FREE 1-HOUR MOVIE. From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. They have been seen by thousands of eye witnesses. Since World War 2, strange Flying Spheres have been … Video Rating: 4 / 5
The white spheres on the film starting at 11:15 are exactly like the ones I
saw on a clear morning at a lake less than an hour away Fresno, California
in the mid 1970s. I saw five white spherical objects way up in the sky
which were in an alignment. They traveled faster than any jet I have ever
seen, and they made no noise at all. They seemed to almost bounce over the
mountains in the area, and then they went up quickly and disappeared.
To the skeptics I say, just because we haven’t found evidence for the
existence for something, that doesn’t mean that it does not exist in the
first place. We just haven’t found the evidence that’s there waiting to be
Don’t be deceived !!
They are not » Aliens» from another planet! Are we alone ? Yes, we are
God’s creation, there no other beings on other planets.
All these people who claim to communicate with aliens such as the
«pleiadian aliens» or
» zeta reticuli » are being deceived
I live out in the country and its very clear out here and I see their
crafts every once in a while.
If these so called » Aliens »
are benevolent , why is it that whenever I see them I call on Jesus and I
plead Jesus blood for protection and they disappear ? Why? If they were
good and mean us no harm they why would they be afraid of Jesus????
I’ll tell u why, they tremble at the mention of Jesus and can’t stand to be
in his presence , there time is about up , we are living in the last days
I don´t know if the spheres are or aren´t from this planet, the thing is
that i saw one flying in Rio. It was a cloudless morning and the sphere was
there, flying slowly a straight line. What called my attention was the
reflection o f the sun. And it was flying higher than the airplanes do and
I still could see its round shape and the metal color.
I find it strange that no one has commented on the photos at 10:49
If you look at the two spheres in the video «UFO attacks the Columbia» you
will see the same? kind of eyes opening and pointing towards the shuttle
just as they are closing in. Are they cameras??
O Yes there is UFO and there is extra terresterial, those people who won’t
accept it is only religious and don’t wants to accept it because they
belive there is only humanbeing is on earth and that is very very short
They have been seen by thousands of eye witnesses. Since World War 2,
strange Flying Spheres have been reported and filmed making impossible
maneuvers compared to terrestrial aircraft. They can avoid radar and even
disable tracking and flight instrumentation. They have been seen by
military pilots, airline pilots, NASA space shuttle pilots, and even
International Space Station personnel. Is their origin extraterrestrial?
Despite all efforts, Flying Spheres still remain a mystery to UFO
researchers. This program presents everything we now know about this
amazing mystery along with a stunning selection of authentic video footage
of the Flying Spheres.
Maybe mankind isn’t on the guest list after all. Perhaps these ‘anomaly’
are waiting for the emergence of Artificial Intelligence? Will mankind soon
create super computers? Hugo De Garis describes these as ‘Artilects’ —
massively intelligent super machines. If the evolution of our technology is
the real item of interest then as soon as we build those babies the picnic
begins. Let’s hope we are not in the basket with the cucumber sandwiches ;)
It’s false all of it.
The white spheres on the film starting at 11:15 are exactly like the ones I
saw on a clear morning at a lake less than an hour away Fresno, California
in the mid 1970s. I saw five white spherical objects way up in the sky
which were in an alignment. They traveled faster than any jet I have ever
seen, and they made no noise at all. They seemed to almost bounce over the
mountains in the area, and then they went up quickly and disappeared.
someone from made a video of some sphere orbs i managed to get a
picture of. just search «richmond missouri» on youtube
These are demon spirits. Not bloody aircraft, why the hell would a machine
shapeshift and glow and disappear.
i’ve just seen one from my balcony
To the skeptics I say, just because we haven’t found evidence for the
existence for something, that doesn’t mean that it does not exist in the
first place. We just haven’t found the evidence that’s there waiting to be
There is no MYSTERY!
Don’t be deceived !!
They are not » Aliens» from another planet! Are we alone ? Yes, we are
God’s creation, there no other beings on other planets.
All these people who claim to communicate with aliens such as the
«pleiadian aliens» or
» zeta reticuli » are being deceived
I live out in the country and its very clear out here and I see their
crafts every once in a while.
If these so called » Aliens »
are benevolent , why is it that whenever I see them I call on Jesus and I
plead Jesus blood for protection and they disappear ? Why? If they were
good and mean us no harm they why would they be afraid of Jesus????
I’ll tell u why, they tremble at the mention of Jesus and can’t stand to be
in his presence , there time is about up , we are living in the last days
I don´t know if the spheres are or aren´t from this planet, the thing is
that i saw one flying in Rio. It was a cloudless morning and the sphere was
there, flying slowly a straight line. What called my attention was the
reflection o f the sun. And it was flying higher than the airplanes do and
I still could see its round shape and the metal color.
We think we know every thing but we don’t.
Orbs or spheres are very curious and playful beings. They mean you no harm.
They don’t seem to have a objective.
I find it strange that no one has commented on the photos at 10:49
If you look at the two spheres in the video «UFO attacks the Columbia» you
will see the same? kind of eyes opening and pointing towards the shuttle
just as they are closing in. Are they cameras??
I start not believing on this after mexican reporters came in the picture.
i know who they are, where they are from, why thet came, how they got here
and what they are after.
You lot are all nutters.. And should all be put in a very secure place.
Oh! and please do not vote.
… …. lol flying twice
Oliver’s Castle footage is 100% fake. This documentary is excellent and
it’s too bad the filmmaker decided to include it.
O Yes there is UFO and there is extra terresterial, those people who won’t
accept it is only religious and don’t wants to accept it because they
belive there is only humanbeing is on earth and that is very very short
Ah!! Notice the Elvis Picture at 18:07 lol
They have been seen by thousands of eye witnesses. Since World War 2,
strange Flying Spheres have been reported and filmed making impossible
maneuvers compared to terrestrial aircraft. They can avoid radar and even
disable tracking and flight instrumentation. They have been seen by
military pilots, airline pilots, NASA space shuttle pilots, and even
International Space Station personnel. Is their origin extraterrestrial?
Despite all efforts, Flying Spheres still remain a mystery to UFO
researchers. This program presents everything we now know about this
amazing mystery along with a stunning selection of authentic video footage
of the Flying Spheres.
Maybe mankind isn’t on the guest list after all. Perhaps these ‘anomaly’
are waiting for the emergence of Artificial Intelligence? Will mankind soon
create super computers? Hugo De Garis describes these as ‘Artilects’ —
massively intelligent super machines. If the evolution of our technology is
the real item of interest then as soon as we build those babies the picnic
begins. Let’s hope we are not in the basket with the cucumber sandwiches ;)
*Face life’s biggest secrets.*
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If given the chance I’d pump a few 30-06 rounds into one of those little
Pretty amazing footage. Thanks, Salvador, and other independent
Now.. Going by today’s activities.. with what we see going on with
security, & drone use. The man speaking nails it at 5:13.