This award-winning documentary reveals, through exclusive interviews with high-ranking military and government personnel, that some Unidentified Flying Objec…
If you do not acknowledge the existence of UFO’s and alien life then I am
afraid you are clinically insane and a danger to yourself and all those
around you.
A very nicely done and informative UFO documentary. I was surprised by the
rarely seen videos shown. Yes, SOME UFOs ARE, most likely,
extraterrestrial in origin. But, they don’t seem too eager to land and
make their existence «officially» known (wonder what finally happened to
that film of the landed craft made at Edwards Air Force Base in the ’50’s
that Col Gordon Cooper mentions in the documentary?). I think that they
are hoping we will finally figure out how their craft work, duplicate them,
and then meet them out in space. That meeting will probably take place at
one of their bases on Mars or one of the moons of the outer «gas giant»
planets in our solar system. Maybe it will happen before the end of this
century. I agree that the UFO phenomenon and its implications ARE the
biggest news story in the history of the human race.
I believe in other life in the galaxy or universe, I just do not understand
why they don’t just make themselves known in a formal manner…if they do
in fact visit our planet.?.
these «aliens» are demonic entities from satan’s realm just waiting to dupe
mankind when the time is right. As we are in the final generation to the
return of Jesus these things are becoming more prevalent around the globe.
As scripture (the bible) tells us, satan is the prince of the power of the
These things will one day appear and fool us into thinking they are our
guardians or that we are descended from them, which will be a lie and lead
millions to hell. Turn to Jesus and get saved folks. Hell is very real
for all
humans (sinners) without the Holy Spirit inside them supernaturally from
Jesus and not obeying Jesus commands.
You have to be born again of the Spirit and obeying Jesus commands to enter
heaven and avoid hell.
Here is Jesus warning:
Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the Kingdom of God
unless they are born again’ [John 3 verse 3…christian bible.].
why are pictures of ufo so bad. why video of ufo so bad. certainly I think
there are alien but they are invisible to the human eye. I think they have
been here for millions of years, they have helped us with many different
things. think about how much has changed. I think it will thousands of
years before we will go to other planets outside our universe. we should
contact them as they help us so there will be a third world war. V tv
series was rikigt good, do not you think, and another question why do you
think the UFO only in usa, earth is great, if I came to earth I would go to
Africa, where there are all things for the curious exception of grounding,
▼ *Are you looking for honest explanations about life’s secrets?* ▼
*Read **»The Present»** at truthcontest◘com to know them. This book reveals
tons and lots of hidden secrets. This is the ultimate truth **you can check
for yourself.*
I have never seen something.maybe i have and just thought it was a plane or
something. Just they all say they go at speeds that just no aircraft can
do. Also the speed would create a sonic boom. Suppose we all will never
know until whatever they are appear and show
ive seen one ( i think ) in belgium … red ball, with a white light ,
hovering in the distance ,then shoots forward , and after that hovers still
again , it made sush an amazing speed without sound or anything … im
pretty sceptic on this stuff, but i know for sure there was no living thing
in that thing… went WAY to fast , acceleration and decelleration like
that would kill instantly … maybe some sort of project i dont know
Someone tell me, that 10.000 people see a huge craft floating right over
Phoenix, and it did not happen? come on people, get real.
If i be a Visitor from a other World, come to Earth and see the hole shit
here , i turne my spacecraft and escape with full lightspeed. !!
if there are others … why would their math be like ours ?? just saying ..
If you do not acknowledge the existence of UFO’s and alien life then I am
afraid you are clinically insane and a danger to yourself and all those
around you.
A very nicely done and informative UFO documentary. I was surprised by the
rarely seen videos shown. Yes, SOME UFOs ARE, most likely,
extraterrestrial in origin. But, they don’t seem too eager to land and
make their existence «officially» known (wonder what finally happened to
that film of the landed craft made at Edwards Air Force Base in the ’50’s
that Col Gordon Cooper mentions in the documentary?). I think that they
are hoping we will finally figure out how their craft work, duplicate them,
and then meet them out in space. That meeting will probably take place at
one of their bases on Mars or one of the moons of the outer «gas giant»
planets in our solar system. Maybe it will happen before the end of this
century. I agree that the UFO phenomenon and its implications ARE the
biggest news story in the history of the human race.
I think the Phoenix lights craft, was one of ours.
The footage of the UFO shooting beams at the rocket. Is that a
reconstruction? As they all say that no one ever saw it again….
a version without the constant disco music in the background would be nice
I believe in other life in the galaxy or universe, I just do not understand
why they don’t just make themselves known in a formal manner…if they do
in fact visit our planet.?.
these «aliens» are demonic entities from satan’s realm just waiting to dupe
mankind when the time is right. As we are in the final generation to the
return of Jesus these things are becoming more prevalent around the globe.
As scripture (the bible) tells us, satan is the prince of the power of the
These things will one day appear and fool us into thinking they are our
guardians or that we are descended from them, which will be a lie and lead
millions to hell. Turn to Jesus and get saved folks. Hell is very real
for all
humans (sinners) without the Holy Spirit inside them supernaturally from
Jesus and not obeying Jesus commands.
You have to be born again of the Spirit and obeying Jesus commands to enter
heaven and avoid hell.
Here is Jesus warning:
Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the Kingdom of God
unless they are born again’ [John 3 verse 3…christian bible.].
why are pictures of ufo so bad. why video of ufo so bad. certainly I think
there are alien but they are invisible to the human eye. I think they have
been here for millions of years, they have helped us with many different
things. think about how much has changed. I think it will thousands of
years before we will go to other planets outside our universe. we should
contact them as they help us so there will be a third world war. V tv
series was rikigt good, do not you think, and another question why do you
think the UFO only in usa, earth is great, if I came to earth I would go to
Africa, where there are all things for the curious exception of grounding,
▼ *Are you looking for honest explanations about life’s secrets?* ▼
*Read **»The Present»** at truthcontest◘com to know them. This book reveals
tons and lots of hidden secrets. This is the ultimate truth **you can check
for yourself.*
jesus isn’t comming. sorry to break that news to you
I love this alien space shit !! Blows my mind !!
shot down the ufos! problem solved
I never said just. I said always. Don’t take it so literally. Maybe you
have problems with English?
watch the video, not just americans.
I have never seen something.maybe i have and just thought it was a plane or
something. Just they all say they go at speeds that just no aircraft can
do. Also the speed would create a sonic boom. Suppose we all will never
know until whatever they are appear and show
it was swamp gas
ive seen one ( i think ) in belgium … red ball, with a white light ,
hovering in the distance ,then shoots forward , and after that hovers still
again , it made sush an amazing speed without sound or anything … im
pretty sceptic on this stuff, but i know for sure there was no living thing
in that thing… went WAY to fast , acceleration and decelleration like
that would kill instantly … maybe some sort of project i dont know
The Time Has Come
why is it always americans who always see these flying saucers?