…awesome.. I love Bob Lazar shows..I believe everything he says…but if
the government wanted him dead ..he would be dead,believe me..its a set
If Lazar was a employee and was exposing classified information, why is he
still walking as a free man ?
Even the fact that he was telling where the hangars are or that he was
employed there would put him into jail.
There is no need to tell his statments about UFO and so on were really to
get him arrested.
If he was at MIT or Caltec there should be people who can confirm that if
he was a student there should be hundreds of people who saw him studying
there or taking exams.
And he should have the documents to prove it like his diplomas and so on.
Well F* me! The most obvious disprovable fact of Lazars debauchery and
lies was just last year proven to be true. Lazar made the then obviously
erroneous claim of an element with 115 protons. As a ‘physicist’ he would
have known that this element did not exist. For me this was the
incontrovertible proof that Lazar was a wing-nut. Today I read that the
element was found (in 2003 by a group of Russian physicists) and confirmed
by independent labs. While not very many of Bob’s claims can be
substantiated, some can. And it may be in the little missed details that
the Gov has failed to completely obliterate his life and discredit him
without exposing themselves. If he was fined for exposing the secrets the
very fact of fining him would lend credibility to his story. His death
would just add to the conspiracy. Him alive is the better way to provide
disinformation to the casual observer as Lazar is seen mostly as a wing-nut
with no history.
he should be afraid —they have killed Philip Schneider…he was talking
too much talking about the number and different types of aliens that we
already have living underground…
Bob Lazar didn’t say he worked at area 51 , he did say he worked at a
remote location on the same base called S4. «sheep dipped» scientists
aren’t usually the graduated head of the class type nerds , theyre the ones
who would have a hard time finding employment because of where in their
class they graduated. Also , his story didn’t change over the years and
hes not looking to make money off it.
i do believe about Bob’s story. The guy looks so sincere and gives so much
details about his taks, people he met, and even took his friend to a zone
to look for those spacecrafts.
I do believe in live on other planets and that our gov’t are involved with
It’s possible EG&G hired Bob as a disinfo agent.
That’s why he was and is so confident, the government is on his side.
He’s a decoy.
Now people are glued to his UFO stories
and not concerned about advanced aircraft.
That’s why he’s still alive and doing well.
This fuss about not being able to document his employment and education
history is reminiscent of ‘birther’ thinking. The overall denial of this
mans credibility is evidence of something and provokes some questions.
I have no idea if he is telling the truth. However I think that those who
disbelieve do so because of what they already accept as true. That makes
them lacking in credibility in my eyes. It means they think they are right
because of what they believe. Which of course is an unscientific method and
places them in the same room with people who defend their religious beliefs
against other religious beliefs.
It is easy enough for the gov’t to erase someone’s credentials
electronically, however, BL can always produce photos and people from MIT
and Cal Tech to substantiate his education. This would stop the FBI in it’s
tracks. For all we know, his doubters/critics are probably gov’t agents
experienced in counter intel or misinformation.
To kill BL would be abject stupidity because it would validate him.
Perhaps they need to pay him off instead. Everyone has his price, so it is
said. It is also more efficient, cleaner, cheaper and pervasively thorough.
IMO, he is telling the truth because he has more to lose than gain. Going
against the US Gov’t is a risky life threatening endeavor. Only the brave
or desperate travel down this path.
If it was not for the Phoenix incident in the 90s and the sighting made by
the Japanese pilot and the Travis Walton story, I would call everyone
including me who is watching this; A Dumb Smuck. To date there is no
evidence. Not a body or a ship or anything, so all I can do is listen, take
it in. Life is everywhere in the universe at different stages like
trash on a third world street so why Earth ? Maybe when the gov gets
caught with this technology they use fake aliens to cover up their
technology and in Lazar’s case to test for a Rats before they grant him
clearance to work with some damn good technology.
i never would have done that if i was working there. no one would have done
that. BALLS of STEEL . or more like scientific insanity. they had serious
security. and then he goes on the news ? crazy ass weirdo
giving a blow dryer to a monkey is like giving a computer to a human
neither will ever question how they’re made
there’s no better secret than advanced technology
Even if it’s all bullshit. I just love listening to it and fantasize that
it’s true :D
…awesome.. I love Bob Lazar shows..I believe everything he says…but if
the government wanted him dead ..he would be dead,believe me..its a set
Few points make nosense or are inconceivable.
If Lazar was a employee and was exposing classified information, why is he
still walking as a free man ?
Even the fact that he was telling where the hangars are or that he was
employed there would put him into jail.
There is no need to tell his statments about UFO and so on were really to
get him arrested.
If he was at MIT or Caltec there should be people who can confirm that if
he was a student there should be hundreds of people who saw him studying
there or taking exams.
