This is the Magnetgate on steroids.I added the Peace Maker Flywheel and a two stroke pulse trigger. The result is a powerful Self Charger! Video Rating: 4 / 5
cool setup. if i was doing something like this i’d look up to muammer
yildiz concept. the point is to create permanently unblanced magnetic
fields, so you create outer ring of magnets all norths facing in and inner
ring of magnets all norths facing out but slanted at the 45° in respect to
the outer magnets, horisontaly. simple and great. you can use
electromagnets instead of neodymium, it would be muuch cheaper. i’d like to
see such design.
also, if your interested in electrogravitiy, here’s how you could build a
scaled down model of field propulsion craft. you make a cylidric vacuum
capacitor (~30cm high) with + electrode (upper) wider than — (bottom) and
you make two toroidal electromagnetic rings, upper slightly narrower, and
you mount them on the capacitor (around center) that serves as the axis of
rotation (bottom ring is connected to -). electromagnets are facing each
other SNNS and few centimeters apart. you put them in counter-rotation
(bottom ring rotates counter-clockwise) of at least 20,000 rpm (with
mounted brushless motors) and induce high voltage high frequency (square
wave) pulsed dc current into assymetric capacitor and the electromagnets
(capacitor and electromagnets are 2 separated electrical circuits). two
opposing magnetics fields will create a vortex of electrons and positrons
and due to upper electromagnet being narrower it will create what john
keely called ‘artificial neutral center of mass’ that a natural neutral
center of mass shall follow resulting in motion of the system. playing with
parameters should allow you to achieve levitation. it shouldn’t cost much
assuming you already have tools and high voltage power supply. for more
info contact me at zerocool1101[a]
As far as I know all pulse motors have a sweet spot. Where the motor draws
little power while producing the maximum BEMF. The sweet spot is not
necessarily the maximum RPM of the motor. You may want to add some
batteries to the charge side. Thats a lot of power (15+volts) to be pumping
into a single 12 volt battery. Looking good! Thanks for posting! Peace!
This guy proposes a theory for free energy and here you guys are declining
something that could change everything because it «makes too much noise»
cool setup. if i was doing something like this i’d look up to muammer
yildiz concept. the point is to create permanently unblanced magnetic
fields, so you create outer ring of magnets all norths facing in and inner
ring of magnets all norths facing out but slanted at the 45° in respect to
the outer magnets, horisontaly. simple and great. you can use
electromagnets instead of neodymium, it would be muuch cheaper. i’d like to
see such design.
also, if your interested in electrogravitiy, here’s how you could build a
scaled down model of field propulsion craft. you make a cylidric vacuum
capacitor (~30cm high) with + electrode (upper) wider than — (bottom) and
you make two toroidal electromagnetic rings, upper slightly narrower, and
you mount them on the capacitor (around center) that serves as the axis of
rotation (bottom ring is connected to -). electromagnets are facing each
other SNNS and few centimeters apart. you put them in counter-rotation
(bottom ring rotates counter-clockwise) of at least 20,000 rpm (with
mounted brushless motors) and induce high voltage high frequency (square
wave) pulsed dc current into assymetric capacitor and the electromagnets
(capacitor and electromagnets are 2 separated electrical circuits). two
opposing magnetics fields will create a vortex of electrons and positrons
and due to upper electromagnet being narrower it will create what john
keely called ‘artificial neutral center of mass’ that a natural neutral
center of mass shall follow resulting in motion of the system. playing with
parameters should allow you to achieve levitation. it shouldn’t cost much
assuming you already have tools and high voltage power supply. for more
info contact me at zerocool1101[a]
here’s the schematics for the model
How can you reduce noise
That is dam nice. Is the pulse motor running off of the same battery it is
Watch out !!!! Sirius is coming lol
As far as I know all pulse motors have a sweet spot. Where the motor draws
little power while producing the maximum BEMF. The sweet spot is not
necessarily the maximum RPM of the motor. You may want to add some
batteries to the charge side. Thats a lot of power (15+volts) to be pumping
into a single 12 volt battery. Looking good! Thanks for posting! Peace!
Thanks for sharing where can i find more info circuit schematic Thanks
When I change switches, noise will be reduced.