We try out the Independence Day Movie Theory on Independence Day! Do we find a breakthrough in the search for the jetpack? Please Like and Subscribe! Video Rating: 4 / 5
Independence Day UFO Crash Attempt & Flight School DLC — GTA 5 Jetpack / Chiliad Mystery: 25 комментариев
When I was in Poland, I was propably 10 at the time. I was with my mum
walking near a child nursery… I looked up and a round object, it wasn’t
that high in the air. I told my mum to look ( i knew about ufos at the time
but not aliens) up in the sky but she didn’t because she was on the phone,
so I just stared at it. It was in one place, then it just started flying
away or it just slowed down alot and at that hight it looked like it wasnt
moving. So then it speeded up, and then i just looked away. I can remember
this now and i cant think why it was there. It was black colour if anyone
wonders. Im trying to think if it was a military plane the newest one that
looks like a bat and can turn invisible but i dont know.
Last holiday (the 2 month one end of school year) I was fishing with my dad
(my hobby lol) and then 2 military planes run just above our heads 😛 It
was cool because i saw how they looked pretty good and they were lower.
(This doesnt link to the paragraph above by the way) . So my dad did see it
too but propably doesnt mean anything about any ufos.
11:01 something that looks like a small alien flies out when you hit the
ship, I’m not sure if it was just smoke but I think it looks like a
steriotypical alien with a big head etc
Trippy can you give me a shout out? I love your theory’s and I try and put
things together and I got some crazy stuff, buts it a lot. Thx for making
these videos!
hey. i was watching other GTA5 videos when i came across one of this guy
doing glitches to get in buildings. At about 10 minutes into the video he
is in the humane labs. i noticed it was on Floor negative 1 (-1). Maybe
this has something to do with the Elevator at the fort.
Trippy try to do yoga on the mountain while the sun looks like its above
the mountain because on the map on mt chilliad the eye is basicly the sun
and the like connects to the egg which gets cracked because it looks
cracked here me out as the eye (sun) is above mt chilliad, do yoga on horga
Some guy on youtube made a vid and he showed a sort of tunnel in a mountain
and its about the jetpack. He said he cant show it or the locaton untill
the game comes out .The games out and he doent tell ):
When I was in Poland, I was propably 10 at the time. I was with my mum
walking near a child nursery… I looked up and a round object, it wasn’t
that high in the air. I told my mum to look ( i knew about ufos at the time
but not aliens) up in the sky but she didn’t because she was on the phone,
so I just stared at it. It was in one place, then it just started flying
away or it just slowed down alot and at that hight it looked like it wasnt
moving. So then it speeded up, and then i just looked away. I can remember
this now and i cant think why it was there. It was black colour if anyone
wonders. Im trying to think if it was a military plane the newest one that
looks like a bat and can turn invisible but i dont know.
Last holiday (the 2 month one end of school year) I was fishing with my dad
(my hobby lol) and then 2 military planes run just above our heads 😛 It
was cool because i saw how they looked pretty good and they were lower.
(This doesnt link to the paragraph above by the way) . So my dad did see it
too but propably doesnt mean anything about any ufos.
Can you try this with the fort zancudo ufo ?
If you had notice it had FIB
I saw a UFO on 4th of July in real life
Nice try guys, happy Independence Day 🙂 The UFO disappeared at the end but
that’s probably normal.
11:01 something that looks like a small alien flies out when you hit the
ship, I’m not sure if it was just smoke but I think it looks like a
steriotypical alien with a big head etc
U should jump onto it put a sticky bomb on it and perashut down and blow da
UFO up.
Hey Trippy , I just found a writing, in a wall of a barber shop, that shows
the jetpack and the space docker
Good video trippy!!!
Trippy can you give me a shout out? I love your theory’s and I try and put
things together and I got some crazy stuff, buts it a lot. Thx for making
these videos!
hey. i was watching other GTA5 videos when i came across one of this guy
doing glitches to get in buildings. At about 10 minutes into the video he
is in the humane labs. i noticed it was on Floor negative 1 (-1). Maybe
this has something to do with the Elevator at the fort.
I mde it, and the results were that the U.F.O moved, but not too much.
Trippy try to do yoga on the mountain while the sun looks like its above
the mountain because on the map on mt chilliad the eye is basicly the sun
and the like connects to the egg which gets cracked because it looks
cracked here me out as the eye (sun) is above mt chilliad, do yoga on horga
When he crashes into the UFO for the last time the UFO said FIB on
I know where the jetpack is it’s in the IAA building then it’s in someone’s
garage then you got the jetpack but I got the jetpack before
Some guy on youtube made a vid and he showed a sort of tunnel in a mountain
and its about the jetpack. He said he cant show it or the locaton untill
the game comes out .The games out and he doent tell ):
Thx 4 thee shout out sorry about the misspelling in my coments my tablets
keyboard is crapy
at the end it looked successful
Hey Trippy check this out!!
try with the invincibility cheat
try to hit it from under the ufo like in the movie
I was the guy who made the likes go from 299 to 300 🙂 and for all those
smart aleks (not sure if thats how you spell it) i do want meddle
Cargo bob
Alien buggy
Flying saucer
You figure it out
You are a terrible Jet Pilot… No offense
Ever try taking the Space Docker up to this UFO with a Cargobob?