LATEST MURAT & LASZLO UFO VIDEO’S Over CAMPBELLTOWN , SYDNEY AUSTRALIA 11/09/2010.I’m was on the roof top,And Murat show a Spheres U F O again and The U F O Catch turned funny …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Mid north coast N.S.W. Australia.2014 See previous video regarding the star constellation gates. …
Great vid. I’d suggest to invest in some serious powerful lenses and you
can shoot even more amazing videos of these guys.
Good catch. It’s too bad it’s hard to find them in the city.
@lledell20 The sound from the Passing aeroplane.the Air traffic controller
tower see too many unknown object daily
Very interesting and one of best I’ve seen! Did anyone else notice
something shoot across the sky at great speed whilst this sphere was being
filmed? I don’t think you guys filming even noticed it. If you blow the
video up to 400% and still the screen at 2:13 you will see a triangular
dark craft with lights on the 2 back corners.
hella sweet
Great video, as always you two, But Laszla it was on top of the cloud!
Thanx for the giggles again, you two are one of a kind! 8 D
List camera and filters used. Were you using nightshot during daytime here?
or solar obliteration technique? You do not research if you do not record
data, just entertain.
@sandymogs Thank you!!!! We didn’t known.
Very interesting and one of best I’ve seen! Did anyone else notice
something shoot across the sky at great speed whilst this sphere was being
filmed? I don’t think you guys filming even noticed it. If you blow the
video up to 400% and still the screen at 2:13 you will see a triangular
dark craft with lights on the 2 back corners.
@Sheilaaliens Thank you to make comment on my video.We recorded only today
it was lot’s of fun with Murat.
Meglátogattam az ufókat. Köszönöm.
Great footage im glad others are seeing them too.
@colourufo Koszonom hogy megnezted a videom.Amikor egyutt
filmezunk»videozunk» Murat baratommal, mindig megjelenik egy nagy objektum,
gepezet. Thank you to watching my videos. When we filming together with My
friend Murat, Always the big one object appears.
i saw something over campbelltown about a halfhour ago
Hello Thanks for post these videos………. is very difficult to search in
the internet true videos about UFO’s…. THANKS VERY MUCH FOR SHARE THIS
you have to see it to beleave it and i beleave there real because Iv seen
something very similar hope more people can see ufos so they can find out
there real to
@DABOXASH Thank you to watch our video footage.Whenn Murat coming to my
place to film the U F O daytime we Always Catch good U F O’s. But it always
turning so Funny.
lol I dont know why but these guys talking reminds me of the group X video
‘Mario Twins’ Thanks for upload
@timothy9191 I am sorry too, But the today H D camera has stop to making
the Night Shut position.And you can’t using this Infra red digital filter
to catch invisible UFOs.
@aukalen I am so sorry, but this camera has no manual focus.Sony DCR-DVD653
E. Digital Video Camera. And I Known’s how can I filming.Sometime I have no
time to use the tripod,When I filming, I can’t use the tripod.
you have to see it to beleave it and i beleave there real because Iv seen
something very similar
Seen these before my friend one watched me playing ball when i was a kid
just 60 meters away from me. and let me tell you it ended with 5 RAF jets
trying to chase it. So yes i belive you 100%
lazlo needs a new career or eyes =)
All I’d like to know is The Laszlo and Murat comedy team appearing live at
a venue any time soon? LOL.
I listened to an interview and a man claims he was on mars for 17 years
fighting for the US in the military. Said he went to the moon first through
a local wormhole, said he was having skirmish battles with a reptile
species and an insect ET species. Said his consciousness had been placed
into many different bodies due to death or destruction of the old. I mean
this guy is pretty convincing. Do you Belive that we have this kind of
technology? Wormholes, time travel, galactic travel and tons of ET contact?
John, I noticed You have not been posting videos lately. I can tell that
you put a lot of work and effort into them and I want you to know I
appreciate all of them. To me this information is more important than any
other video on the internet. I hope you get more up soon. I love learning
about these things. I check for new videos often and its been disappointing
haha. I want you to explain the other side. How does one see? How do you
know what’s what and who’s who? Where are you? Is their any structure to
it? Or just a bunch of energy flying around? I’d like to see a video with
details of the other side from your experience.
Ionizing the air is a giveaway the airship has coils from Nikola Tesla
John, I noticed You have not been posting videos lately. I can tell that
you put a lot of work and effort into them and I want you to know I
appreciate all of them. To me this information is more important than any
other video on the internet. I hope you get more up soon. I love learning
about these things. I check for new videos often and its been disappointing
haha. I want you to explain the other side. How does one see? How do you
know what’s what and who’s who? Where are you? Is their any structure to
it? Or just a bunch of energy flying around? I’d like to see a video with
details of the other side from your experience.
ive seen these lights the past few years. still debating whether they are
interdimensional or part of US Darpa project. i play dance music and they
zip around like the Stephenville lights of Texas….when i talked to them
and asked them to play a particular commercial on tv, they did. very
bizarre. experiment and talk to them, i think they are conscious….
John, is it possible that after one dies and does not know exactly what to
do, that the soul could be tricked by an ET civilization such as the
reptilians, and think they are going into the light towards a «Jesus» or
past relative character that is only a hologram and be trapped by the ET
soul wiped clean an forced back to earth to be reincarnated or even worse
torchered. Are there thing to look out for once you die and are in spirit?
Please help me out as I want to go back to source.
Good point John all the answers are withn, also, one cannot and will not
experience what they are not the vibration of. Stay positive and loving and
its paramount that you truly understand that and are genuine. If this is
the case lower astral entities can not exist on the same level as you??
Thanks for the reply John. I recently have been very interested in
meditation. I am very new to spirituality however I am facinated. I listen
to videos all day, I read. I am completely obsessed with learning about all
one must learn. Help me, I want to meditate but all I get is my eyes
closed, looking into black eye lids. I am not meditating I am just sitting
in silence. As a beginner John. Teach me how to be silent and still and in
the know and feel that small saddle energy that’s always there. I want to
meditate I want to grow, expand and help. What are some practices, tips,
expectations that may tell me I’m meditating in a most efficient way. I
understand its personal. But I am reaching out for guidance. I want to be
an aspiring practitioner in search of the truth. Help me John.
Awesome John! Thanks for sharing :)
Wow John, those pictures and video are the real thing. Be mindful what you
pray for.
Wow John! I was a young girl the first time I saw one, well there were 3
actually, but they looked nothing like these.
John. Did you know this sighting was coming before hand? In vision or