Japanese Arcade Claw Game | UFOキャチャー勝ち方

Watch my friend Anthony (AntoneX6) and Alex (subtokyo) play to win at an arcade in Akihabara. The game centre person gave us some help when we got stuck. In …
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Japanese Arcade Claw Game | UFOキャチャー勝ち方: 33 комментария

  1. i would but we were only in tokyo for a month now were back in canada :(,
    he won 2 huge arpakapasso stuff animals, naruto and 4th hokage action
    figure set, big lucky cat stuff animal, young goku action figure, and those
    anime boob mouse pads loool

  2. Yea same figure in America is still more money. Cool video though. I’ve
    tried a few of these and I just can’t commit after spending like 700¥ I’d
    just as soon go buy something I like in a store. Even watching this it just
    seemed so hopeless at one point. Almost like its setup not to win. But I
    still want to play so bad.

  3. i think its about angle too though. when they first set it up if you can
    get it to fall the right way you are good but if it falls wrong then no
    matter how many plays you get u won’t win.

  4. Once again, good background music 🙂 Music to my ears, Ozzy. Now.. to
    comment on the vid.. the mermaid looks frightened. I think she doesn’t
    wanna be catched by claws. Then again… otakus love to catch their prize.
    Only in Japan. Bah! ~ OLDY sayeth so.

  5. Тот кто сделал этот обзор мало что знает про нее. Я когда начал играть
    столько маров было это ваще жесть была,после обновы мары вроде рассосались
    но не все,мары просто подросли до 10лвла

  6. Я про апрель 2011года говорил.Прирост игроков был 45%примерно так,новички
    только только начали играть,мары уже поджидали.

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