The Shag Harbour UFO incident was the reported impact of an unknown large object into waters near Shag Harbour, a tiny fishing village in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia on October 4,…
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New episode of ancient aliens brought me here… Its getting a lot harder
to hide..
The truth is there in the old and young of today! I know this much, there
was a cover up! Still is too this day. I had stories but now am on my own
with the same question! What was pulled out of Shag Harbour? And why were
the Navy observing Shelburne Harbour?
don’t forget lake echo! been report about there forever, and very close to
shag harbour. saw light flashing above the water many time back in the 70’s
i believe a ufo landed in the water back in 1967 in shag h. i just wish
some1 could of filmed or have scientific proof, cause i know it happend
just like roswell
Now I want to go there its not far from me
So Aliens ship has issues ….Canada calls US an says «u gotta come check
this S%^ out» …. Ufo fixes their ship or alien ..Russia sub asks if
Canada needs Assistance …. Canada & Us navy turn boats around to Drink
Vodka and echange cigerettes with Russkies
Canadian ask priest to Say «nothing to see here folks» Ufo continues
on its fishing trip on Earth….
Most likely a Russian sub.
Chris Styles you never researched to hard .My mother and i had a bigger
story than this that happened about 9.30 that exact same evening.never
talked about in 47 years due to the way we were laughed at by our own
family.good luck convincing people without being labeled a nut case
If you don’t want to be seen, which appears to be the desire of the aliens
since they don’t land on our lawns to say «hello», then why do they have
their ships all lit up?
it did not crash !! it just went home !!1984 peace
UFO Files was a great series. Straight presentation of the facts, good
witnesses and experts and pretty good animation. The shows today waste half
the show on stupid experiments and pathetic recreations, that is if they
are not running through the night for no reason.
i am not into the abduction stuff but seeing this makes me think of MANY
testimonies from these peoples = QUOTE » these ships seem ORGANIC (if not
all ) hence the «orange foam » !! 1984 peace
one more point = this happened 20 years after the roswell crash = hence
this is a mistrial as to say !!! 1984 peace
so we can track UFO’s in the air , underwater and all over the place but we
dont have a flying fucking clue where in the world MH370 is……way to go
Superb report of a UFO here…..reading a book by William Lyne «Occult,
Ether, Physics» very hard to get, but states that most UFOs are actually
human craft but highly suppressed as they use such easy, clean power
sources they’d have to stop using Oil if open about it. Ben Rich (Skunkwrks
Head) said that we have craft able of interstellar travel and much more
that they won’t allow us to have.
I do believe many of the reports ARE of alien craft too, but the new
«Openness» is to cover up any sightings of Their craft (maybe, all my
personal/researched theory).
Another black knight incident.
80 percent alien 20 percent one of ours.