Electrostatic discharge after earthquake, almost always happens. again
something I was taught in high school and is common knowledge.
Seems people are getting stupider every generation in the USA
also doesn’t have the «I was watching faux news» going for him ether….
My husband & I were watching FOX11 NEWOn 3/17/14 @6:30am & he noticed a
flash of a light on the screen as the reporters kept talking about the 4.7
North Hollywood ,Ca quake,that we just had moments prior, so we reminded it
& @6:34am Fox11 LIVE NEWS was a UFO light flash of color of a sun shaped
disc on the left of screen then disappears in a blink of an eye! Now what
is it? Comments please!
0.o wtf was that! yo there is some weird ass shit going on here i live on
the east coast so im not very familiar with quakes ..except that
introduction of one we had in central VA in 2012 i believe .. freaky shit
that was .. BUT .. i find it very hard to believe that an earthquake can
have anything to do with the sky but that shit sounds totally made up just
like the made up shit of the chemtrail clouds now known as a «common» cloud
formation .. ground shaking lights in the SKY!? are we on earth still? …
There have been many historical reports of light sources being witnessed in
the sky around the time an earthquake hits. It could very well be a natural
phenomenon that may have been captured on film for the first time. Then
again, there is also HAARP and other Government programs in the realm of
unnatural phenomenon that could possibly explain this as well. A few
possibilities, but «UFO» less likely.
I heard an explosion that same time i was awake here in North Hollywood,
Ca, to be honest I though it was a meteor or nuclear bomb that had crashed
cause i heard the echo and explosion. I havnt been this scared cause my
reaction to it was a bomb or meteor not even a quake by itself came in
mind. Car alarms where going off and dogs barking. This was more than an
earthquake. Strange to me that they changed the location of the epicenter
of the quake back to Encino. Many friends told me they though it was an
explosion too. Im baffled by this and have no idea what it could have
Sorry I said 5:35am, it was 6:35am Ca
Electrostatic discharge after earthquake, almost always happens. again
something I was taught in high school and is common knowledge.
Seems people are getting stupider every generation in the USA
also doesn’t have the «I was watching faux news» going for him ether….
Did Fox 11 say anything to this???
My husband & I were watching FOX11 NEWOn 3/17/14 @6:30am & he noticed a
flash of a light on the screen as the reporters kept talking about the 4.7
North Hollywood ,Ca quake,that we just had moments prior, so we reminded it
& @6:34am Fox11 LIVE NEWS was a UFO light flash of color of a sun shaped
disc on the left of screen then disappears in a blink of an eye! Now what
is it? Comments please!
It would be interesting to know the exact position of the light: Is it up
in the sky or over a hill? It would explain many things…
0.o wtf was that! yo there is some weird ass shit going on here i live on
the east coast so im not very familiar with quakes ..except that
introduction of one we had in central VA in 2012 i believe .. freaky shit
that was .. BUT .. i find it very hard to believe that an earthquake can
have anything to do with the sky but that shit sounds totally made up just
like the made up shit of the chemtrail clouds now known as a «common» cloud
formation .. ground shaking lights in the SKY!? are we on earth still? …
No glare on TV screen…..
What are you people haarping on about?
Notice the Haarp pun?
HAARP Bluebeam preparing the minds of the masses for the arrival of the
‘old gods’ / aliens/ ascended masters/ FALLEN ANGELS
Could it be an Interdimensional Portal? Or maybe some sort of Haarp
Right before the light appears in the sky watch directly below it on the
ground…A bright flash! (it’s a really small dot)
There have been many historical reports of light sources being witnessed in
the sky around the time an earthquake hits. It could very well be a natural
phenomenon that may have been captured on film for the first time. Then
again, there is also HAARP and other Government programs in the realm of
unnatural phenomenon that could possibly explain this as well. A few
possibilities, but «UFO» less likely.
Think it’s part of a NASA HAARP project. Teslas resonator that caused a
quake in central park a long time ago.
Come on guys….it’s Thor returning to earth!!!!
What r u smoking guyzzzzzzzzzzz….. I need some!!!
I heard an explosion that same time i was awake here in North Hollywood,
Ca, to be honest I though it was a meteor or nuclear bomb that had crashed
cause i heard the echo and explosion. I havnt been this scared cause my
reaction to it was a bomb or meteor not even a quake by itself came in
mind. Car alarms where going off and dogs barking. This was more than an
earthquake. Strange to me that they changed the location of the epicenter
of the quake back to Encino. Many friends told me they though it was an
explosion too. Im baffled by this and have no idea what it could have
i do believe you have something there..
That’s a phenomenon known as an earthquake light. There’s not a lot known
about them. You can find an article that attempts to explain them here:
ty…good Lord!
#EarthquakeLights #strangelights #UFO #HAARP
Me an my wife took pics of a flashing ufo yesterday at arround 11:00am
close to calpoly in pomona it was hiding behind a cloud !!!