Max Anomalous — WTKOOA (Salisbury Beach) No.4 of 5: 2 комментария
Enjoying the interviews! I have a bone to pick: You list Allegra with Bill
Hartwell and George and it seems like youre saying they were MAtts friends.
Its very wrong! I know you probably had the names there for a placeholder
or whatever. I don’t think she belongs on a list with Bill and George.
Also- do you need to show the raw footage (I know you edited it together)
before the doc is finished? It’s perfectly fine if you do but I would think
you would want to save it for later. anyhoo, great job,
Enjoying the interviews! I have a bone to pick: You list Allegra with Bill
Hartwell and George and it seems like youre saying they were MAtts friends.
Its very wrong! I know you probably had the names there for a placeholder
or whatever. I don’t think she belongs on a list with Bill and George.
Also- do you need to show the raw footage (I know you edited it together)
before the doc is finished? It’s perfectly fine if you do but I would think
you would want to save it for later. anyhoo, great job,