Incredible Footage of What Looks To Be A UFO Landing In Arizona! Quote from Eye Witness Jenny Horne «This cellphone footage was recorded at Granada Park in P… Video Rating: 4 / 5
Great footage Blake, this looks very similar to the craft I’ve been filming
here at night time in the UK.
If there are helicopters observing then it’s possibly a drill of some kind,
no military intervention and not far from Area 51, could possibly be secret
op’s, but who knows, we are certainly living in strange phenomenal times.
We really need to start asking the right questions, after all, it’s our
planet, it’s our right.
cmon , if this or any of the videos we see all over the world of ufo’s are
real dont you think we would of found out what they are or even have better
quality video with the technology we have now .. it is all fake people .
there are no aliens .. we are the only ones in the universe..
what is taking Zoey so long in obeying her mom….apparently Zoey IS NOT
coming, so finish filming then retrieve her. Then go see what landed in
that back yard.
I love her dedication to both her daughter and her effort to video this
object with what she had on hand. But, wouldn’t it be great to get video
footage someday shot with a real camera with a real lense and tripod.
I saw two last night. Nothing as spectacular as this. But like a standard
seeing when they look as big as a star.
The first one I: I was driving and saw something that looked as big as a
star and it was moving slightly.. I pulled over and it was moving
noticeably but it had a bery distinct fliggt patern and It was giving off a
bright light as if it were a star and there were faint flashing lights
toward the bottom of the middle. It was rounded ontop the middle was more
flat and wide than the rest. And had an oval tipped bottom. That’s what I
could make out from the light it was giving off. The other was about 6
minutes later when I got back home (I was dropping someone off and both
sightings were relatively in the same location) it didn’t give off a light
but it had three flashing lights.. One on the left, middle, right.. You
could faintly see the outline of the ship and it was flat and very wide. It
was sitting in one location for the longest time then disappeared
It’s a fucking plane coming in towards the viewer! Have you not been to a
fucking airport before and watched them queueing in the air? Jesus! What a
pile of bollocks! I’m not going to argue, as you’re all fucked in the head!
You Cousins Brothers really need to use a stabilizing software on footage
like this so that we can really see what is going on. Unless, of course,
you want to cover up that it is fake and you don’t want us to get too good
a look as the object. That would be a very good reason not to use a
stabilizing software on videos like these.
Holy Snap! UFO Lands In Arizona~
Share This Link Now! UFO Lands In Arizona
Holy Snap! UFO Lands In Arizona~
That’s what i dont like about this channel!! they not let us see all the
video the whole world will know this is fake videos
Great footage Blake, this looks very similar to the craft I’ve been filming
here at night time in the UK.
If there are helicopters observing then it’s possibly a drill of some kind,
no military intervention and not far from Area 51, could possibly be secret
op’s, but who knows, we are certainly living in strange phenomenal times.
We really need to start asking the right questions, after all, it’s our
planet, it’s our right.
HOLY SNAP! Flying Saucer Lands In Arizona!! Break…:
cmon , if this or any of the videos we see all over the world of ufo’s are
real dont you think we would of found out what they are or even have better
quality video with the technology we have now .. it is all fake people .
there are no aliens .. we are the only ones in the universe..
thank you,
Would be great if there was a follow-up video.
Shared with Ancient Aliens and UFOs
*20141118* UFOs lands in Arizona — watch in HD
Helicopter with spot lights on, You can hear the rotor blades from it :)
why poeple always have a hard time focusing on the subject! ??
And people still dont believe!
Hey Blake, has anyone inspected the landing site to see if any evidence was
left behind?
Holy snap is right. This is breathtaking footage!
Just wondering: why for the sacred name of the holy GOD can’t somebody hold
a fuc***g camera STILL for at least 10 minutes???
I think the helicopter was a govomnt copter so they were watching the
what is taking Zoey so long in obeying her mom….apparently Zoey IS NOT
coming, so finish filming then retrieve her. Then go see what landed in
that back yard.
Cool…but if you look good, you can see it is man-made.
I love her dedication to both her daughter and her effort to video this
object with what she had on hand. But, wouldn’t it be great to get video
footage someday shot with a real camera with a real lense and tripod.
I saw two last night. Nothing as spectacular as this. But like a standard
seeing when they look as big as a star.
The first one I: I was driving and saw something that looked as big as a
star and it was moving slightly.. I pulled over and it was moving
noticeably but it had a bery distinct fliggt patern and It was giving off a
bright light as if it were a star and there were faint flashing lights
toward the bottom of the middle. It was rounded ontop the middle was more
flat and wide than the rest. And had an oval tipped bottom. That’s what I
could make out from the light it was giving off. The other was about 6
minutes later when I got back home (I was dropping someone off and both
sightings were relatively in the same location) it didn’t give off a light
but it had three flashing lights.. One on the left, middle, right.. You
could faintly see the outline of the ship and it was flat and very wide. It
was sitting in one location for the longest time then disappeared
The sound of the music «score» takes away from the video because it’s loud,
repetitive, and you can’t hear their voices. I had to cut it short.
So when are we getting a proper interview?
It’s a fucking plane coming in towards the viewer! Have you not been to a
fucking airport before and watched them queueing in the air? Jesus! What a
pile of bollocks! I’m not going to argue, as you’re all fucked in the head!
You Cousins Brothers really need to use a stabilizing software on footage
like this so that we can really see what is going on. Unless, of course,
you want to cover up that it is fake and you don’t want us to get too good
a look as the object. That would be a very good reason not to use a
stabilizing software on videos like these.
Ok guys look at the mountain how it changes with trees and then no trees.
It changes in the video as it plays.Must be fake.