Secret NASA Old UFO Videos-High Image Quality-Original-3D Keep in archive..
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Subscribe to the everyday dicker’dness… had to stop and get some shots of this but then it appeared they were getting into attack fo…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Great picture. ET a bit small and fast not clear. Thanks.
UFOs over Canada.
Oh God I love Canadians ^_^
What the bloody hell does «suant» mean?
«They’re under attacking me!»
So, they’re hitting your feet? No. You either say. «They are attacking me!»
or «I’m under attack!»
you guys are going to hate me bmp lol
*The Aliens Are Coming For You!!!*
*Better sleep with your hands over your anus tonight!!!*
You can make those with a Tea light candle and paper.
Its Redneckrickem I knew he was building a spaceship in his big shop.
He used ridgerimmers van for parts
Chinese lanterns if anyone is wondering.
The space life ladies and gentlemen. I got abducted by aliens one night
when I was fishing, then a Sasquatch put me in a trance when I was gettin
some water from the kitchen. Looked out the bay window and the big bastard
was starring right at me. I awoke from my trance and two hours had gone by.
Sasquatch are tricky like that, they put you in a trance so they can get
away. Bmp
He sounds just like Bill Murray, doesn’t he?
+Ivan Lopez LOL I’m not the only one who says «Son of a dick». Damn
Canadians. lol
They’re coming to get my anoose.
Son of a dick.
Son of a dick!
You are all laughing right now but trust me on this one, at any moment now,
Almighty GOD, your CREATOR/BOSS is going to unleash them all and when HE
You have the same personality my dad did when I came to Aliens and the
potential of Aliens attacking, lol
It’s the drones from the US
Looks like someone is letting the Walchers get them.
I saw those things in North Carolina one time it was a dickered situation
for sure.
Something very interesting I have heard over the years is that the demons
know the feelings we feel and they see everything that we do,
the Bible says Satan is the accuser of the Brethren I know he watches us
,just to accuse us when judgement day comes,I don’t know why they are able
to feel our feelings ,I could be wrong, but that is something that God
could only know and I’m not really that curious to find out why.
Hey +1puglife check out this case and my case on this ufo site, we both saw
exactly what you have here. Something is happening, no idea what, but it’s
This is obviously fake and a troll lol
Metallic Goat Hawks buddy, mellow out. They only attack goats and miniature
horses that look like goats ffs.
Them aliens get ahold of ya an then they stick their grimey fer frigsackers
up yer anoos to test the pressures of yer program bud. They be crafty
little fuckers
*Bubbles voice* What in the sweet flying fuck was that?! 8C
Their under attacking me! Son of a dick! God damn I love my country