Date of discovery: Sept 18, 2014 Location of discovery: Chryse Planitia, Mars Source NASA photo: Photo ID: PIA14462 I found water on Mars…
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UFO documentary videos,large detailed images, videos about UFO documentary. UFO Sightings or Natural Phenomenons? Paranormal Documentary 2014 These documenta. UFO documentary videos …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
you guys never fail to amaze me, and provide good laughs along the way. Go
to Stockholm and pick up your prize.
man the magic mushrooms must be strong in the usa.that or your smoking
those usa made leagle highs
You mean after all these years of looking at Mars and this went unnoticed?
You are insane. Seek help.
dude you misinterpreted what they what they ment with that blue area they
only showd a shield like cone like area and indicate that with blue that
area is cone like that is what they said there is nothing more to it only
that they find it a curious shape
De l’eau sur MARS??
I always maintained that there HAVE to be life on Mars!! Fantastic video
Scott and thank you so much!!!!
This is the view of a HiRISE image with infrared color. There is not water.
The sand contains unoxidized iron, which appears blue, while the Martian
surface is covered by oxidized iron-bearing dust which appears
Wow! you really have to be a blind idiot not to see what’s in this picture
. The proof of Mars being a living planet is beyond the debating stage .
You could slap a skeptic in the face with truth and evidence all day long
it won’t matter. It’s really a sickness of not being able to admit they are
wrong that’s all lol
I feel like the atmosphere on mars, would not reflect blue water, or at the
very least not that blue. I would assume it would look like rusty water.
De l’eau sur MARS??
I think the best thing that could happen is some hacker intercepting the
sinal from Curiosity, and getting the original images! Then we could see
everything… We need help from a hacker!
De l’eau sur MARS??
Water cannot exist on the surface of Mars as a liquid for too long. The
atmospheric pressure is far too low and with low pressure the boiling point
of water rises so any liquid water on Mars just evaporates into water
vapour. Sometimes in warmer seasons, water ice within the soil of Mars will
melt and you will get markings where the water is dampening the floor but
this only lasts a short time. If persistent pools of liquid water did exist
on Mars it would have to be underground and even then that’s just a vague
Wow dude you sure do make yourself believe in pixels and symmetry go out in
the world and look at natural rock formations allot of the time it’s
symmetrical ohh yeah squares almost straight lines look at natural
formations on earth and quit farting out natural looking formations
I do not see what you see Scott, but I am not laughing at you. I think
these formations on the Moon and Mars are somewhat similar to those ink
blot pictures. You know, the Rorschach test where the psychiatrist asks
you what you see? Everyone sees something that others fail to see. It
suppose it is a matter if interpretation. Please do keep on doing your
observation of celestial bodies. People like you often reveal startling
Water part is reasonable, the structures part is nothing but pixilation.
NASA would never give us color images at high enough resolution to make out
surface features, especially areas that appear green! I did a video about
trees on Mars and all the images are in black and white.
Nice find
More BS. This is simply pixellation you cretin.
can you read all the sheeple comments on here ?? Can’t you people think for
do you honestly believe we came from apes ?? if we did why are the great
apes still here, would they not have evolved away ??
Yes a real scoop Scott. I think you have confirmed that there are Rocks on
Mars Plus pixalation is evident in the Structures. This is fantastic, who
ever would have thought this possible — Rocks on Mars, makes you think.
A great find, Scot. There are structures every where.
It’s a false color image.
It’s not really blue. :/