Mysterious Hole In The Ground Siberia, UFO Landing Site, The Same MARS

Mysterious Hole In The Ground Siberia, UFO Landing Site, The Same MARS

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Mysterious Hole In The Ground Siberia, UFO Landing Site, The Same MARS: 27 комментариев

  1. Where did the soil go? to another planet?
    When we have sink holes where did the dirt go? Around are house we have
    hundred of sink holes do to gophers but they leave the dirt near the hole..

  2. Nope. It’s simply a new opening (welcoming door) to the center of the
    Earth, or Hollow Earth, as it is sometimes referred to. Or Agartha. Either
    way, this hole is near the North Pole, where there is one of the two
    biggest openings (the other being the South Pole) to our Inner Earth…look
    it up. It’s all over YouTube and the internet. Jules Verne was right! Our
    5D Atlantean ancestors live there now…We will be meeting them again

  3. That is a volcanic pipe called a Diatreme aka Kimberlite pipe. They can be
    a few miles deep. They are sometimes mined for diamonds . There are over 30
    Diatreme diamond mines around the world. 

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