Best UFO Sighting Of October 2014 Multiple UFOs Light UP Kentucky! Raw video Caught By David shot tonight at 7:42 pm est Check Out DestinationHuman2012 Chann… Video Rating: 4 / 5
If I did a hand stand and held the camera with my feet, it would be less
shaky than this guys video. Seriously, how much of a retard do you have to
be to film a UFO and not be able to hold the camera still for one fuckin
«How credible is it to think that literally thousands of genuine
extraterrestrials would fly millions of light years simply to teach new age
philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult? And why would the
entities actually possess and inhabit people just like demons do if they
were really advanced extraterrestrials?» — John Weldon
I saw the same thing a couple of weeks ago here in Louisville right at
dusk. Planes flying at different altitudes, one leaving a vapor trail, both
reflecting the suns light.
By the way, to the guy that shot the video. You need to work on your
technique. Made me nauseous watching that.
Can this chicken fucker hold his camera still?? Geezus, KYCHICKY, had your
Meth today? I Know that high zoom makes small movements seem large, so HOLD
YOUR BREATH! REST YOUR HAND ON A RAIL! Stick your finger in an electric
socket! but do Something to keep the frame still. Then use a video
stabilizer (or get Blake to do it), because this video makes me want to
slap you upside the head with a CHicken!
I love how Justin C thinks he could do a better job filming. It it shakey
because of how far he has zoomed. On a zoomed camera the slightest movement
is exaggerated by alot. Grab a camera, go try it and have a little respect
for other people.
WOW!! Notice Multiple UFOS In This Incredible Video! Share This Link!
Multiple UFOs Light UP Kentucky! Best UFO Sightin…:
Theyre just contrails from a plane — the second one is another plane much
lower but still catching the last rays of the sun.
If I did a hand stand and held the camera with my feet, it would be less
shaky than this guys video. Seriously, how much of a retard do you have to
be to film a UFO and not be able to hold the camera still for one fuckin
*OVNI Lumineux MULTIPLES*.. Kentucky USA ..
*Multiple UFOs Light UP* .. Kentucky USA..
*Amazing* ..
#ufo #ovni #sighting #kentucky
Sharing with my circles
*20141002* UFOs above Kentucky October 1st 2014
*OVNI Lumineux MULTIPLES*.. Kentucky USA ..
*Multiple UFOs Light UP* .. Kentucky USA..
*Amazing* ..
#ufo #ovni #sighting #kentucky
i wish the UFOs would make them self more present here in canada where i
Chicken? Girl friend? too honest man really
When a camera is on full zoom its quite hard to keep it steady unless your
a statue!
Yeah. Here on earth we call that an ‘Airplane’. Google it. We have lots of
WTF is whrong with his hands???
maybe use a tripod?
«How credible is it to think that literally thousands of genuine
extraterrestrials would fly millions of light years simply to teach new age
philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult? And why would the
entities actually possess and inhabit people just like demons do if they
were really advanced extraterrestrials?» — John Weldon
I saw the same thing a couple of weeks ago here in Louisville right at
dusk. Planes flying at different altitudes, one leaving a vapor trail, both
reflecting the suns light.
By the way, to the guy that shot the video. You need to work on your
technique. Made me nauseous watching that.
worst. Camera guy. EVER!!!!
the voices of the people like the cartoon voices
Omg contrails reflecting the sun light the world is gonna end. Ffs third
phase get off youtube
this guy will never be a sniper… assign him to machine gunners..
Could be neutralizing chem clouds.
Can this chicken fucker hold his camera still?? Geezus, KYCHICKY, had your
Meth today? I Know that high zoom makes small movements seem large, so HOLD
YOUR BREATH! REST YOUR HAND ON A RAIL! Stick your finger in an electric
socket! but do Something to keep the frame still. Then use a video
stabilizer (or get Blake to do it), because this video makes me want to
slap you upside the head with a CHicken!
There we’ll be more
I love how Justin C thinks he could do a better job filming. It it shakey
because of how far he has zoomed. On a zoomed camera the slightest movement
is exaggerated by alot. Grab a camera, go try it and have a little respect
for other people.