Take a look at ten of the best evidence UFO cases of all time, as chosen by the world’s most prominent UFO researchers Coming to DVD and Loaded with Bonus Features, 135 min., Cat# U1128, …
Westall 1966. Where is it? 200 kids and teachers saw the craft, a boy
actually touched the landed craft, there is a documentary about it, and it
was suppressed by the higher-ups yet wasn’t good enough to make this video?
What does one have to do, fly the actual craft? The Westall case is as good
as it gets.
When are people going to get this ? This things don’t come from space
Or some planet out there , thy always been here ! What are they exactly I
think I know ! But is what you think that maters ..
8:00 Almost a mile across. Natural Gas contains a significant proportion of
Helium. up to 7% is rare cases. 1000 x 1000 x 1000 Metres is One Billion
Cubic Metres. That would displace 1.29 Million metric Tonnes of air.
Occam’s Razor demands that the obvious and most elementary solution is
given preference for first elimination. Archimedes Buoyancy Principle. (in
air) A Military Project.
Unidentified Flying Objects may not be the best way to describe
them anymore because we’re identifying them as Triangular — Cylinder —
Square — Rectangle — Sphere — Boomerang shaped. The thing is — they don’t
need to be «conventional» flying devices such as planes, or helicopters.
Can you imagine making a box fly? or a pyramid? That’s what a box and
triangle are — boxes and pyramids.
I have been studying the possiblityof the excisance of ufo’s for some time
now.If they were in are galaxcy everyone would know about it there would be
no secrets so please give me some hard evidence not just «BLURD images from
a distance please
When are people going to get this ? This things don’t come from space
Or some planet out there , thy always been here ! What are they exactly I
think I know ! But is what you think that maters ..
Cannot handle this narrator’s morphine drip, close-mic’d,
annoying-mouth-sounds, performance.
what about the Phoenix Lights?
Did you guys notice that UFO that came out of Uranus? :D
Its a shame that they can’t stop this Muslim shit that’s threatening the
Her voice is annoying
Alien’s are real. They are flying around in intergalactic space ships! What
will it take for the human race to understand this?
Westall 1966. Where is it? 200 kids and teachers saw the craft, a boy
actually touched the landed craft, there is a documentary about it, and it
was suppressed by the higher-ups yet wasn’t good enough to make this video?
What does one have to do, fly the actual craft? The Westall case is as good
as it gets.
When are people going to get this ? This things don’t come from space
Or some planet out there , thy always been here ! What are they exactly I
think I know ! But is what you think that maters ..
Nurse Ratched seems to have had a few bong hits too many before doing this
8:00 Almost a mile across. Natural Gas contains a significant proportion of
Helium. up to 7% is rare cases. 1000 x 1000 x 1000 Metres is One Billion
Cubic Metres. That would displace 1.29 Million metric Tonnes of air.
Occam’s Razor demands that the obvious and most elementary solution is
given preference for first elimination. Archimedes Buoyancy Principle. (in
air) A Military Project.
58 Videos… Thanks ..
I hope you all Enjoy
I couldn’t watch it because I think it needs at least three more ads
aliens and ufos are demons in disguise, except the nazi ufos and the ufos
that are secret projects from area 51
I am always amazed that these hyper intelligent UFO crews alway have one
dumb ass that forgets to turn off the running lights.
Unidentified Flying Objects may not be the best way to describe
them anymore because we’re identifying them as Triangular — Cylinder —
Square — Rectangle — Sphere — Boomerang shaped. The thing is — they don’t
need to be «conventional» flying devices such as planes, or helicopters.
Can you imagine making a box fly? or a pyramid? That’s what a box and
triangle are — boxes and pyramids.
Peru, Dallas Texea, New Mexico, new hampture, Vermont, dulce New Mexico.
Russia aerials.
video’s ok but it needs more ads
To deny there existence is to deny our very own. they are here and have
been before the Bible.
I must see this and maybe you should too.!!
interesting but still….. FAKE
نريد أن نعرف الكثير عن مثلث برمودة والأطباق الطائرة
I have been studying the possiblityof the excisance of ufo’s for some time
now.If they were in are galaxcy everyone would know about it there would be
no secrets so please give me some hard evidence not just «BLURD images from
a distance please
When are people going to get this ? This things don’t come from space
Or some planet out there , thy always been here ! What are they exactly I
think I know ! But is what you think that maters ..