NEW! UFO Sightings Two Major UFO 4th Of July Sightings 2014! Part 1. Stay tuned and Subscribe to Thirdphaseofmoon For More Incredible Video Captured on the 4…
It’s ok for dumb-asses to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and
teach these lies to their children, but things actually SHOWN always cast
doubt to these mindless sheep.
It’s funny how «they» used to try not being seen by anyone and nowadays
they see fireworks and have to fly over when they well now that people are
going to be watching the sky. That tells you, or it tells me at least, that
they are letting us see them on purpose. The Great deception is almost here
folks. Get ready to see most people around been fooled to believed that
they are «aliens» from other worlds. Something big will most likely happen
first before they come out to «make first contact». They are nothing but
demons, and their destruction is at hand. Don’t join them, we are a higher
type of creation now.
I am to the point where I need to see a real craft land and something come
out because anyone can put anything in the air today. Enough with the
light shows.
lol arguing weather or not ufos are real or fake.. on a video of ufos…
lol if you don’t believe in this conspiracy. why are you watching this
video in the first place?
7/4/2014 seen 5 with my whole family they followed a strait line the
difference with my sighting is that as they came through a small cloud the
fire orange color went out and in the moonlight we could see what they were
each was a disc black as coal. they maintained speed until out of sight.
the disk were about the size of a dime held out at arms length in the sky.
so my question is why does the humidity of the cloud stop the orange light
as if they were on fire? they weren’t meteorites or anything like that I
know because they traveled a minute or so behind each other on the same
path and once the light went out as they pasted through the small cloud in
the moon light we could clearly see large disc. besides meteorites don’t
follow the same path nor do they maintain distance and speed. there was no
sound at all they didn’t have a tail or trail like meteorites and they were
huge as I said the size of a dime at arms length. so I would guess maybe 50
to 100 yards wide? im not an expert on things like that lol. they were
traveling as fast as the passing planes or alittle faster no flashing
lights at all and they did look as though they were on fire. it was
something I am proud to have seen no matter what they were. the lights were
nice but when the lights went out the disc was what really got me excited
never seen anything like it before an may never see it again but atleast I
got to see it once and not just one but 5. they were in the united states
over northeast Georgia they came from south Carolina heading in the
direction of Atlanta they traveled many miles before they got out of sight
it was around 9:30 to10 at night. it was too awesome to miss. the disc I
will never forget silent and large they were like holes in the sky against
the silver color of the moonlight. thanks for the read and please tell me
if you have ever seen anything like this. I have heard of the fireballs but
never knew they would go out to reveal the disc I have never heard anyone
say anything about it. so please leave a comment if you have seen it or
anything close. I would love to know what they may be.
I live in Edgewood Maryland, last week I was outside looking in the skies
at around 11:30 pm counted 6 ufo they traveled the length of the sky from
one side to the other in about 1 minute. They were vey very high up, they
looked like stars moving. The light on them would fade out then fade back
in and get really bright. A couple were constant bright white light. 2
passed each other one going east one west they looked like they touched
each other they were so close the lights looked like 1 for a split second.I
came back out later in the next morning around 4 am and saw 2 more, same
M.O. They are up there guys. I probably would have missed these ones if my
5 yr old nephew had not seen them and asked» why is that star moving»
Why is it that this guy sees a flying object and then starts trying to move
around making the Camera shake instead of standinb very still and getting a
better shot , annoying yet good catch.
The first clip was very good; however they could be Chinese lanterns in the
second capture! Since it’s 4th of July; it would make sense…and that they
ALL seemed to move in the same direction, and very slowly.
None on those were UFOs, the first one, was fireworks paper a amber on fire
falling away. The second looked to be planes or something. I see those all
the time I live outside of the top air force base in America and I think if
any of these people seen a real UFO they wouldn’t know what to do with
themselves. A triangle craft hovered over me and my home 30 feet above me
they are bigger than two cars wide by three cars long, silent and fast but
can slow down to a crawl. This thing came over the power line at tree
level. They are very careful about where they go. They will make you dizzy
and almost make you pass out from the forces pushing down on you. Stop
being fooled by silly videos like this. The real thing turned my hair gray
the next day and will kill your plants. They are real and out there.
they were nation wide. several states besides I know for a fact they wern’t
lanterns. it was massive across the whole US. just type in ufo july 4 2014
or orange ufo july 4 2014 you will see it was across many states I have
noticed more in cali than anywhere. but we seen them on the east coast and
they range from Texas, Illinois, New York, Georgia, Denver, Oregon, Ohio,
Seattle, etc. someone needs to get on this. would it not be the biggest ufo
event in the us maybe even worldwide? im just asking it seems like a lot to
me and not a word from anyone. we all know it will be censored soon.
Ok, clearly in the first video that is nothing more than one of those
lanterns you light and let them float up to catch a breeze. Damned fire
hazard if you ask me. I’m not a debunker and I absolutely do believe in
alien beings visiting this planet, but c’mon, you can’t call every lighted
object in the sky a UFO, especially around the 4th of July when so many of
those lantern objects are less loose in the skies … just sayin’
Stay tuned and Subscribe to Thirdphaseofmoon For More Incredible Video
Captured on the 4th Of July 2014!
Stay tuned and Subscribe to Thirdphaseofmoon For More Incredible Video
Captured on the 4th Of July 2014!
