UFO Sightings Never Before Seen UFO Evidence Watch Now 2014 John-Paul Holkamp from Netherlands shares his strange photo of what looks to be a possible flying saucer while visiting the island… Video Rating: 4 / 5
To make out the underwater structure, someone needs to hire a side scan
sonar and just lower it from a boat. Most come with a camera as well.
Getting hold of one that goes way down might be a problem
I have some footage, how do I get it to you guys
Great post guys! Sending prayers to Dr. John.
i also have some footage.
Why don’t you advise people to film in Night Vision as you can see things
not visible to the naked eye?
UFO fighter or shuttle like Orion Escort Slaver or Romulan Gladiator.
Its definitely a ufo disguising itself as branches
To make out the underwater structure, someone needs to hire a side scan
sonar and just lower it from a boat. Most come with a camera as well.
Getting hold of one that goes way down might be a problem
ill b down to go there and check it out..not by myself ill bring someone
That first could just be a boulder falling second one well spacecraft or
sum unknown lights
was that a dildo coming out from the pillars
I’m trying to find a UFO
wasp nest on a tree. good try though
«New» UFO Sightings Two Never Before Seen UFO Sightings Watch Now 2014
er, um, its a canopy, er trees.
Ha! You say pray?! Pray to who?!?!?! Oh good Lord above let me see an
alien.. Pwease
wasp nest on a tree. good try though
Is Area 51 in Arizona now ? Search it on YouTube John
What’s the location of this place
muy aburrido y falso video
We are not alone
That looks like a stupid movie
blake why not do fundraiser from all your fans to do more intense studies
on such things? i would donate to you