For More Exclusive Information on UFO…
Where did the soil go? to another planet?
When we have sink holes where did the dirt go? Around are house we have
hundred of sink holes do to gophers but they leave the dirt near the hole..
Nope. It’s simply a new opening (welcoming door) to the center of the
Earth, or Hollow Earth, as it is sometimes referred to. Or Agartha. Either
way, this hole is near the North Pole, where there is one of the two
biggest openings (the other being the South Pole) to our Inner Earth…look
it up. It’s all over YouTube and the internet. Jules Verne was right! Our
5D Atlantean ancestors live there now…We will be meeting them again
That is a volcanic pipe called a Diatreme aka Kimberlite pipe. They can be
a few miles deep. They are sometimes mined for diamonds . There are over 30
Diatreme diamond mines around the world.
These are impact sites not caverns, in which the bottom of the crater is
actually flat. The cavernous illusion is the shadow of the crater’s upper
Moon,Mars and now Syberia on Earth,what the hell are these holes?
meteorite hole
… Something came out of the earth..not in..this is not from impact.
Super weird.
Earths anus.
Looks like a giant earth worm hole.
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could be a sink hole,butt too deep. Will this be on the news?
Mysterious Hole In The Ground Siberia, UFO Landin…:
voices can be heard not completely crazy voices but voices of suffering…
no way can it be a ufo
USA president is like UFO
Where did the soil go? to another planet?
When we have sink holes where did the dirt go? Around are house we have
hundred of sink holes do to gophers but they leave the dirt near the hole..
The surrounding soil is not enough to fill the hole again, so what was in
there and is now missing?
Damn mole people just won’t stop digging out from the center of the earth.
The Martians are coming!
Hole in ground and so many natural reasons I bet can create it but nooo
«its a alien landing site».
Nope. It’s simply a new opening (welcoming door) to the center of the
Earth, or Hollow Earth, as it is sometimes referred to. Or Agartha. Either
way, this hole is near the North Pole, where there is one of the two
biggest openings (the other being the South Pole) to our Inner Earth…look
it up. It’s all over YouTube and the internet. Jules Verne was right! Our
5D Atlantean ancestors live there now…We will be meeting them again
looks awfully volcanic/glacial
wow what an amount of geologist and physicists we have here i didn’t know
you could get the title with only high school knowledge damn….
This is man made
Not UFO but volcano without gas.
That is a volcanic pipe called a Diatreme aka Kimberlite pipe. They can be
a few miles deep. They are sometimes mined for diamonds . There are over 30
Diatreme diamond mines around the world.
These are impact sites not caverns, in which the bottom of the crater is
actually flat. The cavernous illusion is the shadow of the crater’s upper
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Looks like something came «out» of those holes.
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