the shitty acting tells us it’s fake
this alien’s craft restroom is not working, he needs to go fast that’s why
he landed. He’s looking around for a place to take a quick dump hehe.
I think perhaps the landing bit was fake and the rest was real. When it
lands you can see blue strip-lightning all over it, but while it’s flying,
it was a grey shadow.
Looks fake to me. Camera wobling caused movement doesnt match trees and
The flying «thing» actually looks pretty real but the running through the
woods and what they find are obviously fake so the whole thing is fake.
Still its a fun video. Nice Try! But they tried too hard on this hoax.
nice movie… LOL
Ha I remember this same video from back in 2007 or 08, but there was a
different ship photoshopped in the frame. Its hilarious. Pretty sure
original was done for photoshop contest. Same as the picture you see with
the «giant human bones» being dug up. They photoshop in the skeleton onto
an actual dig site photo. Looks pretty good actually. But people will fall
for anything, even with the internet there to readily prove it wrong. Just
shows you that most people arent able to actually tell fantasy from reality
and have no problem solving skills, and no ability to spot a lie.
U.s.a. Has nothing to worry about if Chinese people are even close to this.
Wonder how they can keep the speed so constant in a busy road and capturing
such stable video.
bunch of retards here…. sad to be an American….
Faker than your life
There are some proper numpties on this planet.
UFO’s wouldn’t go that close to the road and risk getting recorded like
this, usually they use a constant emp wave to keep all electronics off so
there is no chance of being recorded hell they blew the challenger to
smithereens just for trying to focus the camera on them.
I don’t know Why but i think it is real
First off, I do believe there has got to be some other life forms out
there. But I don’t believe they have visited here. Why would they ? Were
a fucked up race of people. People that lie , betray, steal. People that
strap on an exploding devices. People that steer flying objects into
buildings, People that dismember other peoples bodies. People that come up
with ideas to split an atom to cause a Nuclear Reaction. All of
this……. just to KILL their own kind. Think about it…. Does that
sound like a race you’d like to encounter ?
To clear to perfect, obviously a fake, but its well done,
u can tell this is fake because the ufo is going the exact same speed as
the car I mean wat are the chances a ufo would fly beside a guy wit a
camera going the same speed as his car
this is real. you can feel it if you arent stupid.
A chinese driving without accident, I don’t believe it!
I doubt aliens would wear no clothing, and walk around hunchback… And I
doubt they would just walk out on the surface of another planet like that,
when they could get attacked, or die because of the air.
why aliens wont wear dress , why they like to roam naked?
Such a technically sophisticated looking air craft but the monster that
emerges is so docile looking. Yup it’s genuine!
Короче летал я на орбите у планетки этой, и тут вдруг в туалет жуть как
захотелось. А система жизнеобеспечения что-то забарахлила. Мочеприёмник ни
в какую работать не хочет. Ну я думаю — ну что делать приземлюсь схожу там.
Только блин хрен их знает где у них там положено ходить в туалет, у
примитивов этих местных. Ну я снижаюсь и лечу вдоль дороги, чтобы
посмотреть как у них в их ездильных аппаратах устроены системы отвода мочи,
чтобы потом прокрасться в какой-нибудь бесхозный их аппарат и там справить
нужду. Короче лечу наблюдаю за ними, и тут вижу один какую-то штуку на меня
наставил и удивляется что-то видимо фиксирует меня, ну я поставил тарелку в
режим синхронизации с дрожжанием его камеры, чтобы на записи казалось что я
не на самом деле лечу, а как будто наложенный эффект. И тут вижу что
местные прямо в этих их больших растениях нужду справляют и меня тут
осенило что блин — это же примитивы, откуда у них системы жизнеобеспечения
не то что переносные а даже стационарные, противно конечно как они делать,
некультурно как-то да что делать приспичило сильно. Приземлился я в
ближайших кустах, активировал режим неправдоподобности внешнего вида и в
кусты. Местные какие-то то там пробегали с камерами да потом шарахнулись
сами. Конец отчёта.
well maybe if it was 2001 this would look real, but as someone who have
some experience with CG I’m sorry to announce that this is fake
This technology has been proven to been around since the earlier to mid
1940’s, that we know of. » From Optical Physics to Hydro Propulsion
Systems, — If you LOOK and RESAERCH this , it’s THERE.
Sorry but the shitty acting tells us it’s fake
this alien’s craft restroom is not working, he needs to go fast that’s why
he landed. He’s looking around for a place to take a quick dump hehe.
I think perhaps the landing bit was fake and the rest was real. When it
lands you can see blue strip-lightning all over it, but while it’s flying,
it was a grey shadow.
Looks fake to me. Camera wobling caused movement doesnt match trees and
The flying «thing» actually looks pretty real but the running through the
woods and what they find are obviously fake so the whole thing is fake.
Still its a fun video. Nice Try! But they tried too hard on this hoax.
nice movie… LOL
Ha I remember this same video from back in 2007 or 08, but there was a
different ship photoshopped in the frame. Its hilarious. Pretty sure
original was done for photoshop contest. Same as the picture you see with
the «giant human bones» being dug up. They photoshop in the skeleton onto
an actual dig site photo. Looks pretty good actually. But people will fall
for anything, even with the internet there to readily prove it wrong. Just
shows you that most people arent able to actually tell fantasy from reality
and have no problem solving skills, and no ability to spot a lie.
U.s.a. Has nothing to worry about if Chinese people are even close to this.
Wonder how they can keep the speed so constant in a busy road and capturing
such stable video.
bunch of retards here…. sad to be an American….
Faker than your life