Kottabos Space Program EP56 — Finding The UFO Easter Egg

Welcome to the Kottabos Space Program home of the fastest growing space exploration program on Kerbin (and fifth safest to boot). Come and see as we launch our brave (and not so brave) …

https://www.387911.com ☆ Richard Dolan, Alien, UFO Disclosure, Best Speech Ever, Secret Space Program Coast to Coast AM full Radio Shows! — great additional info! Tuesday Nov. 18, 2014 …

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Kottabos Space Program EP56 — Finding The UFO Easter Egg: 14 комментариев

  1. they realy have to add more scaterings arround the kerbin, im shure that
    won,t consume any fps on my comp. but would feel more uuh, you know, you
    can kinda find out what measure surround you. if you are just standing on a
    flat green plane, you don,t know how big is what. but if there are natural
    things like boulders trees and grass all over the place, yu can even
    imagine this as a real place that would exist in rl too. for example a
    savana-ish side next to gigantic mountains, just saing ;D

  2. oh ya more scattering would be nice, I bet that will come in time. though I
    have to admit I’d rather they add cities and such before terrain
    scattering. And ya I really should go find the other space centre at some
    point, from what I hear with the latest patch it is partially under ground
    so maybe I’ll wait till the next update to look for it as perhaps it will
    be back on the surface again (same with the pyramids).

  3. there is even the very old VAB and launchpad somewhere in the middle of the
    wilderness in a valey deep between some mountains, saw it in a vid of
    someone else, might u want to find that too? 😀 also the graphics are
    astounding for the icecaps and for this game O.O

  4. ★ All comments and questions are welcome please feel free to post! Also
    you can search all the videos on my channel using the YouTube search box!
    Just type ➲ 387911 followed by your search term ᴥ example ᴥ 387911 UFO —
    or just search 387911 for random videos from my channel! Thanks for
    stopping by, have a great day on this pale blue dot! Please like and
    Subscribe, it is appreciated. ℒᶖⱴᶖᶇℊᶊᶒℓᶂᶊᶙḟḟᶖçᶖᶒᶇţ 

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