Phil Schneider, Grey Alien, Underground Bases, UFO Agenda, Conspiracy, Dulce Base, Nightmare Hall — YouTube Video Coast to Coast AM Show(s) — Great Additional information! Monday Aug….
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CLICK HERE: FOR EVEN MORE Mention the topic of UFO’s and not only have most people already formed their opinions about them, bu…
Very cool…Thanks
Very Interesting information about the periodic table, merinite and phoenix
This guy is probably no longer with us if everything he is saying is true.
I will look around and find some more information about Phil Shieder.
Thanks for posting, stay vigilant.
Dulce New Mexico Alien Underground Base ★ UFO Ali…:
Why are you posting this again ? its been posted 100’s of times already.
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have a great day!
loved the video, those commemts at the end lost me.
We Are The Divine the creators of this universe not some unseen entity.
our mortality is merely the next step.
Check out this community about the deception
Love ur videos pastor keep em coming :)
Ok, So what is the connection with God and aliens ?