Here is a LINK to MY WEB SITE FRIENDS Are we being visited by Aliens or is it our governent, why is our government building haarp?
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![UFO World Records [shin vs E-Splice]](
These are the WR’s for MarisaA and SanaeB. shin to the left/top E-splice/アイスプライス to the right/bottom キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!! This might just be the greatest showdow…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Ok if a bunch of wandering bronze age goat herders in Palestine saw
anything like this in the sky I have little doubt that they’d hit the
deck and worship it. Frankly I wouldn’t even blame them. But we have spent
thousands of years gaining knowledge (well some of us have) and modern man
would consider these things as atmospheric anomalies or the product of
technology — alien or not. We would NEVER consider beings from anywhere to
be gods just because they have better technology than we do. Why can’t
Christians ever wrap their heads around this? It’s like a mental block.
Maybe because to them everything, but everything is either ‘of the lord’ or
‘of the devil’ they think we have the same limitations.
We don’t, so I hate to tell you but your final battle, end of the world,
that you just can’t wait for won’t be coming this way because we’re too
advanced to be duped by a light show. It’s just that the people who wrote
your holy book didn’t know that. How could they? These people didn’t know
why it rains. They attributed everything imaginable to a god and if the
rest of us hadn’t grown the hell up and gone in search of some real,
factual explanations (while dragging you lot kicking and screaming into the
modern day with us) you’d be sitting in a mud hut waiting for the next
stoning for a bit of entertainment instead of reading this. Please stop
insulting us by pretending that we would ever think the way you do. If
anyone is going to start worshiping aliens because they have some neat
tricks it’s far more likely to be you.
3UFO types: (1)Psalm 68:17 The CHARIOTS of God are… thousands upon
thousands. (2) Rev 12:7 the dragon and his angels(REBEL ALIENS) were
defeated , 9 And was forced DOWN TO THE EARTH, and HIS ANGELS(WITH UFOs)
WITH HIM.(3)Rev13:4 because he(REBEL ALIEN COMMANDER) had
bestowed(TRANSFERRED) on the beast(NAZIS&US GOV) all his dominion(ALIEN
TECH= MAN MADE UFOs) and authority(MASS CONTROL INTEL); they also praised
and worshiped the beast(ARMY), exclaiming, Who is a match for the beast,
and, Who can make war against him?
Act2:19 And I will show wonders(FLEETs) in the heaven above(SKY), And signs
on the earth beneath(CROP CIRCLES);Mat24:24 and shall show great
signs(UFOs) and WONDERS ; Luk21:11 and there shall be terrors and great
signs(UFOs) from heaven(SKY)25 And there shall be SIGNS in sun and moon and
stars;Jer10:2 saith Jehovah, be not dismayed at the SIGNS of
heaven(SKY);Isaiah 66:15 For, behold, Jehovah will come with fire, and his
CHARIOT(UFO) shall be like the whirlwind;
these light are used by all army’s during night war peace time they are
using as a exercise
Some are holograms but most are the Ashtar Command Crew, and the Galaxtic
Federation of Light. They are Us, from the future. Governrments been hiding
them for years now. No more, I love them. <3
Its the LA battle again!
why chang the subgect
Maybe just the UFOs, and not the bible thumping conspiracies and mythos.
I don’t know and I don’t think nobody else knows whats going on in this
world but , it looks to me like the ufo people are trying to follow the
chem planes , and also make up their minds on rather to en us now or later
.. its sad ..
The ufo in India were real , it was confirmed by indian government in
Dude You Have To Copy Off Someone GOSH
Well one thing for sure Nikola Tesla,was the one who created the death
ray,which also has to do with Direct Energy weapons,So yes HARRP falls
along the same lines!
You may wish to check the Phoenix Lights event. Seen by 20 000 people in
Arizona. The Governor of Arizona ridiculed the witnesses bluntly while
holding his position, but admitted later that he had seen the phenomenon as
well and that the lights in the sky over Arizona were most likely of
extraterrestrial origin (1:21:00). Former US Astronaut Edgar Mitchell comes
to the conclusion that it was a spaceship (0:52:00): «The Phoenix Lights —
we are not alone». Contrast it with the respective Bashar-video on the
Phoenix lights and the reason given for choosing Phoenix for initial mass
sighting, i.e: rising from the ashes.
…., once you see with your own eyes and that strange feeling comes over
you…..,you will believe!
The Beast has already been born,.
Satan is the ruler of this world and corruption has abounded as the truth
has been turned on. There are very few that have stayed in the truth of
Jesus is the way the truth and the life. The celebrity of them all will
step forward and then be filled with Satan.
Looked to me like a lot of c.g.i.
If you want to know about haarp just type it in the search bar on you tube.
There are tons of videos about it. 😉
are they scared of europe to many Katholics ?
is this a religious thing?
Man…one of your BEST VIDEOS!…*favorite*…
Wooo!! This was actually exciting to watch. Since the score advantage keeps
changing between stages. While I was a bit disappointed that the Marisa A
player didn’t win(Gee, I wonder why?) I can see why the Sanae B player won
since Sanae B’s shot has both range and power while Marisa A is just Power.
And here I am struggling to unlock the extra stage 3
Their point values are exactly the same when they reached Shou’s 3rd
spellcard. Their scores are not that far apart either.
You can already see the differences between the playstyles.
Shin focuses on grazing, while E-Splice tries to collect points.
man if the sanae player grazed a bit more in the earlier stages his score
would be even more absurd
still, HOLY FUCK that was close
Meanwhile i’m sitting here and i don’t even know how ufo mechanics WORK.
kudos to both players really
Those safe spots O.o
this is twisted as fuck
Curious, do they have live scoring tournaments? Pretty sure people would
use slightly different strategies.
Whoo, go Merisa :3
That said, they both bomb mid-boss Nazrin. I agree, even from a survival
point of view :DD