Details about UFOs UFO documentary
GTA ONLINE #083 • PLAYLIST: ▻ TOURETTE de Franz: ▻ JOIN DIE CREW: ·········…
Details about UFOs UFO documentary
GTA ONLINE #083 • PLAYLIST: ▻ TOURETTE de Franz: ▻ JOIN DIE CREW: ·········…
I’m all 4 America!! Fuck the Government.
There is no biological blood line from Jesus, stop with that bs. the olnly
line is exists in our hearts, which has a spiritual nature, he was bought
up in our realm from virgin by holly spirit, which makes him, clean of any
sexual aspects, he might of called Magdsalina his wife , but on a spiritual
level, get that to your head especially Christians.
area 51, vatican secret archives… there are so many secrets that have
occurred during the course of history that stayed unrevealed even to this
day. all these secrets and cover ups intrigue me and peak my curiosity
because we all want to know whether are we alone, is time travel or
teleportation possible and other secrets but keeping all those things from
people is wrong and i think those secrets wont be revealed during my life
time which is unfortunate because there are so many things that are kept
from us like, things related to aliens, religion, parts of history,
technology ….
Does Obama knows about this stuff?
All of them are totally fake. Despite all the supposed thousands of
opportunities, the billion plus cameras on planet earth, the billions of
people from whom you might expect at least one unequivocal siting, there is
not one clear picture that proves their existence beyond doubt .. not one.
Supposed UFO sightings are all conveniently at a distance, conveniently
blurred, conveniently obscured, conveniently too fast moving. UFOs are like
so many other manufactured stories published around the world. The whole
UFO thing is a complete lie and frankly, really rather stupid.
As much as I respect Michio Kaku and usually agree with 99% of what he
professes … I firmly disagree with his analysis here 35:06 …
10:38 Well I can sit here and say we need to know. But actually there is a
part of me that says we don’t need to know. But when we don’t know is when
we get into trouble. And that trouble always starts by lies told to the
people who fund these activities in any land. Now what I mean is. Total
rule of any land is what takes any gov’s respect away from it’s people. And
it’s the gov’s officials who lie about what they are doing. And eventually
get it’s people into war. But the secrecy is what produces more war,
because every gov wants to take out the other. IT’S NEVER THE PEOPLE THAT
WANT THIS. And when the people claim they do is when money becomes the
overall issue they want to fight about. But freedom is always the equation
that gets people into the war. Race is merely a card used to do it. And no
race should be ruling over another. «This land was made for you and me»
that saying should apply to any land. As people have always lived on every
land they can.
So now I ask you all. What are we building so much for, if we rarely get to
enjoy any of it, due to the high prices that allow entry or visitation to
the most extravagant things we create. If any gov gains this NWO.. just
what do you think they will do with their power. Answer is: Look back in
time and see what any gov has done with it’s authority to it’s people they
deem less worthy of life.
I’m pretty sure the «secret» bases are well hidden and will never be
revealed. A-51 etc are probably decoys. Entertaining stuff but I wouldn’t
read too much into this stuff.
You need a bigger shovel to handle all the bullshit.
the roman catholic church is a sinster organisation
yeah what tha fuck is so secret that they are willing to kill over it?
what??? obviously there is something major happening there.
5:48 That sumbitch had fangs.. and the interviewer saw them.. And he lost
his smile.
my god its full of stars
53:06.. I wonder if they picked his wardrobe. lol
Oooh! Conspiracy! 😀 Syfy docu :)
25:29 He looks like a Bush relative. hmm.
This documentary is fake as fukk
Poos n wees
den witz bei 10:25 hab ich nicht verstanden ^^
Drückt «Y» und dabei kann man zielen, prompt machen die es und zack weg
waren sie…wie GENIAL :DDDD
Eure Witze sind manchmal sooooo schlecht, dass sie schon wieder witzig
sind. :D
Hey gronkh da wo du die stelle markiert hast liegen 7 leichen 7m wasser
die der infinity killer ermordet hat
dem hausmeister einen auf den kaugummi blasen aber selbst die fresse
aufreissen hahahahahahahah
Hey Gronkh! da gibt noch eine Frage? Wieso müsst ihr die Ganze zeit
schießen allerdings wenn die Bullen da sind?
Hay gronkh wo hast du die U-Boote her
in Pearl habor warn die u- boote ganz klein
Woher kennt Gronkh eigentlich Kim Possible? (Die beste Disney-Serie aller
Zeiten, wie mein Logo wohl verraten mag)
Kaptain Nemo meldet sich zum Dienst :D
Kann man mit einem cargobob einen U-Boot anhängen
Gronkh du bist der beste wo gta online spielt
Fährt mal mit dem u boot weit aufs Meer und sucht den Hai springt raus und
tötet ihn bittte
Ihr Hättet ja auch das Easter Egg suchen können also ein Seeungeheuer das
riesig ist und euch angreift!!
Die Sache mit Nordkore am Anfang ist dort leider Gang und Gebe. Seht euch
dazu falls es euch interessiert den Film «Camp 14 Total Control Zone» oder
lest das dazugehörige Buch «Flucht aus Lager 14».
Guckt euch mal unsern gta 5 Trailer an gibt ein Markus Maurice
Hi Gronkh Und Sarazar
Macht doch bitte mal eine chaleche wo ihr einfach mit dem u-Boot sinkt am
tiefsten wäre coooooooooool
Der war ja auch Ill xD xD xD
was meinte Sarazar bei 36:56 «kleiner Penislecker» oder meinte er «kleiner
Penis, Lecker» XD
33:15 OOHJAA!
es gibt angeblich ein monster….. also viele knochen :)