— News & video previews This boss will be changed tonight, and I might re-upload another video. The stomp will now break blocks to…
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Почему Россия и США одновременно прекратили свои программы исследования Луны? Что за объекты видели американцы на луне? Почему засекречены снимки лунной пове…
Ofcourse I’m doing videos from Terraria, why wouldn’t I? 😀 Just giving
this beta a go, to try the different bosses.
Remember that this is just beta — and it’s open to anyone who buys the
This boss is such bullshit. It keeps killing me and disappearing, then I
have to collect the damn resources for the distress call again.
This boss was easy, it was stuck i could kill it with my sword :)
Hey try beating me at this i did this without armor and i had a wooden bow
and a crappy hammer :3
the human is the god luck
😉 🙂 8-O
lol,I killed a ufo boss in 10 seconds, a meteor shower happened and crushed
right when he spawned
U shoud do gameplay of the Starbound
believe my gear would be 1 hit ko on him
;-). ;-)
Gunter! Who told you you could fly!?
I play in beta
Great, another thing to see in the real-life future, penguins with giant
i got the same hammer!!!! i managed to do 1 helth bar per hit on him XD
I don’t like those textures so far…
this first boss its so easy i remember 2ons ikiled this boss
If you’re fighting against the ufo the first time, you can’t have a silver
armor, because the silver armor requires a starmap upgrade mk2. You get the
starmap upgrade mk2, when you already defeatet the ufo.
This game isnt a rip off of terraria at all…
I used a hand cannon from a shroom village matched with a shroom shield and
I didn’t loose 1 hp
I kiled penguin ufo in arena
in12 secons an you yrimir
one time I got it stuck on the ground and killed it easily with turrets and
me and my freind
I killed him with a bow and I was in a house
Cheesed it so much it couldnt even land an attack xD Sorry I used Water
Sword with Bonehammer :P
I like the music
Did this in 2/4 hits…
I mean like he was like a lvl 2 creature to me…