And he should have the documents to prove it like his diplomas and so on.
It just doesnt make really sense.
Well F* me! The most obvious disprovable fact of Lazars debauchery and
lies was just last year proven to be true. Lazar made the then obviously
erroneous claim of an element with 115 protons. As a ‘physicist’ he would
have known that this element did not exist. For me this was the
incontrovertible proof that Lazar was a wing-nut. Today I read that the
element was found (in 2003 by a group of Russian physicists) and confirmed
by independent labs. While not very many of Bob’s claims can be
substantiated, some can. And it may be in the little missed details that
the Gov has failed to completely obliterate his life and discredit him
without exposing themselves. If he was fined for exposing the secrets the
very fact of fining him would lend credibility to his story. His death
would just add to the conspiracy. Him alive is the better way to provide
disinformation to the casual observer as Lazar is seen mostly as a wing-nut
with no history.
he should be afraid —they have killed Philip Schneider…he was talking
too much talking about the number and different types of aliens that we
already have living underground…
It appears most if not all the posters are dismissing the claims of Mr.
lazar. All I can say is remain a skeptic and enjoy the rest of your life.
this is Bullshit and if you believe it you are retarded
Bob Lazar didn’t say he worked at area 51 , he did say he worked at a
remote location on the same base called S4. «sheep dipped» scientists
aren’t usually the graduated head of the class type nerds , theyre the ones
who would have a hard time finding employment because of where in their
class they graduated. Also , his story didn’t change over the years and
hes not looking to make money off it.
i do believe about Bob’s story. The guy looks so sincere and gives so much
details about his taks, people he met, and even took his friend to a zone
to look for those spacecrafts.
I do believe in live on other planets and that our gov’t are involved with
Crudedude loves to toss Bobs salad and meets up in filthy bathroom stalls
to suck cock. I have proof.
In any case this is a story of a coward.. He didn’t open his mouth BC he
wanted people to know, he said something bc he was scared.
If Lazar obtained his education at the schools he cites, then he should
have such information in his personal records—courses he took, diplomas…
It’s possible EG&G hired Bob as a disinfo agent.
That’s why he was and is so confident, the government is on his side.
He’s a decoy.
Now people are glued to his UFO stories
and not concerned about advanced aircraft.
That’s why he’s still alive and doing well.
This fuss about not being able to document his employment and education
history is reminiscent of ‘birther’ thinking. The overall denial of this
mans credibility is evidence of something and provokes some questions.
I have no idea if he is telling the truth. However I think that those who
disbelieve do so because of what they already accept as true. That makes
them lacking in credibility in my eyes. It means they think they are right
because of what they believe. Which of course is an unscientific method and
places them in the same room with people who defend their religious beliefs
against other religious beliefs.
I believe ol’ bob! Go get em tiger.
Lol they say this is a new doc film but certain I saw it many years ago
That was weak. They claimed it was Area 51 when he actually didn’t say
It is easy enough for the gov’t to erase someone’s credentials
electronically, however, BL can always produce photos and people from MIT
and Cal Tech to substantiate his education. This would stop the FBI in it’s
tracks. For all we know, his doubters/critics are probably gov’t agents
experienced in counter intel or misinformation.
To kill BL would be abject stupidity because it would validate him.
Perhaps they need to pay him off instead. Everyone has his price, so it is
said. It is also more efficient, cleaner, cheaper and pervasively thorough.
IMO, he is telling the truth because he has more to lose than gain. Going
against the US Gov’t is a risky life threatening endeavor. Only the brave
or desperate travel down this path.
Bob Lazar is very Bizzarre! He is a fucking bastard, a.k.a. Mister
Whats more interesting is the fact that they talk about his credentials as
he has none. The first thing they (black projects) do is alter records.
If it was not for the Phoenix incident in the 90s and the sighting made by
the Japanese pilot and the Travis Walton story, I would call everyone
including me who is watching this; A Dumb Smuck. To date there is no
evidence. Not a body or a ship or anything, so all I can do is listen, take
it in. Life is everywhere in the universe at different stages like
trash on a third world street so why Earth ? Maybe when the gov gets
caught with this technology they use fake aliens to cover up their
technology and in Lazar’s case to test for a Rats before they grant him
clearance to work with some damn good technology.
i never would have done that if i was working there. no one would have done
that. BALLS of STEEL . or more like scientific insanity. they had serious
security. and then he goes on the news ? crazy ass weirdo
giving a blow dryer to a monkey is like giving a computer to a human
neither will ever question how they’re made
there’s no better secret than advanced technology
Area 51 is a demonic luciferian base for sure they planing to kill 80 % of
us ,,, so demons , we call them UFO but they are demons for real