Guys, please start being able to decipher between what a Chinese lantern
and a UFO is please
It’s ok for dumb-asses to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and
teach these lies to their children, but things actually SHOWN always cast
doubt to these mindless sheep.
Candle lanterns, they sell em at the fireworks stand ….
It’s funny how «they» used to try not being seen by anyone and nowadays
they see fireworks and have to fly over when they well now that people are
going to be watching the sky. That tells you, or it tells me at least, that
they are letting us see them on purpose. The Great deception is almost here
folks. Get ready to see most people around been fooled to believed that
they are «aliens» from other worlds. Something big will most likely happen
first before they come out to «make first contact». They are nothing but
demons, and their destruction is at hand. Don’t join them, we are a higher
type of creation now.
A lady asked, why doesnt ET land on the White House Lawn and speak to the
President. The answer is that ET is looking for Intelligent people.
I am to the point where I need to see a real craft land and something come
out because anyone can put anything in the air today. Enough with the
light shows.
lol arguing weather or not ufos are real or fake.. on a video of ufos…
lol if you don’t believe in this conspiracy. why are you watching this
video in the first place?
7/4/2014 seen 5 with my whole family they followed a strait line the
difference with my sighting is that as they came through a small cloud the
fire orange color went out and in the moonlight we could see what they were
each was a disc black as coal. they maintained speed until out of sight.
the disk were about the size of a dime held out at arms length in the sky.
so my question is why does the humidity of the cloud stop the orange light
as if they were on fire? they weren’t meteorites or anything like that I
know because they traveled a minute or so behind each other on the same
path and once the light went out as they pasted through the small cloud in
the moon light we could clearly see large disc. besides meteorites don’t
follow the same path nor do they maintain distance and speed. there was no
sound at all they didn’t have a tail or trail like meteorites and they were
huge as I said the size of a dime at arms length. so I would guess maybe 50
to 100 yards wide? im not an expert on things like that lol. they were
traveling as fast as the passing planes or alittle faster no flashing
lights at all and they did look as though they were on fire. it was
something I am proud to have seen no matter what they were. the lights were
nice but when the lights went out the disc was what really got me excited
never seen anything like it before an may never see it again but atleast I
got to see it once and not just one but 5. they were in the united states
over northeast Georgia they came from south Carolina heading in the
direction of Atlanta they traveled many miles before they got out of sight
it was around 9:30 to10 at night. it was too awesome to miss. the disc I
will never forget silent and large they were like holes in the sky against
the silver color of the moonlight. thanks for the read and please tell me
if you have ever seen anything like this. I have heard of the fireballs but
never knew they would go out to reveal the disc I have never heard anyone
say anything about it. so please leave a comment if you have seen it or
anything close. I would love to know what they may be.
Who was recording the first video ? Was it bill & Ted? .
They are between us, avoiding destroy the human race
I live in Edgewood Maryland, last week I was outside looking in the skies
at around 11:30 pm counted 6 ufo they traveled the length of the sky from
one side to the other in about 1 minute. They were vey very high up, they
looked like stars moving. The light on them would fade out then fade back
in and get really bright. A couple were constant bright white light. 2
passed each other one going east one west they looked like they touched
each other they were so close the lights looked like 1 for a split second.I
came back out later in the next morning around 4 am and saw 2 more, same
M.O. They are up there guys. I probably would have missed these ones if my
5 yr old nephew had not seen them and asked» why is that star moving»
Why is it that this guy sees a flying object and then starts trying to move
around making the Camera shake instead of standinb very still and getting a
better shot , annoying yet good catch.
Lots of ufo’s on 4th July, disguised as Chinese lanterns.
The first clip was very good; however they could be Chinese lanterns in the
second capture! Since it’s 4th of July; it would make sense…and that they
ALL seemed to move in the same direction, and very slowly.
Nice post guys! Hope you had a great 4th!
None on those were UFOs, the first one, was fireworks paper a amber on fire
falling away. The second looked to be planes or something. I see those all
the time I live outside of the top air force base in America and I think if
any of these people seen a real UFO they wouldn’t know what to do with
themselves. A triangle craft hovered over me and my home 30 feet above me
they are bigger than two cars wide by three cars long, silent and fast but
can slow down to a crawl. This thing came over the power line at tree
level. They are very careful about where they go. They will make you dizzy
and almost make you pass out from the forces pushing down on you. Stop
being fooled by silly videos like this. The real thing turned my hair gray
the next day and will kill your plants. They are real and out there.
they were nation wide. several states besides I know for a fact they wern’t
lanterns. it was massive across the whole US. just type in ufo july 4 2014
or orange ufo july 4 2014 you will see it was across many states I have
noticed more in cali than anywhere. but we seen them on the east coast and
they range from Texas, Illinois, New York, Georgia, Denver, Oregon, Ohio,
Seattle, etc. someone needs to get on this. would it not be the biggest ufo
event in the us maybe even worldwide? im just asking it seems like a lot to
me and not a word from anyone. we all know it will be censored soon.
looks like an average paper lantern , lots of them floating by. i have seen
it first hand & that is exactly what it looks like.
there drones and have beenfor 50 years
Ok, clearly in the first video that is nothing more than one of those
lanterns you light and let them float up to catch a breeze. Damned fire
hazard if you ask me. I’m not a debunker and I absolutely do believe in
alien beings visiting this planet, but c’mon, you can’t call every lighted
object in the sky a UFO, especially around the 4th of July when so many of
those lantern objects are less loose in the skies … just sayin’